2020 AskQC office hours
AskQC office hour URLs for a list of all URLs shared during AskQC office hours.
Note: SeeJanuary 2020 :: Best practices for editing WorldCat bibliographic records
Charlene Morrison and Shanna Griffith presented: Best practices for editing WorldCat bib records. Their presentation included spot-the-error audience participation poll questions. The main focus of this presentation was correcting cataloging errors to conform to cataloging guidelines.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- AskQC
- Metadata Quality
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards: oc.lc/bfas
Supporting material
February 2020 :: Best practices for enriching WorldCat bibliographic records
Hayley Moreno and Cynthia Whitacre presented Best Practices for Enriching Worldcat Bibliographic Records.
- Hayley Moreno described in detail the difference between Editing, Enriching and Enhancing bibliographic records in WorldCat. She also provided an Overview of Levels of Cataloging.
- Cynthia Whitacre talked about Enrichment. She explained adding fields that are not already present in existing records in WorldCat, which fields you can and cannot add and why.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- AskQC
- Metadata Quality
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards: oc.lc/bfas
Supporting material
March 2020 :: Punctuation updates and policies
Robert Bremer presented: Punctuation updates and policies. The presentation provides the rationale for the removal of punctuation, with the main focus on creating and editing records based on these updates and policies.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- AskQC
- OCLC's PunctuationAdd and PunctuationDelete macros: oc.lc/cat-downloads
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards: oc.lc/bfas
- PCC's Policy Guidelines for Minimally Punctuated MARC Records
- PCC's Training for Minimally Punctuated Bibliographic Records
Supporting material
April 2020 :: Updates to record validation and the OCLC MARC update
Jay Weitz and Bryan Baldus presented on updates to record validation and the OCLC MARC update. The topic included the principles behind validation and some real life examples of some of the common messages you may see.
Supporting material
May 2020 :: The mysterious 3xx fields
Robin Six and Jay Wietz presented on the mysterious 3xx fields. Robin provided a breakdown of the fields along with examples showing how the fields are used in bibliographic records and Jay covered the vocabularies used within these fields along with the current best practices associated with these fields.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- Music Toolkit by Gary Strawn
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards (BFAS), 3xx fields
- MARC 21 Authority Format, Headings General Information
- MARC 21 Source Codes for Vocabularies, Rules, and Schemes
- MLA Supplements to Best Practices for Music Cataloging
- OLAC best practices documents
- RDA registry
- RDA value vocabularies
- Reopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums (REALM) Information Hub: A COVID-19 Research Project
- Searching WorldCat Indexes, Fields and subfields, 3xx fields
- Valdosta State University libraries
- WC3 WebSchemas/Accessibility
Supporting material
June 2020 :: Updates on OCLC encoding levels
Robert Bremer and Cynthia Whitacre presented on the Updates on OCLC encoding levels. Robin provided a breakdown of the fields along with examples showing how the fields are used in bibliographic records and Jay covered the vocabularies used within these fields along with the current best practices associated with these fields.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards (BFAS) Online cataloging, Encoding level
- VAOH past sessions
- Quality Assurance Member capabilities
- VAOH slides for this presentation
- OCLC's Cataloging Defensively presentations are designed to give some background to how
OCLC's Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR) software deals with bibliographic records,
both generally and for specific bibliographic formats. - Bibliographic Formats and Standards (BFAS), Contents page
- BFAS Encoding Levels
Supporting material
August 2020 :: Unraveling the Mysteries of a Merge and DDR Improvements
Cynthia Whitacre introduced the session, informing participants that today's topic, and the topics for the remainder of this year's sessions, were selected from topics suggested from past user survey responses. Shanna Griffith presented a background view of merging and Metadata Quality staff’s use of Journal History (an internal tool) to investigate possible incorrect merges. Laura Ramsey presented on improvements to DDR (Duplicate Detections and Resolution). Joining them during the Question & Answer section were Robert Bremer and Jay Weitz.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- Cataloging Defensively presentations
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards (BFAS), Chapter 4
- BFAS Chapter 5: Requesting Changes to Records: Reporting errors, etc.
- Detailed information for using LC authority history begins on p. 27/56 here: Connexion Client documentation: Authorities: Search authority files.
Supporting material
September 2020 :: Connexion macros
Robert Bremer and Robin Six gave an overview of Connexion Macros. Robert explained the OCLC Macro language along with the different statements that users can make such as conditional statements. He also talked about several example macros that appear in the OCLC Macrobook. Robin then walked through the creation of a custom macro and highlighted documentation for learning how to make your own macros.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- Cataloging software downloads
- Connexion client macros
- GLA Technical Service Workshop
- Macros for the Connexion Client (by Joel Hahn)
- OCLC Connexion Client Guides Basics: Use Macros
- OCLC Macro Language for the Complete Beginner (by Joel Hahn)
- WaltsMacros
- Writing OCLC Connexion Client Macros the Simple Way (by Merry Morris)
October 2020 :: Linked data, and the road to learning about it
Nathan Putnam & Cynthia Whitacre introduced the sessions, informing participants that that day’s topic, and the topics for the remainder of this year's sessions, were selected from topics suggested from past user survey responses. The presentation provided by Charlene Morrison covered the basics of linked data; how OCLC has been and continues to work with linked data, as well as how Metadata Quality staff are participating. Then concluded with some resources for furthering your understanding of linked data within the library community. Joining them during the Question & Answer section were Becky Dean, Robert Bremer, and Shanna Griffith.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- 2020 LD4 Conference
- 21st Century Indexing: Learn how FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) can help libraries and other cultural institutions to assign subject headings
- Abstract Wikipedia project
- ALA Fundamentals of Metadata
- Coursera, Web of Data
- FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)
- Linked Jazz
- OCLC and linked data
- OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards: Control Subfields
- OCLC Research Linked Data
- PCC Task Group on Linked Data Best Practices / Final Report
- RDF formats and serializations: 1, 2
- SEMI (Shared entity management infrastructure)
- Serialization
- URI FAQs / PCC URI Task Group on URIs in MARC / September 26, 2018
- Wikidata
Supporting material
November 2020 :: OMG, there are so many 5xx fields, what do I do?
Hayley Moreno and Cynthia Whitacre presented on MARC 5xx fields. The fields covered in this presentation were those that are “Required if applicable” for full level records that include fields 500, 501, 502, 504, 508, 511, 513, 515, 518, 525, 526, 532, 533, 534, 538, 545, 546, 547, 550, 555, 580, and 588. Information was also shared on what fields will transfer as a result of a merge transaction.
URLs mentioned during the presentation:
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards
- WorldCat Discovery Community Center
- Connexion Help, Export specifications
- Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guide: P-N/RDA version
- Resource Description and Access (RDA) Toolkit
- BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile
- How item bibliographic data is displayed