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View WorldCat holdings for a bibliographic record

Discover how to view all WorldCat holdings for a bibliographic record in WorldShare Record Manager.

The WorldCat Holdings screen allows you to view which libraries in WorldCat have added their holdings to a bibliographic record. You can access the WorldCat Holdings screen from any of the following screens:

  • Enhanced Search Results - Click the Other Libraries link to open the WorldCat Holdings screen.
  • Condensed Search Results - Click the Other Libraries link to open the WorldCat Holdings screen.
  • MARC 21 editor - Click the Other Libraries link to open the WorldCat Holdings screen.

     Note: You will only be able to see another library's holdings if that library has the audience level of the holding set to All WorldCat. For more information, see WorldCat holdings audience levels.

WorldCat Holdings screen

1. Tabs

The tabs across the top of the screen allow you to view WorldCat holdings by specific groups. Click a tab to view:

  • All WorldCat Holdings
  • Participaciones en mi región
  • Holdings in My State
  • Holdings in My Group - This tab only displays if your library is part of a cataloging group. It can only be configured for a single cataloging group. A cataloging group is a group of libraries that would like to view each other’s holdings from the Holdings in My Group tab. Contact OCLC Support to create a cataloging group.

Cada pestaña contiene las siguientes columnas.

Columna Descripción
Library The name of the institution. You can sort this column alphabetically.
Symbol The OCLC symbol for the institution. You can sort this column alphabetically.
Ubicación The location of the institution.
  • For institutions inside the United States, the location is identified as state, country (e.g., OH, US).
  • For institutions outside of the United States, the location is identified as continent, country (e.g., EU, DE).
Supplier Indicates whether or not the institution is an ILL supplier.
Holdings Muestra un enlace al resumen del registro de existencias locales si la institución tiene datos LHR asociados al registro.
  1. Click Local Holdings Available to view the LHR(s).
    • Si el registro tiene un único LHR asociado, se abre el diálogo LHR.
    • If the record has multiple associated LHRs, the View Multiple LHRs screen opens. Click a call number or barcode to open the LHR dialog.
  2. (Optional) Derive the library's local holdings record from the LHR dialog.
  3. Click Close or x to return to the record or the View Multiple LHRs screen.

Filter holdings by institution

You can filter holdings by OCLC symbol using the Filter by Institution(s) filter.

  1. Enter up to 400 OCLC symbols in the Filter by Institution(s) field. When entering multiple OCLC symbols, separate each symbol with a comma or space. To find OCLC symbols, see the Directory of OCLC members.
  2. Click Apply Filter to narrow the holdings.
  3. (Optional) Click Reset to remove the filter.

2. Results

El número de resultados que recibe y su lugar en la lista de resultados aparecen en la parte superior e inferior de la lista de resultados.

  • To refresh the results list, click the Refresh button ( Refresh button ).

3. Rows

El número de filas por página y los botones de navegación por página aparecen en la parte superior e inferior de la lista de resultados.

  • Select a number from the Rows list to change the number of rows you see per page.
  • If there is more than one page of results, use the navigation buttons to move between pages.