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Trabajos automatizados

Discover how to search for and filter automated jobs in WorldShare Acquisitions.

View all automated jobs

  1. On the left navigation, click Automated Jobs > Jobs.
  2. Click Search. All jobs appear.
    • Los resultados están ordenados alfabéticamente por nombre.
    • Para cambiar el orden de clasificación, haga clic en cualquier encabezado de columna.
    • To customize the column headings that appear, see Configure columns. By default, not all column headings are visible.
  3. Click the Name to view or edit the job.

Filter automated jobs

  1. Click one of the filter names below.
  2. Seleccione los valores que desea aplicar. Puede seleccionar uno o varios. Cuando se selecciona más de un valor, el sistema busca cualquiera de los valores seleccionados.
  3. Click Apply. Once the filter is applied, you can hover over the filter name to view the selected values.
  4. (Optional). To remove the filter, click Reset.
Filter names - Table
Filtro Descripción
Created By User who created the job.
Fecha de creación Date the job was created.
Last Run Date the job was last run.
Descriptions of Schedules:
Schedule type Descripción
Diario The job runs daily.
Inactivo The job cannot run, but the job details will be saved for running later.
Manual The job runs only when you manually run it.
Semanal The job runs weekly.

Status of the last instance of the job that was run.

Descriptions of Statuses:
Estado Descripción
Información The job was a complete success and was completed without any errors or warnings.
Advertencia The job was a partial success and was completed with warnings.
Error The job was a partial success and was completed with errors.
Failure The entire job failed, nothing worked, and nothing was retrieved.
Tipo The type selected when creating the job.
Vendedor Para buscar un proveedor, introduzca el nombre del proveedor en el cuadro de búsqueda.

Configurar filtros

You can choose the filters that appear. All filters appear by default. Selected filters have a check mark next to their name.

  1. Click Filters (at the top right of the screen).
  2. To select or deselect, click on a filter name.
  3. (Optional). You can search through the list of filters by entering a keyword in the search box.

Search automated jobs

  1. Enter a job name in the search box.
  2.  Haga cl <Enter>ic en Buscar o pulse .
Jobs screen columns - Table
Created By User who created the job.
Fecha de creación Date the job was created.
Last Run Date the job was last run.
Nombre The name of the job. Click the Name to edit the job. 
Next Run Date the job will next run.
Descriptions of Schedules:
Schedule type Descripción
Diario The job runs daily.
Inactivo The job cannot run, but the job details will be saved for running later.
Manual The job runs only when you manually run it.
Semanal The job runs weekly.

Status of the last instance of the job that was run.

Descriptions of Status icons:
Iconos Descripción
Information icon This icon indicates that the job was a complete success and was completed without any errors or warnings.
Warning icon This icon indicates that the job was a partial success and was completed with warnings.
Warning icon This icon indicates that the job was a partial success and was completed with errors.
Failure icon This icon indicates that the entire job failed, nothing worked, and nothing was retrieved.
Tipo The type selected when creating the job.
Vendedor Para buscar un proveedor, introduzca el nombre del proveedor en el cuadro de búsqueda.


Configure columns

  1. Haga clic en el botón de engranaje gris (Gray gear button) situado encima de la columna de la derecha.
  2. En la ventana Mostrar columnas, seleccione o anule la selección de las columnas que desee mostrar u ocultar.
  3. Close the Show Columns window by clicking anywhere outside it.