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WorldShare Record Manager release notes, December 2023


Release Date: December 28, 2023


This release of WorldShare Record Manager provides two new features and enhancements in addition to three  bug fixes. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Filter by branch and shelving location on Copies screen 
  • Filter by institution, branch and shelving location on Copies screen (for WMS libraries with group aware)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Expiration date decreased when records were removed from export list
    • An extra 049 field was added to the export file when exporting local data as a user with the Simplified role
    • Error when applying Dewey Cutter to a bibliographic record

These enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

Filter by branch and shelving location on Copies screen 

New filter option on the Copies page

A new filter option has been added to the Copies page, allowing you to now filter your copies by branch and shelving location or by branch and temporary shelving location. This helps you find the copies you're looking for more easily, especially if the title has many copies. 

Decide what you want to filter by first, Branch/Shelving Location or Branch/Temporary Shelving Location.


Then, choose the branch from the dropdown; it shows a list of all available branches in your institution. 


If you want to narrow your copies list further, select a shelving location from the corresponding list:


Click the "Apply Filter" button. The selected branch and shelving location filter will be applied, and the list of copies will now be narrowed down to only those that match your selection.


You can also view the narrowed-down list of items in the Holdings View. The filter applies to any view of the list and you can switch between the Copies View and the Holdings View.:


Clicking the "Reset" link will undo the filtering.

Selected branch filter persists during the current session

If you have filtered a copies list by branch and shelving location or temporary shelving location this filter will persist for the duration of the current Record Manager session unless you reset the filter (or select a different filter).

For example, if you are scrolling through a result list and have selected a copies list from a title, then scroll forward to the next title, the copies list of that title will be filtered by the selected filter as well. Please be aware of that filter.

Example: The copies list of the above title "Virginia environmental law journal" has been filtered by "South Branch" and "South Periodicals". Scrolling though the next set of results, all following copies will be filtered by the same criteria. The below title "Journal of public administration education" only shows its copy for the South Branch. If you want to see the complete list, the branch filter must be reset.


Filter by institution, branch and shelving location on Copies screen (for WMS libraries that are group aware)Edit section

For WMS libraries that are group aware, you will see an option to filter by institution in addition to the branch and shelving location filters described above so that you can select first for which institution you want to narrow branches and locations.

In the example below, the first filter shows a list of four (test) institutions that are WMS libraries that are group aware. Per default, the copies list is sorted by institution and the copies of the institution the user is logged in for ("My institution") sorts at the top of the list. 

Now it's possible to filter by any institution by using the new filter options.


Bug fixes

Expiration date decreased when records were removed from export list

Previously, the expiration date for an export list decreased as soon as records were removed from that export list. Now, any change to an export list will reset the expiration date back to 29 days. 

An extra 049 field was added to the export file when exporting local data as a user with the Simplified role

Users that were logged in with the Simplified role who exported records by adding local data and filling in their correct Holding library code for the title ended up with one MARC record that included two codes in the 049 tag. Now the exported record has only one correct 049 tag. 

Error when applying Dewey Cutter to a bibliographic record

Previously when applying the Dewey Cutter option under the Edit menu to a bibliographic record an error message appeared. Now the Dewey Cutter can be applied correctly.

Important links

Post-release sessions

To help you become familiar with the new features, the following pre-recorded video is available: Record Manager Release Overview Session, 28 December 2023. It's also available in the Community Center.

WorldCat Validation release notes

WorldCat Validation release notes provide current OCLC-MARC updates; changes to tagging conventions and coding practices for Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings records; and new MARC codes. 

Virtual AskQC office hours

Join OCLC Metadata Quality staff to discuss WorldCat quality issues and cataloging questions. Visit AskQC for information about upcoming office hours, previous office hour recordings, and supporting materials.

OCLC cataloging community meeting

This virtual OCLC community event provides an opportunity to hear about important work by community members and learn about OCLC cataloging and metadata services. Visit the OCLC cataloging community event page for information on upcoming meetings and to access materials from past meetings.

Support websites

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: