WorldCat unique/shared comparison
You can refine a WorldCat comparison for weeding and retention activities. When you refine a WorldCat comparison, you are applying filters that refine the results of your comparison. This refined comparison reflects the titles that are unique to your collection and the titles that are shared with WorldCat.
After you create a WorldCat comparison, you can refine a WorldCat comparison for weeding and retention activities. When you refine a WorldCat comparison, you are applying filters that refine the results of your comparison. This refined comparison reflects the titles that are unique to your collection and the titles that are shared with WorldCat. After you create the refined WorldCat comparison, you can export the information, which can then be downloaded so that you can do further analysis of shared or unique titles.
You must be an administrator to refine a WorldCat comparison.
- Create a WorldCat unique/shared comparison
- Discover how to create a WorldCat unique/shared comparison and interpret the results in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
- Export a WorldCat unique/shared comparison
- Discover how to export a WorldCat unique/shared comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
- Filtrar una comparación única/compartida de WorldCat
- Descubra cómo filtrar una comparación única/compartida de WorldCat utilizando los límites disponibles en la Evaluación de colecciones WorldShare.