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Learner guide: WorldCat Discovery interface features

Course overview

The WorldCat Discovery interface features course reviews the customization of your Discovery interface and the item details screen, explores how to use tools in the interface to create citations and build lists, and reviews access options for resources.

 Note:  This learner guide is designed to accompany the WorldCat Discovery interface features course.

Interface configuration

Personalization of your WorldCat Discovery interface may be done by first logging into OCLC Service Configuration and navigating to WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > User Interface Options. From there, you may:

For details on updating your WorldCat Discovery user interface, see: User Interface Options

Item description

Bibliographic data appears in two areas of the interface:

  1. Brief item detail: The brief item bibliographic data shown for items in search results and persisting at the top of the screen when an item is selected. This area of the interface is included in the WorldCat Discovery Search Fundamentals course.
  2. Description: The item data from the MARC record.

 Note: Search relevance indicators highlight matching search terms in the result entries. If you add an index label to your search terms, the relevant subject entries will also display in the result set.

The item description is comprised of data from the MARC record. Details on the description fields may be found here: Item bibliographic data display

Subject Heading Vocabularies

Configure which types of subject headings to display on the item details page. Use the Reorder Data Fields section to determine the order in which the Subject Headings display in the item detail record. 

Select the checkbox next to the desired subject heading vocabularies to display in the modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface.

  • The listed vocabularies are most commonly used:
    • Art & Architecture Thesaurus
    • Canadian Subject Headings
    • Faceted Application of Subject Terminology
    • Library of Congress Genres
    • Library of Congress Subject Headings for Children's Literature
    • Library of Congress Subject Headings
    • Encabezamientos de materias médicas
    • National Agricultural Library Subject Authority File
    • Répertoire de Vedettes-Matière
    • Répertoire de Vedettes-Matière Genre Form
    • Source not specified
  • Select Other Source to turn on all other vocabularies. Options include:
    • Turn on all 6xx with a 2nd indicator value of 7 and $2
    • Select specific sources
      • Type in the name of the desired subject vocabulary and click on the name to select it.
        • To remove subject vocabularies, select the X next to the name.

 Note: Duplicate subject headings within a subject vocabulary are deduped.

The selected subject heading vocabularies are the promoted headings. View all subject headings by selecting the Show more drop-down at the end of the subject headings section

Subject Headings.jpg


Reorder data fields

Customize how WorldCat data and LBD is displayed in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface.

Drag and drop items to move fields between Promote to View and Demote from View.

  • Promote to View fields always display in the item description.
  • Demote from View fields display after the user indicates interest to see content.

Drag and drop the fields in their respective columns to reorder the field display in a way that is most appropriate for your users and your institution. Fields at the top of the column will display first.

 Note: Fields that contain search terms will automatically be promoted in order for users to see where they were found.

Each data value has additional label options to change the display in WorldCat Discovery. If you have other suggestions for these fields, contact OCLC Support.

For select fields, determine whether to Display local bib data before WorldCat record data in the item detail record and determine which LBD fields to display.

 Note: Use the Reset to recommended defaults button to discard all item details configurations and begin your configuration from the initial settings. 

Field Explanations
Data field Additional label options Local Bibliographic field/subfield Notes
More Author/Title Info Creators
More Information (Author/Title)

WorldCat Record Bibliographic Data:

245 a b f g k n p s
245 c
100 a q b c d n
110 a b c d n
111 a q c d n e
700 a q b c d n
710 a b c d n 
711 a q c d n e

  • For 111 and 711 include $e in the hyperlink.
  • For all fields e, j, 4, are relator terms and not included in the search.

Local Bibliographic Data:


Uniform Title  

WorldCat Record Bibliographic Data:

130 a d f g k l m n o p r s t
240 a d f g k l m n o p r s
730 a d f g k l m n o p r s t
Local Bibliographic Data:

240 a d f g k l m n o p r s
730 a d f g k l m n o p r s t
793 a d f g k l m n o p r s t
799 a d f g k l m n o p r s t
The subfields display in the order in which they are entered into the data.

