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Collection History

Find information about using the Collection History accordion in Knowledge base collections.

Access the Collection History

To view the Collection History for Knowledge base collections:

  1. Navigate to the WorldShare interface > Metadata tab > Collection Manager.
  2. Select a Data Type from the drop-down list.
  3. Select My Selected Collections as the Scope to search across your library-specific collections that you have created or selected.
  4. In the Search Term(s) field, enter your terms or leave the field empty.
  5. Click Search.
  6. From the search results, use the Filter by drop-down to select Knowledge Base Collections.
  7. Open the desired collection.
  8. Select the Collection History accordion to view the activity history for the specific collection.

Collection History

Global collection

Search the Collection History for a global collection.

From the Collection History screen, you can filter by the following options:

  • Activity Date
  • Collection Deselected
  • Collection Selected
  • Collection Updated
    • Secondary filter opens:
      • Google Scholar Disabled
      • Google Scholar Enabled
      • MARC Record Delivery Disabled
      • MARC Record Delivery Enabled
      • WorldCat Holdings Disabled
      • WorldCat Holdings Enabled
  • Loads & Feeds
    • Secondary filter opens:
      • KBART Upload
      • Provider Data Load
      • Automatic Holdings Feed
      • Alternate Knowledge Base Supplier Holdings File
  • Local Collection Promoted to Global Knowledge Base [Filter appears but is not relevant to global collections]
  • Sharing Activity

The Collection History screen includes the following columns: 

Activity Date [Sortable] Change Global/Local Source
  • Collection Deselected

One of the following:

  • Nombre del proveedor
  • Your Institution Name (or Staff Name, if enabled)
  • Other Institution Name
  • OCLC, Online Computer Library Center (o nombre del personal de OCLC)
  • Collection Selected
- [One of the above]

One of the following:

  • Collection Updated [Setting changes are specified]
    • Google Scholar Enabled
    • Google Scholar Disabled
    • MARC Delivery Enabled
    • MARC Delivery Disabled
    • WorldCat Holdings Enabled
    • WorldCat Holdings Disabled
  • Collection Updated 
    •  Note: The Collection Updated activity is triggered by any collection-level or title-level edit made in the UI and applied locally by you or globally by you or another library. The title or collection change is not specified.

One of the following depending on if the edit in the global collection was globally applied or locally applied:

  • Global
  • Local 
[One of the above]

Loads & Feeds

  • Collection updated via KBART
  • Provider Data Load
  • Automatic Holdings Feed
  • Alternate Knowledge Base Supplier Holdings file
    • Clicking on the linked text will take you to a detailed screen with additional information about the activity in Activity History. Refer to Loads and Feeds

One of the following:

  • Nombre del proveedor
  • Your Institution Name (or Staff Name, if enabled)
  • Local Collection Promoted to Global Knowledge Base
  Your Institution Name (or Staff Name, if enabled)

Sharing Activity

  • Share Accepted By [Institution Name]
  • Shared By My Library To [Institution Name]
  • Shared To My Library From [Institution Name] 
    •  Note: The offer to share shows up until you select the collection


Your Institution Name (or Staff Name, if enabled)


Local collection

Local collections can be deleted. Once deleted, the change will show in the Activity History. A Global/Local column is not included in the Collection History accordion in local knowledge base collections.

From the Collection History screen, you can filter by the following options:

  • Activity Date
  • Collection Updated
    • Secondary filter opens:
      • Google Scholar Disabled
      • Google Scholar Enabled
      • MARC Record Delivery Disabled
      • MARC Record Delivery Enabled
      • WorldCat Holdings Disabled
      • WorldCat Holdings Enabled
  • KBART Upload
  • Local Collection Created
  • Local Collection Promoted to Global Knowledge Base [Only applies until the collection is accepted.]
  • Sharing Activity

The Collection History screen includes the following columns: 

Activity Date [Sortable] Change Source

One of the following:

  • Collection Created
  • Collection Updated [Setting changes are specified]
    • Google Scholar Enabled
    • Google Scholar Disabled
    • MARC Delivery Enabled
    • MARC Delivery Disabled
    • WorldCat Holdings Enabled
    • WorldCat Holdings Disabled
  • Collection Updated*
  • Collection updated via KBART
  • Local Collection Submitted for Promotion to Global Cooperative: Accepted; Withdrawn, etc.**
  • Sharing Activity
    • Share Accepted By [Institution Name]
    • Shared By My Library To [Institution Name]
    • Shared To My Library From [Institution Name]
  • Your Institution Name (or Staff Name, if enabled)


* The "Collection Updated" activity is triggered by any collection-level or title-level edit made in the UI. The title or collection change is not specified.

** Once your local collection is approved for promotion, it will become a global collection and the Collection ID will change ( The local version of your collection will no longer be available. However, activity associated with the Collection ID from your local collection ( will be retained and will show when your local collection was approved for promotion. It will show to your institution only. Other libraries will see the date the collection was created, when they select the collection, and so forth.