Configure Alerts

Learn how to access and configure predefined alerts, view alerts, and send custom alerts in the Admin module.

About alerts

Alerts appear when you are signed in to your library's WorldShare instance. When alerts are sent to your account, the numbered box on the far left of the navigation bar turns orange and displays the number of unread alerts. If you have no alerts, or have read all of your alerts, the box will be gray and contain a zero (0).

Alerts can be sent to you by another user or by the system.


Predefined alerts

Available predefined alerts

Predefined alerts are generated when a specific action occurs within the system. Alerts are sent to library staff with WorldShare accounts. Predefined alerts only apply to libraries with WorldShare Circulation and/or WorldShare License Manager.

The tables below show the predefined alerts that are available in the WorldShare interface, Admin > Alerts Management > Configure Alerts.


Circulation alerts

These are the predefined Circulation alerts:

Alerta Receive alert when
Notification created Notifications for patrons without email addresses are available to be accessed for printing.
Notification deleted The original alert is going to be deleted.

For information on printing notifications, see Notification policy, Print notifications.

Licenses - Harvest Usage Data

These are the predefined harvest usage data alert:

Alerta Receive alert when
Vendor Request Approved A requested vendor has been approved.
Vendor Request Declined A requested vendor has been denied.
Harvest Errors SUSHI harvest fails due to problems with credentials, service downtown, or other issues.
Harvest Status A report harvest is requested from a vendor, which can result in a large number of alerts.
Harvested Files Expiration A harvested report file is about to reach it's storage maturity date of two years.  These dates can be extended.

Licenses - Manage Licenses

These are the predefined manage licenses alerts:

Alerta Receive alert when
About to expire

A license will expire.

  • By default, the alert is sent two weeks before the renewal deadline date as set in the license.
  • Use the End Date Approaching term of use to edit the alert notification date. See Terms of use for more information.


Created A license has been created.
License Comment Changed A user has added or edited a comment on an indicated license.
License expired A license has reached its expiration date, which means it likely either needs to be renewed or the material removed from the knowledge base.
License share accepted A license shared to another library has been accepted.
License share rejected A license shared to another library has been rejected.
License status changes to current A license is no longer pending and its terms are now in effect.
Licensee Termination Right

A license's last day for termination is two weeks away.

 Note: This alert monitors the At Will condition of the Licensee Termination Right license term. A license must have the Licensee Termination Right encoded with the condition of At Will and have a Period for Termination entered in order for the alert to be sent. For example, if a contract specifies an at-will period of termination as 60 calendar days prior to the contract end date, the alert will be sent two weeks prior to that date.

Renewal approaching

A license will be automatically renewed.

  • By default, the alert is sent two weeks before the renewal deadline date as set in the license.
  • Use the Renewal Deadline Approaching term of use to edit the alert notification date. See Terms of use for more information.
Renewal tracking for post-cancellation access A license has both a post-cancellation access term of use and the renewal date is approaching in two weeks.  
Renewed automatically A license has been automatically renewed.
Renewed manually A license has been manually renewed.
Signature added A license has been signed.
Signature updated A license's signature has been changed.
Term Comment Changed A term of use has had a new comment added or an existing comment edited.

How to configure predefined alerts

See the lists of predefined alerts.

Roles to configure alerts

In order to configure alerts, you need to have at least one of the following roles:


How to configure alerts

  1. Navigate to Admin > Alerts Management > Configure Alerts.
  2. On the Configure Alerts screen, select the Enable application alerts check box.
  3. Expand the Circulation, Licenses - Harvest Usage Data, or Licenses - Manage Licenses accordion.
  4. Assign alerts to users. You can search for users by typing their name into the search box, or by clicking the down arrow to select users from the list. Only users who can View alerts will appear in the list. Each alert can be assigned to one or more users.
  5. (Optional). Change the expiration period of the alert by using the up and down arrows or entering a number into the box. The expiration period determines how long the alert will stay in the recipient’s alert list before it is removed.
  6. Click Save.

How to view alerts

Roles to view alerts

In order to view or be sent alerts, you need at least one of the following roles:


How to view alerts

  1. On the navigation bar, click the numbered box on the far left.
  2. Click on the alert to mark it as read. Unread alerts appear in bold.

How to send custom alerts

Custom alerts are customized (free-text) messages you can send to other users within the WorldShare interface.

Roles to send custom alerts

In order to send alerts, you need at least one of the following roles:


How to send custom alerts

  1. On the navigation bar, click the numbered box on the far left (If there are no alerts, the box is gray and contains a zero (0); if there are alerts, the box is orange and contains the number of alerts).
  2. On the Alerts screen, click Compose Alert.
  3. On the Compose Alert window, fill in the fields in the following order:
    Campo Field Name Descripción
    1 To Select the user(s) you want to receive the alert. Alerts can be sent to one or more users.
    2 Mensaje Text of the alert message.
    3 Enlace Optional. Enter a valid URL.
    4 Expires after (days) Select how long the alert will stay in the recipient's alert list before it is removed.
  4. Click Send.