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OCLC Support

Purchase Options

Use this screen to enter institutional account information for content providers that offer purchase options in Tipasa.

Use this screen to enter institutional account information for content providers that offer purchase options in Tipasa. The content providers displayed on your Purchase Options screen may differ from those described here.


Supplier Disponibilidad Descripción

Get It Now

Subscribing libraries only

Once you have implemented this service, enter the following information, provided by Get it Now, in Service Configuration to make this option available in Tipasa:

  • Institute
  • Order Source
  • ILL Email Address
  • Bill to Email Address

Then click Save. To learn more about Get It Now, visit

For more information, see Purchasing articles from Get It Now.

Article Galaxy

Subscribing libraries only


 Note:  If you have an existing Reprints Desk account, contact Reprints Desk to sign up to use the new Tipasa and Article Galaxy service. They will supply you with new credentials specifically for use with this service.  


Once you have implemented this service through Reprints Desk, enter the following information to make this option available in Tipasa:

Campo Descripción
Account ID Enter the account ID supplied by Reprints Desk.
Password Enter the password for the account.
Notification Email Address Enter an email address that is used by Reprints Desk to send transaction status updates to the requesting library.
Automatically receive purchase request fulfilled with Article Exchange Select On if you would like all Reprints Desk articles to be automatically received in Tipasa and be forwarded to the patron through Article Exchange and without staff intervention.

For more information, See Article Galaxy from Reprints Desk.