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OCLC Support

Can I use MarcEdit to convert mrc files to xml files?

Applies to
  • WorldShare Collection Manager

A file of records saved in .mrc can be changed to .mrc by MarcEdit. MarcEdit is a freely downloadable application (open-source), downloads are available here

  1. Save the file to your computer.  From the MarcEdit home screen, click on Marc Tools and then change the Functions section to "MARC21=>MARC21XML." 
  2. Click on the folder icon next to the Input File box.  Select the MRC file that you want to convert.         
  3. Click on the folder icon next to the Output File.  From the resulting screen, choose where you would like to save this new file.  The file name should reflect ".xml" in the specified box.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Execute.  When this has completed, there will be information in the "Results:" section on the Tools screen.  This lets you know that the file has been processed and the new .xml file should be saved in your specified location.
  6. You can then close the Tools box and locate your .xml file. 


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