Get WorldCat MARC records
Enable MARC record delivery in the institution settings
- Navigate to Settings > MARC Records.
- Select Yes for Enable MARC Record Delivery.
Once you enable record delivery, tabs of settings will appear: Customize Records, WorldCat Updates, Record Delivery, Cataloging Partner Options. You can leave the default settings or customize your records. By default, the following will be included in your records:
Customize your record profile (optional)
Define customizations that will apply across your collections in the Customize Records tab. For additional information, see Configure institution MARC Records settings for knowledge base collections.
- Default and frequently defined record customization
By default, the following fields and data will be included in your records:
- 049 $a: Holding library code (For example: MAIN)
- 590 $a: Provider Name
- 590 $b: Collection Name
Frequently defined record customization:
Delete Fields:
Add Fields:
- 945 $a: Transaction Type – New, Updated, Deleted
- 740 $a: Collection-level notes. Note: If you map collection-level notes to a field in your records, remember to add a note within one or more of your collections.
Knowledge Base Collection 856 Field:
- Add Subfield: z
- Enter Free Form Text: Click here for access (Your 856 links will include $zClick here for access)
Enable collection-level record setting
Search for the collection and open it. Expand the Holdings and MARC Records accordion.
- Choose Use institution setting: [Your institution settings will be displayed here].
After you enable record delivery in the collection, you will see the following tabs of settings: Customize Records, Record Delivery. You can leave the default settings or configure collection-level settings.
Configure collection-level settings (optional)
Define collection-level settings if desired. Listed below are some frequently used settings. For additional information, see Enable record delivery within your collection.
- Configure separate file delivery
Many libraries choose to have their file of records delivered in a separate file. To configure separate file delivery:
- Click on the Record Delivery tab and find the Delivery File Output settings. Select Deliver records for this collection in a separate file.
- Enter a name to help you recognize your file. The file name will follow a format such as: metacoll.[XXX].new.D20160214.T210512.[YourFileName].1.mrc
- Exclude records which already have holdings set in WorldCat
This setting acts as a filter to filter out from record delivery titles that you have set holdings on through some process outside of Collection Manager.
By default you will receive a full set of records for the titles in the collection. Your initial batch of records will have a record for every title. The default setting is:
- Include new records already held in WorldCat (default)
If you do not want records for items you already have holdings on in WorldCat, you can choose to have those titles withheld from record delivery. Change the setting to Do not include records already held in WorldCat and you will only receive records that do not already have your holding attached in WorldCat.
Note: If you choose not to have records output for titles you already hold in WorldCat, we recommend that you change this setting back to "Include new records already held in WorldCat" after you receive your first delivery.
- Troubleshoot MARC record delivery
- Are the correct number of titles selected in your collections?
- Once the holdings feed has been processed, the correct number of titles should be selected within one week. Do not select the collection manually unless explicitly directed to do so. Selecting the collections manually will result in a significant delay in processing of your holdings feed.
- Have you enabled MARC records at the institution level?
- Navigate to Collection Manager > Settings > MARC Records and ensure the Enable MARC Records Delivery option is set to Yes.
- Have you enabled MARC record delivery within the collection?
- Navigate to the collection and expand Holdings and MARC Records. Ensure that the Enable MARC Record Delivery option is set to Use institution settings.
- Is the delivery frequency for record delivery set to daily?
- Remember that delivery frequency can be set per collection and this collection-level setting will override the institution-level delivery frequency set under Collection Manager > Settings. If you set your collection to Weekly or Monthly record delivery, then they will have to wait for your first delivery. If you change delivery to Daily, an initial delivery is triggered. After receiving this initial delivery, you can then set it to Monthly or Weekly for on-going delivery of records if necessary.
Download files
Download your files and records using My Files, located under the Metadata tab in the WorldShare interface. You do not need additional credentials to download records from the WorldShare interface.
See Download files in My Files for complete instructions or follow these basic steps:
- Sign in to the WorldShare interface and navigate to Metadata > My Files.
- Click Downloads.
- Use the options to filter the file list. Click Download to download your file.
Additionally, see Download files with FTP for FTP/sFTP options for downloading files and records.