Relais ILL
Find support materials about Relais ILL.
- Empezar
- Get started with Relais ILL.
- Relais Portal
- Find information about the Relais Portal in Relais ILL.
- Relais Web services
- Find information about Relais web services which are available for a number of Relais ILL features and functions.
- DiscoverItem
- Find information about DiscoverItem in Relais ILL.
- Authentication
- Find information about authenticating and authorizing users in Relais ILL.
- Patron records
- For each patron that submits a request into Relais ILL a patron record must exist. Patron records created in several different ways, including patron registration, self registration, patron load, and NCIP.
- Receive and enter requests
- Relais ILL supports multiple options for entering and receiving requests, both from your own patrons and from other libraries. Irrespective of which method is used to enter or receive requests, all requests follow the appropriate processing rules.
- Send requests
- Learn how to configure and send requests and copyright statements in Relais ILL.
- Serials Solutions 360 Link lookup
- Find information for Relais ILL users who subscribe to Serials Solutions 360 Link.
- ISO transactions
- Learn how to send ISO transactions as the sending and requesting library in Relais ILL.
- NCIP (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol) is a North American standard which allows disparate library systems to talk to each other. Find information about configuring Relais to communicate with your institution's library system via your NCIP server.
- Loan items and manage loans
- Find information about loaning items, including configuring loan codes and policies, sending notices, and recalling items in Relais ILL.
- Supply documents
- Find information on supplying documents to your own patron or another library as well as configuration options for scanning documents.
- Administration
- Find information about Administration for Relais ILL.
- Audit records
- Automatic scheduling
- Check in a request
- Configure Add Document
- Configure audit records
- Configure loan status
- Configure Lookup options (in Receive FTP)
- Database, tables and SQL queries
- Daylight Savings Time
- Define defaults for sending loan notices
- Field lengths
- Modify staff Login options
- Purge and Archive
- Relais web schema
- Use tokens
- Web Pages - Session Timeout Redirects
- Deliver documents
- Learn how to deliver documents and configure cover pages, email attachments, and pickup locations in Relais ILL.
- Pickslips
- Learn how to print and email pickslips in Relais ILL.
- General messages
- Learn how to configure and send general messages in Relais ILL.
- Edit Requests
- Learn about the available functionality in the Edit Request window in Relais ILL.
- Search catalogues
- Find information about configuring search options, Search Auto, and Search Manual in Relais ILL.
- Routing lists
- Learn how to use routing lists and search for locations in Relais ILL.
- Update requests
- Learn how Request Processing is used and how to open a request in RelaisILL.
- Relais File Transfer Service (RFTS)
- Learn about Relais File Transfer Service (RFTS) in Relais ILL.
- Notify patron
- Learn how to use Notify Patron in Relais ILL.
- Reports
- Learn about reporting functionality in Relais ILL.
- Relais supplying
- Learn how to receive, process, and deliver requests in Relais ILL.
- Relais 2022.x
- Find installation and upgrade instructions for Relais version 2022.x
- Relais 2020.x
- Find information, including installation and upgrade instructions, for Relais version 2020.x.
- Relais ILL release notes and known issues
- Find Relais ILL release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- Are the login credentials case sensitive?
- A request in Relais will not complete in Staff Portal
- Can a full header and footer be added to the pages?
- Can Relais use SAML?
- Does ISO 18626 for Relais support sending Article Exchange links?
- Does Relais support FTP, SFTP of FTPS
- Featured Relais ILL Troubleshooting articles
- Files uploaded with the Relais Scanner are not being moved to delivery.
- How can I tell if my firewall is allowing a connection to the Relais Database?
- How can I test if I am connected to the Relais database?
- How do I add my IP address to the Relais firewall safelist?
- How do I change the seconds it takes Relais dialog boxes to automatically closes when action is successful?
- How do I make our Relais library supplier status "active" or "inactive?"
- How do I recreate a loan record?
- How do I remove an incorrectly supplied document and attach the correct document to a request?
- How to Change Relais ILL Supplier Status
- How to delete unwanted Alert messages
- How to increase the maximum number of displayable requests before receiving a pop-up warning on the Relais ILL web portal
- How to make sure a request is unlocked in Relais
- How to reopen a request in the staff portal
- How to update copyright statement in Relais
- In Relais, can I limit the number of requests by the type of item?
- In the request templates, is 'Requester Info' used to enter the end user id in Library requests?
- In the request templates, is 'Request Source' used for the source of the citation?
- In what format and what size should the logo be for the Relais Header?
- Is it possible to update a patron barcode from the Relais web portal?
- Is there an option for a patron or library to request their login / password, e.g., if it has been forgotten?
- Is there a way to mark a supplying library's book as received damaged?
- Once the forms are in use, are we able to modify them ourselves or do we submit a Support ticket?
- The Relais Portal displays this error: Request number is not in prerequisite state
- What's the difference between an Audit Note and an Additional Note in Relais?
- What are Predefined Queries or Searches in Relais, and what do the different kinds mean?
- What are the new and old Relais IP addresses?
- What browsers are supported for the Relais Portal?
- What is the X after the supplier code in Relais
- Where do I create a new staff account in Relais?
- Why doesn't Relais display an option to Renew a request?
- Why does my Relais pick slip show incorrect information when our lender address is correct in Library Registration?
- Why does Relais say "HTML tags" are not allowed when I'm trying to enter notes?
- Why do my Relais emails get filtered for spam or return undelivered?
- Why is my Relais request stuck at the Passive and won't move on to the next lender?
- Why was a request sent to one institution filled by another?
- With the current web pages, my library handles patron authentication outside Relais, is this approach still available with the Relais Portal?
- With the library’s change password option, will that change the library’s password in our database or will the request go to staff to make the change?
- OCLC Community Center: Resource Sharing community
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current Resource Sharing product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on product workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on the product.