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Call number normalization

Learn how to use call number normalization in your custom report queries to sort your output item lists by location on the shelf in Report Designer.


Normalized call numbers allow call number values to be sorted naturally by different data tools such as WorldShare Report Designer and Microsoft Excel. Normalized call numbers are separate objects that can be used for sorting rows of data. The standard (i.e., not normalized) call number objects continue to contain their contents as you have entered them in their respective MARC fields.

The normalization process:

  • Supports Library of Congress and Dewey shelving classifications. Other classification methods may produce varied results not suitable for sorting.
  • Excludes the call number prefix in its generation. The process will generate the value based on the concatenation of call number classification + call number cutter(s) + call number suffix(es).

Sample normalized call numbers vs. their standard call numbers

Type LHR Item Call Number LHR Item Call Number (Normalized)
Dewey 610.092 S574 000610.092$s$574$$$$
Dewey 610.1 C344 000610.1$c$344$$$$
Dewey 610.19 F771 000610.19$f$771$$$$
Biblioteca del Congreso QC1 I545 qc$000001$i$545$$$$
Biblioteca del Congreso QC3 .G8 1970 qc$000003$g$8$$$$001970
Biblioteca del Congreso QC16.N7 A48 2006 qc$000016$n$7$$a$48$$$002006

Add normalized call numbers to a report

You can add a normalized call number report object to a standard report or a custom report using one of the following methods:

You can add either of the following normalized call number report objects:

  • Acquisitions universe > Copy > Call Number (Normalized)
  • LHR Item Detail universe > LHR Item Detail > LHR Item Call Number (Normalized)

Once you've added a normalized call number report object, you can sort the report results by call number. To sort the report results by call number:

  1. Right-click the Call Number (Normalized) or LHR Item Call Number (Normalized) column.
  2. Select Sort > Ascending from the right-click menu. Your report is now sorted by call number.
  3. (Optional) Right-click the Call Number (Normalized) or LHR Item Call Number (Normalized) column and select Hide > Hide column from the right-click menu to hide the normalized call number column. Your report will remain sorted by call number even if you hide the normalized call number column.