Is it possible to update a patron barcode from the Relais web portal?
- A patron's barcode has changed and is not accurate in the Relais web portal
Applies to
- Relais ILL
Users with access to the Relais staff web portal can locate patron records and update a patron's Barcode by following the below workflow:
- Login to the Relais staff web portal
- Select Query Request
- Click on More Options
- Enter the old Barcode in the Patron ID field and select the All requests radio button
- Click Search
- Select any request associated with the patron
- Click the Patron Record button at the bottom of the request details
- In the screen, enter the new Barcode and click Update
If the above workflow does not work or a patron is unable to access the web portal with their barcode after staff have updated it, contact OCLC Support with the patron barcode.