  • Determine whether to Display local bib data before WorldCat record data. 
  • Select or deselect the LBD fields to display.
Serie Series Name
490 a x v 
800 a b c d e g k m n o p q r s t v x 
810 a b c d e g k m n o p r s t v x 
811 a c d e g k n o p s t v x 
830 a d f g k m n o p r s t v x
Descripción física Material Description 300 a b c d e f g 3  
Staff View MARC View (Employees Only)
MARC Record
MARC Format
Form of Work   380 a  
Designación numérica de la obra musical   383 a b c  
Key Musical Key 384 a  
Number of Musical Instruments or Voices  

If 382 field is present, data field will not display. 

If 382 field is not present, display:

048 a b 


382 a b d e n p r s t v

  • n displays if greater than 1.
  • p displays when preceded by a b c
Declaración de presentación musical   254 a  
Fundición   511 1st indicator is 1, a  

511 a

  • Displays if 1st indicator is not equal to 1
Credits   508 a  
Event Notes Event Details
Event Note
518 a d o p 3
The subfields display in the order in which they are entered into the data.
System Details   538 a  
Computer File Characteristics   256 a  
Type of computer file or data File / data type 516 a  
Cartographic Mathematical Data Escala 255 a b c  
Scale note for Graphical Material Scale (graphic material) 507 a b  
Representación gráfica digital   352 a b c i q  
Contents Table of Contents
Contents Notes
505 a t r g
The subfields display in the order in which they are entered into the data.
Subjects Subject Headings

WorldCat Record Bibliographic Data:

600 a b c d n v x y z 
610 a b d n v x y z 
611 a c d n v x y z 
630 a d e f k l m n o p r s v x y z 
650 a b x y z 
651 a x y z
Local Bibliographic Data:
600 a b c d n v x y z
610 a b d n v x y z
611 a c d n v x y z
630 a d e f k l m n o p r s v x y z
650 a b x y z
651 a x y z 
690 a b c d e f k l m n o p r s v x y z
691 a b c d e f k l m n o p r s v x y z
695 a b c d e f k l m n o p r s v x y z
696 a b c d e f k l m n o p r s v x y z
697 a b c d e f k l m n
Subfields display in the order in which they are entered into the data.

  • Determine whether to Display local bib data before WorldCat record data. 
  • Select or deselect the LBD fields to display.
Genre Genres

WorldCat Record Bibliographic Data:

655 a b v
380 a
600 v
610 v
611 v
630 v
648 v
650 v
651 v
654 v
653 a (Displays if 2nd indicator is 6)

Local Bibliographic Data:

600 v
610 v
611 v
630 v
650 v
651 v
655 a b v
690 v
691 v
696 v
697 v
698 v
699 v

  • Determine whether to Display local bib data before WorldCat record data. 
  • Select or deselect the LBD fields to display.
Notes (Local Bib Data) [Library Name] Notes
Local Notes
Notes (Local)
Notes (Local Data)
Institution's Notes
500 a
501 a
590 a
591 a
592 a
593 a
594 a
595 a
596 a
597 a
598 a
599 a
  • Select or deselect the LBD fields to display.
Notes (WorldCat Record) Notes (General)
500 a
501 a
Bibliografía Bibliography Note 504 a  
Dissertation Dissertation/Thesis
Dissertation Information
Doctoral Thesis
502 a b c d g o  
Target Audience Audiencia 521 a   
Ownership and Custodial History   561 a 3 5
  • If 1st indicator is 0, the 561 field and subfields do not display. 
Use and Reproduction Note Use and Reproduction 540 3 a b c d u  
Restrictions on Access Restrictions on Access 506 a  
Original Version   534 c b e f t z p  
Related Item   787 i t g
  • 787 field can be repeatable. Subfields i and g are repeatable, but subfield t is not repeatable. 
Additional physical form entry Additional Physical Form
Other Format

776 1st indicator is 0, 2nd indicator is 8, s i t w x z a

Uniform Title with Added Entry Relationship Works included (Name/Uniform Titles)
Secondary Uniform Title
Original Title and Name

730 i, t, x

Further subfields are displayed in the order listed

Added Entry Relationship Information Other Version

700 i t x a
710 i t x a
711 i t x a

The subfields are displayed in the order listed

Entrada anterior

Preceding Name
Preceding Version
Preceding Title

780 a t x

  • If 1st indicator is 0 display subfields
  • If 1st indicator is 1, display 580 a
Entrada con éxito

