Choose a method to add or create a knowledge base collection
Choose a method to add your knowledge base collection data in Collection Manager. Most libraries adding more than one collection use more than one method.
- Add open access content
- Add open access knowledge base collections within Collection Manager. The instructions include additional options for WorldShare Management Services and WorldCat Local libraries.
- Create a database-only collection
- WorldShare Acquisitions and WorldShare License Manager libraries, create a database-only knowledge base collection through Collection Manager.
- Crear una colección de bases de conocimientos
- Crear una colección de la base de conocimientos que no esté en la base de conocimientos global de WorldCat. Utilice estas instrucciones para crear una colección electrónica que no esté en la base de conocimientos global o para crear una colección impresa.
- Crear una colección de impresión en serie
- WorldShare Management Services and WorldCat Discovery libraries create print serial knowledge base collections so patrons can find them alongside their electronic serial titles.
- Map titles from an alternate knowledge base supplier
- Upload holdings from an alternate knowledge base supplier (Alma, EBSCO Full Text Finder, Serials Solutions, or SFX) to create collections in your knowledge base.
- Modify a collection to select your subset of titles
- Follow the instructions to download a KBART-formatted spreadsheet of title data, modify the data to match your subscription, and upload the collection.
- Providers and contacts for automatic collection loading
- For some collections, OCLC and your provider can automatically add and maintain your library-specific collection data. See the list of providers including those that offer demand-driven acquisition (DDA) collections.
- Request government document collections
- OCLC will use your Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) profile information to create and maintain knowledge base collections in Collection Manager for your government document titles.
- Select a knowledge base collection in full
- Search for a knowledge base collection in Collection Manager and if it matches your subscription, select the entire collection in full using the Select Collection button in the interface.
- Share knowledge base collections
- See how to share collections with the knowledge bases of libraries in your consortium so that only one of you has to do collection maintenance.