Local bibliographic data record indexes A-Z
View all of the local bibliographic data record indexes that are available for searching local data in WorldShare. These indexes search indexed data in local bibliographic data records only. You can only retrieve data from your institution's local bibliographic data records.
- The indexes below are searchable in WorldShare only when you have selected:
- Local Bibliographic Data Records from the Data Type drop-down list
- An index from the Index drop-down list
- Certain local bibliographic data record indexes can be used when searching WorldCat Discovery, but search results will include results from both bibliographic record data fields and local bibliographic data fields. See Local bibliographic data fields discoverable in bibliographic record index searches for more information.
- Keyword
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record Keyword (kw:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- Número de control LBD
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record LBD Control Number (no:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- Local System Number
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record Local System Number (lz:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- Name
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record Name (au:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- NLM Class Number
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record NLM Class Number (lm:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- Nota
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record Note (nt:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- OCLC Number
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record OCLC Number (oc:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- Asunto
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record Subject (su:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.
- Número de clase decimal universal
- Find the fields, subfields, and notes for the local bibliographic data record Universal Decimal Class Number (ud:) index available for searching local data in WorldShare.