Followed By
Succeeding Name
Succeeding Version
Succeeding Title

785 a t x

  • If 1st indicator is 0 display subfields
  • If 1st indicator is 1, display 580 a
More information  

856 1st indicator is 4, 2nd indicator 1 or 2, subfields:

  • 3 u y z 
Database Source
Record Source
Other Databases      
ISBN ISBN (International Standard Book Number) 300 a b c d e f g 3      
ISSN ISSN (Internation Standard Serial Number) 022 a
490 x
773 x
776 x    
OCLC Number/Unique Identifier  

OCLC Number:


Unique identifier: 

If not in the 001, then 029 b, when the 029 a is the OCL

DOI DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Digital Object ID

901 b


LCCN LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number) 010 a      
Publication Publisher
Publisher Information
Publication Information

260 a b c
261 f a d
262 a b d
264 with 2nd indicator as 1, a b c
362 a

Edition   250 a      
Language   008/35-37 Language Code   
Variant Records Variants    
WorldCat Entity  

100 1
110 1
700 1
710 1

By default, the WorldCat Entity field is included in the Demote from View category.

Other Names
Additional Names
Additional Author"

100 a t 
110 a t
111 a t
700 a g k m n o p r s t
710 a d g k m n o p r s t
711 a g k l n p s t
Issued with

Issued with Entry


Identificador de huellas dactilares   026 a b c d e 2

The fingerprint identifier will display in two ways in WorldCat Discovery, depending on which MARC data has been populated in the bibliographic record: 

  • If the 026 field has subfields a, b, c, and d, those values will display followed by the subfield 2 if it exists.
  • If the 026 field does not contain subfields a, b, c, and d but contains subfield e, subfield e (unparsed identifier) will display followed by subfield 2 if it exists.
Medio físico  

340 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o 1 6

  • The subfields are displayed in the order listed.


  • For MARC records with multiple 340 entries, each entry will be separated by a blank line. Additionally, each subfield will be displayed on a separate line. 
  • Subfield 1 will display as a clickable link. 
Biographical or Historical Data  

545 a b u 6

  • The subfields are displayed in the order listed.
  • Subfield u will display as a clickable link.

Exhibition Note

585 a 3 5

The subfields are displayed in the order listed.

The display of the 585 in WorldCat Discovery will include the name of the institution referenced by the valid MARC organizational code as it is stored in OCLC systems.

Screenshot of Item Details Settings in Service Configuration


Share, Cite, and Save

After you perform a search in WorldCat Discovery, items in your search results will include icons for users to cite, share, and save a record or a list of records. The icons are available from the brief results and on the detailed record.

Icon Allows you to:
  • Export a citation: Cite the record using EndNote, RefWorks or RIS.
  • Copy a citation: Generate and copy a citation.

 Note: The citation may include missing data that you will need to manually add to the citation. Missing information is indicated in capital letters.

Copying and pasting may result in the loss of formatting.

The following citation styles are available:

  • ACS 3rd ed.
  • AMA 10th ed.
  • APA 7th ed.
  • ASA 6th ed.
  • Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS)
  • Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC)
  • Bluebook 20th ed.
  • Chicago (author-date) 17th ed.
  • Chicago (notes-bibliography) 17th ed.
  • CSE 8th ed.
  • Harvard (Cite Them Right) 10th ed.
  • MLA 9th ed.
  • Turabian (author-date) 9th ed.
  • Turabian (notes-bibliography) 9th ed.

Customize which citation styles appear as options using the Citation Style section of the Display Settings in OCLC Service Configuration. Refer to Citation Style for more information.

