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OCLC Support

Is there a different way I should be obtaining a token to make requests to the Search API?

Applies to
  • WorldCatMetadataAPI
  • WorldCatSearchAPI
  • I am looking for detailed holdings information that I believe is only available via the WorldCat Search API.
  • Using the Metadata API I have been able to obtain the number of other libraries in the state that have holdings on a given title
    • I’d like to be able to get more information about those institutions by performing a similar search for the same title against the Search API
  • The scope ( &scope= ) is set to “WorldCatMetadataAPI” I have tried to set it to "WorldCatSearchAPI" but it gives an error.
  • I am seeing an error message "User is not authorized to access this resource with an explicit deny"

The &scope= string being sent  isn’t valid, which is why you receive an error message when you try to request that string. Get a token for the scope:  wcapi:view_institution_holdings

Información complementaria

A successful response for an Access Token will return a JSON document with a list of scopes for which the token is issued.  Most API keys have access to the ENTIRE API, which means all the scopes that are part of that API.

See the Client Credentials Grant (CCG) flow

Developer Network: Access Tokens

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