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Delete WorldCat holdings

Descubra cómo eliminar las existencias de WorldCat de los registros bibliográficos utilizando el editor MARC 21 en WorldShare Record Manager.


Cuando usted elimina una tenencia de WorldCat en un registro bibliográfico MARC 21, el símbolo OCLC de su institución ya no está asociado con el registro bibliográfico. Utilice esta acción cuando ya no posea el material o si ha vinculado inadvertidamente su símbolo de OCLC al registro equivocado.

If you have LHRs attached to the record or LBD information, the system also removes these items.

Eliminar una reserva de WorldCat de un registro bibliográfico

  1. En el editor MARC 21, haga clic en Grabar.
  2. En el menú desplegable Registro, seleccione Eliminar existencias de WorldCat. Si tiene LHR adjuntos al registro o información LBD, el sistema le pedirá que confirme que desea eliminarlos.
  3. Click Yes to remove LHRs, LBDs, and WorldCat holdings from the record. The OCLC symbol is removed from the top of the record.

Delete a WorldCat holding on a bibliographic record for other institution(s)

You can delete a WorldCat holding on a bibliographic record for other institution(s) if:

  • Your institution is set up as an agent and has a list of other libraries for which they can do work.
  • You have the Cataloging_Agent role assigned.

Contact OCLC Support to set up your library as an Agent.

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, click Record.
  2. From the Record drop-down menu, select Delete WorldCat Holding for Other Institution(s).
  3. From the Delete WorldCat Holding for Other Institution(s) dialog, select the institution(s) you want to delete WorldCat holdings from using the Institution drop-down list or enter an institution name in the text field. This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field.
  4. Click Delete Holding. You will receive a confirmation message once the WorldCat holding has been deleted.