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OCLC Support

Reformat a bibliographic record

Discover how to reformat a bibliographic record from the MARC 21 editor in WorldShare Record Manager.

When you manually reformat a MARC 21 record, you direct the system to automatically resort the variable fields in correct numeric order and correct minor errors.

  • 006-3xx: sorted by all three characters of tag
  • 4xx-9xx: sorted by tag group, but within group, input order preserved
  • 029: always at the bottom
  • 049: siempre el último campo 0xx
  1. From the MARC 21 editor, select Reformat from the Record drop-down menu. The system redisplays the record and a confirmation message appears which states that the record was reformatted.

Errores corregidos

Al reformatear manualmente los registros, el sistema realiza estas pequeñas correcciones:

  • Convierte el carácter "pipe" ( | ) en URLs al código %7C, porque el carácter pipe no forma parte del conjunto de diacríticos ALA y caracteres especiales válidos en el cliente.
  • Changes subfield codes in uppercase to lowercase.
  • Changes fixed field values in the wrong case (uppercase versus lowercase) to the correct case.
  • Si el último carácter (dígito de control) del ISBN o ISSN es una x minúscula, lo cambia a mayúscula.
  • Changes a lowercase dlc in field 040 $a to uppercase DLC
  • If field 260 $c contains a date and fixed field element Date1 is blank, adds the date to Date1.
  • Deletes leading blanks or blanks between values in fixed field elements. Trailing blanks remain.