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View lists

Discover how to view lists and view the Item Details screen for a list item in

View public lists from the Lists tab

  1. Click Lists in the global navigation to view lists. Sections on the List screen include:
    • Featured list curated by the OCLC WorldCat Team
    • Popular user lists
    • Recently updated lists
  2. Click a list name to view the list.
  3. From the list screen, click a title or hover over a cover and click View to open the Item Details screen for the item.

View curated lists from a library's profile page

  1. Click Libraries in the header. The Libraries screen opens with an auto-generated list of nearby libraries based on your location.
    Select Libraries from the search field drop-down list. 
  2. Enter a library name in the search field.
  3. Click the Search button (Search button) or press <Enter>. Your search result(s) will be ordered alphabetically by all libraries with that search term in the library name(s).
  4.  Click the name of a library to view its profile page. The Curated lists section appears below the institutional contact details section.
    • A library's curated lists are sorted in descending order by date. You can adjust how the curated lists are sorted by selecting one of the following from the Sort by drop-down list.
      • Date (Most Recent) (default)
      • Date (Least Recent)
      • Most followed
  5. Click a list name to view the list.
  6. From the list screen, click a title or hover over a cover and click View to open the Item Details screen for the item.

View lists from My Profile

  1. Select My Profile from your username drop-down menu.
  2. Select Lists from the left navigation. All lists appear.
    • Results are sorted chronologically by the last update date.
  3. Click a list name to view or update the list. For details, see Update a list.
  4. (Optional) From the list screen, click a title or hover over a cover and click View to open the Item Details screen for the item.

Sort items in a list

Use the options in the Sort by drop-down list to determine how the items in a list are sorted.

Sort option Behavior
Added Date (Most Recent) (default) Sorts chronologically by item added date with the newly added items appearing first.
Added Date (Least Recent) Sorts chronologically by item added date with the newly added items appearing last.
Title Name (A-Z) Sorts by special characters, then A-Z by Title. Only the article "the" is ignored.
Title Name (Z-A) Sorts by special characters, then Z-A by Title. Only the article "the" is ignored.
Author (A-Z) Sorts by special characters or numbers in the first name, then A to Z by the last name.
Author (Z-A) Sorts by special characters or numbers in the first name, then Z to A by the last name.
Publication Date (Most Recent) Sorts chronologically by publication year with the newest items listed first.
Publication Date (Least Recent) Sorts chronologically by publication year with the oldest items listed first.