Patron Settings

Use this screen for Patron Account Management, Patron Request Management, and Patron Data Retention settings in Tipasa.

Patron Account Management

This setting turns on patron approval. If you turn on patron approval, you will need to manually approve patrons in the system in order for them to place interlibrary loans. Borrowing requests from patrons who are placing interlibrary loan requests for the first time will be routed to the New for Review queue for approval. For details on approving patrons, see Approve patrons.

To select your Patron Account Management setting:

  1. Select the On check box to require approval for new interlibrary loan patrons.
  2. Optionally, deselect the On check box to turn off patron approval.
  3. Click Save.

Patron Request Management

Use these settings to determine what actions patrons can take in My Account and whether their due date should occur sooner than the lender's due date. For details on how these settings display, see My Account.

Setting Descripción
Display patron due date

This setting determines whether the patron due date is visible in My Account.  It is enabled by default.  

  • If On is selected (default), the due date displayed in My Account will be the lender's due date, minus any offset configured in Number of days to offset patron's due date.
  • If deselected, the due date does not display in My Account and the status will be Received by library. For more information on statuses, see ILL statuses.

To hide the patron due date in My Account:

  1. Deselect the On check box.
  2. Click Save.

Allow patrons to renew ILL requests online

This setting turns on interlibrary loan renewals. When turned on, patrons can renew their interlibrary loan requests through My Account. The Renew button displays in My Account when the My Account status is Due [date] where the request has not yet reached the Patron Due Date. When the patron places a renewal request, the request goes directly to the lending library for review.

Once the request has surpassed the Patron Due Date, the renew button will no longer be available.  Staff will still be able to renew material for the user in the staff interface. For more information on statuses, see ILL statuses.

To allow patrons to renew requests:

  1. Select the On check box.
  2. Click Save.

Allow patrons to cancel ILL requests online

This setting turns on interlibrary loan cancelations. When turned on, patrons can cancel their interlibrary loan requests through My Account. If enabled, the CANCEL REQUESTS button displays in My Account.  Requests in the status of Submitted can be cancelled. If disabled, the CANCEL REQUESTS button will not display to library users in My Account. For more information on statuses, see ILL statuses.

To allow patrons to cancel requests:

  1. Select the On check box.
  2. Click Save.

Number of days to offset patron's due date

This setting allows you to determine whether the patron's due date should occur before the lender's due date. For example, if you select 2 days and the lender wants their item back on the 3rd of the month, the patron's due date will be on the 1st. The default is 0 days.

To offset the patron's due date:

  1. From the list, select the number of days you want to offset the patron's due date.
  2. Click Save.

The offset date will appear to patrons in My Account and their notifications.

Number of active requests allowed per patron

This setting allows you to limit patrons' active requests to a number from 1-500. Active requests include items in the borrowing, document delivery and purchasing queues. Active requests apply to any requests that are currently in process.  Requests with the status of Complete in My Account do not count against request limits.  See ILL statuses for more information about status view in My Account.

  • Expired or unfilled requests close after seven system days. Canceled requests are immediately closed.

For example, if you enter the number 5, each of your patrons will be limited to 5 active requests. If they have 5 active requests, they will be unable to create or submit new requests. They will have to wait until one of their active requests has been completed or canceled in order to submit new requests.

To limit patrons' active requests:

  1. Enter a number from 1-500. If you do not want to limit requests, leave the field blank.
  2. Click Save.

Patron Data Retention

Determine how long to retain patron data after a request is closed.  The default period for retaining patron data on closed requests is one month.  You can specify between 1 and 84 months to retain this information.

 Note: Patron data present on requests is encrypted in the database.

After a request has been closed for the specified retention period:

The patron data will be retained in the request for the amount of time specified at the time the request closes.  Altering this setting after the request has already closed will not change the amount of time the data is retained for that request.   ​​​​