 Note: The citation function currently supports the most common material types. It is not possible to format a citation for the following material types:

  • Partitura descargable
  • Audiobook
  • Audiobook CD
  • eAudiobook
  • Audiobook LP
  • Audiobook Cassette
  • Book Braille
  • Book Continually Updated Resource
  • Book Large Print
  • Book Microform
  • Musical Score
  • Encyclopedia
  • Tesis/Disertación
  • eJournal/ eMagazine
  • Journal / Magazine
  • Map
  • eMap
  • Game
  • Videojuegos
  • Image
  • Interactive Multimedia
  • Interactive Multimedia
  • Kit
  • Object


  • Toy
  • Sound recording (Other)
  • Archival Material
  • Material de archivo descargable
  • eMusic
  • Música
  • Music CD
  • Music LP
  • Music Cassette
  • eNewspaper
  • Newspaper
  • Computer File

Copy Link: Copy the permalink displayed to share the link.

Send Email: Choose to share a single record via email by providing up to five email addresses in the Recipients field. Provide Your Email as the sender and optionally include a Subject (up to 140 characters) and a Message (up to 500 characters). If a record is shared via email but a Subject is not entered, a default subject line is included and reads: "Library records from [yourlibrary]". The [yourlibrary] is your WorldCat Discovery URL prefix. 

Note that you also have the option to add a record to a list and email the list to up to five recipients at the end of your session using My Items or My Personal List.

WCD_modernized_save.png Save record: Adds the record to a list. Email a list to yourself or share it with others using Saved Items. Records added to a list are stored temporarily for the session until the session times out. For more information, see My Items and My Personal Lists.


Access options and Links to eResources

The Access Options panel looks at all access options and presents the user with the best digital and physical access option for the item.  This allows the user to quickly identify the best options available to them for obtaining the item.

To customize the Access Options text in the fulfillment panel in the WorldCat Discovery interface, see Item Detail Settings. Choose a display label of up to 25 characters to fit the needs of your institution or leave the default text of Access Options as the display. 

The user selects the electronic access button or the physical access button configured in the Place Hold/Request Buttons module of the OCLC Service Configuration.  The user is then redirected to the resource or completes the local or group place hold form or the configured interlibrary loan form.  

The Access Options panel:

  • Checks local and group circulation holdings and availability and then displays the appropriate access option.
  • Connects the user to the appropriate request form, either the local or group place hold form or the interlibrary loan form.
  • Pulls together edition availability to show access options for the edition group.

The best electronic access option displays first, followed by the holding statement and Place Hold or ILL Request button for the best physical access option. 

Screenshot of Access Options panel in WorldCat Discovery

 Note: You have the option to let patrons and library staff report broken links to a person or department in your library. See how to enable the "Report a broken link" form to appear next to links to your full-text resources: Enable "Report a broken link" and receive emails

My Account

Users can access the My Account screen from their WorldCat Discovery interface. Additionally, the link to My Account is as follows:

Enable end-user sign in

Allow users to manage personal lists and save searches by enabling end-user sign in.

All WorldCat Discovery libraries can provide sign-in capability for their users. This enables users to save searches and personal lists. Refer to:

To enable non-WMS logon options, register your library for end user logon capability. The OCLC implementation team will respond to the request and assist with configuration.

Institutions can select from the following implementation options:

  • Create new accounts with an OCLC method that supports self-creation of authenticated accounts.
  • Use existing accounts with an OCLC link to your institution's existing authentication service, if it is compatible.
Authentication requirements

  Note: These logon options are not available to Group Catalogs using WorldCat Discovery.

Utilizing My Account

WCD My Account dropdown.jpg

You can access the areas of My Account using the Profile drop-down menu in the banner.

Search activity

The Search activity tab of My Account displays saved searches from WorldCat Discovery.  WorldCat Discovery users can review and save previous searches.  Searches can be re-run, shared, deleted, and saved.

For more information about this functionality in WorldCat Discovery, please see Search history and save searches.

View Profile

Select View Profile under the your account name or navigate to the Profile tab of My Account to view notification preferences.

The listed information for Email and Phone Number comes from the Library Record section of the patron's account. Library users cannot change this information and must contact the library for any necessary corrections. 

My Account for WorldShare Management Services libraries

If you are a WorldShare Management Services library, additional features are available to library users in My Account.  See WorldShare Circulation, My Account for more information.

Tiempo de inactividad

My Account alerts library users when their session is about to end due to inactivity. After 25 minutes, a message with a 5-minute timer is displayed. The user can choose to continue working or sign out. After 30 minutes of inactivity, the user will be automatically signed out.


Información complementaria