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View a custom report

El visor de informes personalizado consta de cinco áreas: Barra de herramientas principal, Caja de herramientas de diseño, Panel de informes, Panel lateral y Barra de estado.

When you run a report with Report Designer, the report appears in a report viewer. The report viewer consists of five areas:

  • Main toolbar - allows you to perform actions such as opening, saving and exporting documents, tracking data changes, and displaying the report outline
  • Design toolbox - allows you to perform report design and analysis tasks
    • The design toolbox is located at the top of the report viewer, next to the main toolbar. To open the design toolbox in a standard report, click Design.
      Design button

      The toolbox allows you to format a report and consists of the following tabs:
      Design toolbox
      Design toolbox

       Note: The design toolbox is only available for users with Report Designer.
  • Report panel - displays the reports in a document
  • Side panel - groups several panes that provide different views of the current document
  • Status bar - allows you to perform actions such as data tracking or moving through pages in a multi-page report
    • If you do not see a status bar, then right-click the area where the status bar should appear. A menu will open. Click Status bar. The status bar will now display.
Custom reports: Report viewer - Example
Custom report interface
  • Main toolbar
    The main toolbar allows you to perform actions such as opening, saving, and exporting documents, tracking data changes, and displaying the report outline in WorldShare Report Designer.
  • Design toolbox: Report Elements tab
    Conozca las acciones disponibles en la pestaña Elementos de informe de WorldShare Report Designer.
  • Design toolbox: Formatting tab
    Conozca las acciones disponibles en la pestaña Formato de WorldShare Report Designer.
  • Design toolbox: Data Access tab
    Learn about the actions available from the Data Access tab in WorldShare Report Designer.
  • Design toolbox: Analysis tab
    Conozca las acciones disponibles en la pestaña Análisis de WorldShare Report Designer.
  • Design toolbox: Page Setup tab
    Learn about the actions available from the Page Setup tab in WorldShare Report Designer.
  • Side panel
    The side panel provides a way to quickly add or remove certain criteria from a report, change output, and pull different data into a report in WorldShare Report Designer.
  • Status bar
    The status bar allows you to perform actions such as activating data tracking or moving through pages of a multi-page report in WorldShare Report Designer.