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Configure EDIFACT messages for ProQuest

Discover how to configure EDIFACT ordering and claiming from ProQuest.


This page documents how to configure EDIFACT messages for ordering and making claims with ProQuest. EDIFACT messages are sometimes required by vendors to support other forms of EDIFACT transactions including importing invoices, order response files, claims and cancellations. For instructions on how to import invoice and order response data for all vendors, including ProQuest, see Import invoice data from EDIFACT file and Import EDIFACT order response data.

Set up EDIFACT messages

Notes about ProQuest EDI claim service

  • ProQuest provides implementation for new customers that includes details about their ProQuest FTP account such as:
    • FTP address, username and password.
    • Library Identifier (SAN or GLN).
  • You can can check the SAN Agency to look up an existing registered GLN/SAN for your library, or purchase a SAN.
  • ProQuest will test FTP transfer/EDI details with new customers before starting official ordering.

Configure ProQuest vendor record

  1. In WorldShare Acquisitions, in the left navigation, click Vendors.
  2. Search for and select the ProQuest vendor record.
  3. In the vendor record, click the Links & Logins accordion.
    1. Haga clic en Añadir nuevo enlace.
    2. Rellene los siguientes campos para el enlace FTP seguro.
      • Link Name - Enter a descriptive name for the link (e.g., FTP account for ProQuest claims).
      • URL - Introduzca la URL del sitio FTP de su proveedor. La URL debe empezar por sftp:// o ftps://.
      • Tipo - Seleccione SFTP o FTPS de la lista desplegable.
      • User ID - Enter the username provided by ProQuest for the secure FTP account.
      • Password - Enter the password provided by ProQuest for the secure FTP account.
      • Directorio - Introduzca el directorio o carpeta donde deben ir los mensajes EDIFACT.
        • Las carpetas de nivel superior no requieren una barra al principio (p. ej. reclamaciones no /reclamaciones).
        • Las subcarpetas requieren una barra oblicua (por ejemplo, incoming/claim).
    3. Haga clic en Guardar enla esquina superior derecha.
  4. En el registro del proveedor, haga clic en el acordeón Configuración de adquisiciones.
    1. En los campos Configuración de notificación específica, configure lo siguiente:
      1. In the Action list, select the type of EDIFACT messages you would like to set up with ProQuest.
        • Pedidos
        • Reclamación de artículos del pedido
      2. En la lista Método de entrega, seleccione FTP (EDIFACT).
      3. En la lista Perfil FTP, seleccione el perfil que creó en el paso 1.
    2. In the Edifact Notification Settings fields, use the lists to select the type of identifiers provided to you by ProQuest:
      1. Configure UNB Vendor Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop-down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings

        Vendor-supplied identifier

        For customers in North America: 5013546048686

        For customers in the UK: 1695401

      2. Configure UNB Library Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings

        A SAN or GLN is preferred, if your library has one.

        Add SAN or GLN to OCLC Service Configuration.

        If you do not have a SAN or GLN, contact ProQuest to be provided an identifier and select Vendor-supplied identifier from the drop down. Enter vendor-supplied identifier in text box next to Vendor-supplied identifier drop-down in EDIFACT notification settings.
      3. Configure NAD Vendor Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop-down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings
        Vendor-supplied identifier

        For customers in North America: 5013546048686

        For customers in the UK: 1695401

      4. Configure NAD Library Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop-down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings

        A SAN or GLN is preferred, if your library has one.

        Add SAN or GLN to OCLC Service Configuration.
        If you do not have a SAN or GLN, contact ProQuest to be provided an identifier and select Vendor-supplied identifier from the drop down. Enter vendor-supplied identifier in text box next to Vendor-supplied identifier drop-down in EDIFACT notification settings.
  5. Haga clic en Guardar.

Add library identifiers to OCLC Service Configuration 

If your UNB Library Identifier or NAD Library Identifier is a SAN or GLN you must configure your library identification in OCLC Service Configuration.

  1. Inicie sesión en Configuración del servicio.
  2. On the left navigation, click WorldCat Registry > Identifiers.
  3. Select your Identifier Type from the list.
  4. Enter your Identifier in the text field.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Puede empezar a utilizar el método de correo electrónico EDIFACT.