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View and edit a purchase request

Discover how to search for existing purchase orders and how to edit existing purchase requests in WorldShare Acquisitions.

You can search for your existing purchase requests and edit an existing purchase request.

Search for existing purchase requests

  1. On the left navigation, click Purchase Requests > Request Items.
  2. Click Search. All purchase requests appear.
    • Results are sorted alphabetically by name.
    • To change the sort order, click any column heading.
    • To customize the column headings that appear, see Show/hide columns. By default, not all column headings are visible.
  3. Click the Title to view or edit the purchase request.

Edit the purchase request 

Edit the general information of a purchase request

  1. Click the General tab.
  2. Editable fields:
    General tab available fields - Table
    Campo Descripción
    Audience Level Select a WorldCat holdings audience level for the item. Available for WMS institutions only. See WorldCat holdings audience level.
    Acquisition Type Select an acquisitions type from the drop-down list.
    Date Requested/Date Needed Choose the dates the item was requested and/or when the item is needed.
    Display in WorldCat
    (Pending purchase requests only)
    Select this button to display the item in WorldCat once it has been ordered.
    ISBN/ISSN Select an ISBN/ISSN from the drop-down list.
    Place Patron Hold
    (Pending purchase requests only)
    Select this button to place a patron hold on the item.
    Processing Type Select a processing type from the drop-down list:
    Proposed Vendor Select an In Use Vendor as the vendor you plan to order this purchase request from.

     Note: The Proposed Vendor fields become read-only when the purchase request is added to an order.

    Renewal Setting
    Setting Descripción
    Renew (default) Subscription has been renewed
    Do Not Renew (Canceled) Subscription has been canceled
    Do Not Renew (Waiting For Review) Subscription must be reviewed before being renewed.
    (Rejected purchase requests only)
    Enter the name of the person who requested the item.

     Note: This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field. Auto-suggestions include an email address for the user which is pulled from Delivery Notification of the WorldShare Admin module. If no email exists in the Delivery Notification section, the Library Record email address will be used.

    Número de solicitud View the request number.
    Request Source/URL Enter the URL of the material where this request came from (e.g. course reserves system).
    El recurso requiere revisión Check or uncheck the Resource requires review box as needed.
    Revisor Enter the name of the person who will review the purchase request.

     Note: This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field. Auto-suggestions include an email address for the user which is pulled from Delivery Notification of the WorldShare Admin module. If no email exists in the Delivery Notification section, the Library Record email address will be used.

    Review Status View the status of the review, including the time and date of the review and the name of the person who completed the review.
    Statistics Value Enter the number of volumes that you plan to receive for the item (1-99).

     Note: The default value for this field is one, and zero is not an allowed value

    Vendor Item URL Enter the URL of the item in the vendor catalog.
  3. Click Save.

Edit the location for a purchase request

  1. Click the Location tab.
  2. Editable fields:
    • Quantity - Enter a numerical quantity for the purchase request.
    • Branch - Choose a branch location from the drop-down list.
    • Location - Choose an assigned location from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Save.

Edit pricing information for a single purchase request

  1. Click the Pricing tab.
  2. Editable fields:
    • Unit Price - The total price of the item
    • Quantity - The total quantity of item(s)
    • Discount - The discount percentage for the item
    • Service Charges (per-unit amount) - The amount of service charge applied to each unit
    • Shipping (per-unit amount) - The shipping charge per unit
    • Tax 1 
    • Tax 2 
  3. Click Save.

Edit the Proposed Pricing Settings for a purchase request 

  1. Click the Pricing tab.
  2. Scroll to the bottom to view the Proposed Pricing Settings.

     Note: The Proposed Pricing Settings only display for a purchase request that has not yet been ordered.

  3. Editable fields:
    Proposed Pricing Settings available fields - Table
    Campo Descripción
    Tax Handling

    From the drop-down list, select a tax handling option.

    • Tax item cost
    • Tax item, shipping and service costs
    • Include taxes in costs
    Currency From the drop-down list, select the desired currency.
    Exchange Rate

    Only appears if the Currency is something other than the library's budget currency. 

    Click Use Current Rate to enter the current exchange rate for the given currency. 

  4. Click Save.

     Note: After the purchase request has been ordered, the Proposed Pricing Settings are replaced by Pricing Settings from Order, which inherit the fields selected for the order.

Split a purchase request among multiple funds

 Note: Toggling between Amount and Percentage may change the percentage assigned to each fund due to rounding issues when switching between those two modes of assigning costs.

Split an invoice among multiple funds by amount

  1. Click the Budget/Fund tab.
  2. Select Amount for Allocate by.
  3. Add additional funds by clicking the Add button (Add buttonand selecting a fund from the Fund drop-down list.
  4. Enter the amount for each fund added in the Amount field. The amounts for each fund must add up to the total price of the item. The total price of the item (Amount) and Amount Unassigned can be found near the top of the Budget and Fund Assignment dialog.
  5. (Optional) Click Distribute evenly among unallocated funds to distribute any remaining unassigned amount evenly among all funds with zero amount.
  6. Click Save.

Split an invoice among multiple funds by percentage

  1. Click the Budget/Fund tab.
  2. Select Percentage for Allocate by.
  3. Add additional funds by clicking the Add button (Add buttonand selecting a fund from the Fund drop-down list.
  4. Enter the percentage for each fund added in the Percentage field. The percentages must add up to 100.
  5. (Optional) Click Distribute evenly among unallocated funds to distribute any remaining unassigned amount evenly among all funds with zero amount.
  6. Click Save.

Select funds from different budget periods for a purchase request

 Note: You can always select the current budget period, but the next budget period is only available if you have enabled it for use. To do this, go to the next budget selected and select Enable for Use.

  1. Click the Budget/Fund tab.
  2. Select Percentage for Allocate by.
  3. Add additional budget periods by clicking the Add button (Add button).
  4. Select a budget period for each row added from the Budget column drop-down list.
  5. Click Save.

Edit the custom fields for a purchase request

Custom fields allow you to enter additional information about order items, purchase requests and invoice items that are not part of the standard data model of Acquisitions.

The following fields are editable from the field details screen:

  • Field Name - Enter a descriptive name for the field.
  • Description - Enter a description for the field.
  • Active status
    • Yes (default) - The field is active and you can enter values for the field.
    • No - The field is inactive and you will not be able to enter values for the field.
  • List Sorting (List custom fields only)
    • Alphabetic - The list options will appear alphabetically.
    • Manual (default) - The list options will appear in the order they were originally added.

Edit or add notes for a purchase request 

  1. Click the Notes tab.
  2. Click Add Note.
    1. Fill in the fields:
      1. In the Type field, select whether the note is a Staff or Vendor note.
      2. In the Note field, enter the note.
      3. (Optional) In the Show on field, select whether the note should be displayed as a pop-up message on paymentreceiving, or receiving and payment.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click the pencil button () next to the note you want to edit.
    1. Edit the fields
    2. Click Save.