Integrations with WorldShare Circulation
Learn how to integrate WorldShare Circulation with other products and services.
Use the Circulation configuration spreadsheet to record your circulation configuration.
- Integration with ZFL-Server
- Find information about integrating WorldShare Circulation with ZFL-Server, an automated ILL service available to libraries in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan integration
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and WorldShare Circulation integration provides you with a method to streamline the interlibrary loan-circulation process and workflow. Librarians and staff who process interlibrary loan (ILL) requests through WorldShare Circulation no longer have to manually create temporary items or holds for ILL requests.
- Tipasa integration
- La integración de Tipasa y WorldShare Circulation le proporciona un método para agilizar el proceso de préstamo interbibliotecario-circulación y el flujo de trabajo. Los bibliotecarios y el personal que procesan las solicitudes de préstamo interbibliotecario (ILL) a través de WorldShare Circulation ya no tienen que crear manualmente artículos temporales o retenciones para las solicitudes de ILL.
- Integration with Relais D2D
- Find information about integrating WorldShare Circulation with Relais D2D.
- Integration with ReShare
- Find information about integrating WorldShare Circulation with ReShare.