Online Catalog

Learn how to add information about your online catalog to your WorldCat registry institution information in OCLC Service Configuration.

Use the settings on this screen to list information about your Web-accessible catalog. When you are finished, click Save Changes or Reset to start over. To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WorldCat Registry left navigation and select Online Catalog.

 Note: Find instructions on how to Configure links to your online catalog, including instructions for WorldCat Discovery libraries and for Dutch customers.

Online Catalog Availability

Use this section to select the availability option for your online catalog.

The options are:

Online Catalog

It may take up to 24 hours for any changes to your institution's Online Catalog links to be reflected in other OCLC services. When you are finished, remember to Save Changes.

Online Catalog field definitions:

Tips on deep link construction

Información complementaria

Resources for WorldCat Discovery libraries

Find documentation and training on how to Configure links to your online catalog for WorldCat Discovery libraries.