Tipasa training

Find training on Tipasa here.

Live Tipasa training is intended for libraries currently implementing or using Tipasa.  If your library is not a member of a current or previous Tipasa cohort, please request more information about Tipasa.

OCLC offers live and recorded instructor-led training sessions, self-paced courses and practices, and shorter videos on Tipasa.

Training questions? Please visit OCLC Training FAQ.

For Tipasa training in French, please see Formation en français.



Introduction to Tipasa

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This 60-minute class provides a high-level overview of Tipasa staff and patron features and functionality, including customization options.

Make your Usage Statistics Count: A workshop

View a recorded session - Requires access to the OCLC Community Center. See Sign in to the OCLC Community Center for more information.

This 60-minute workshop discusses using OCLC ILL Usage Statistics to show the value of your ILL services, streamline workflows, and update policies.


Tipasa borrowing workflows

Access tutorial

This course demonstrates how to process new loan and copy requests from your patrons that are in your New for Review queue. You will also learn about receiving and returning loaned items.

Patron management and notifications

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This 60-minute course covers all aspects of Tipasa features for interacting with patrons.

Copyright management

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This course provides the basic skills needed for staff in libraries in the United States to configure copyright management options and track copyright compliance for ILL requests requiring royalty payments. After completing this course, you will be able to interpret the copyright queue, select the appropriate option in the copyright clearance section of a request, and use Tipasa copyright reports.

 Access tutorial

In this simulation, you will play the role of an ILL borrowing librarian in the United States. You will use the copyright management features in Tipasa to mark requests as Clear for fair use (CCG) and Clear with fee payment required (CCG); add a new title to your library's copyright table; and view copyright reports.

 Access quiz

This quiz asks questions to reinforce your understanding of Tipasa copyright management features for libraries in the United States.

Print book straps and return labels

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In this ten-minute video, you will learn how to print book straps or stickers and return labels when you are the borrowing library.

Print ILL requests

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In this eight-minute video, you will learn how to print full requests.

Requests: Expired, overdue, or unfilled

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In this seven-minute video, you will learn how to proceed with requests with the status of expired, overdue, or unfilled.


Lending workflows

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This course provides the basic skills needed to respond to lending requests in Tipasa. After completing this course, you will be able to decide how your library will use lending priorities and advanced lending workflows (verifying, retrieving, scanning, and packaging), and process lending requests for loans and copies in Can You Supply and Lending Priorities queues. This includes printing pull slips/packing slips with your call number, printing shipping labels for loan requests, and transmitting scanned copies via Article Exchange.

Lending workflows simulation

Access tutorial

This simulation gives you opportunities to practice various scenarios for processing new lending requests in your priority lending queue, including printing book straps and shipping labels, as well as attaching a scanned article using Article Exchange for a copy request.

Advanced lending workflows quiz

Access quiz

This quiz asks questions to reinforce your understanding of the Verifying, Retrieving, Scanning, and Packaging queues.

Print book straps and shipping labels

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In this nine-minute video, you will learn how to print book straps or stickers, and shipping labels, when you're the lending library.

Print ILL requests

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In this eight-minute video, you will learn how to print full requests.

Document Delivery

Document delivery

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This course provides the basic skills needed to configure Tipasa document delivery functionality, and efficiently manage document delivery requests. After completing this course, you will be able to configure automations, patron request workforms, and notifications to facilitate document delivery; fulfill requests from your patrons for physical or electronic resources that your library holds or licenses, as well as open access resources; and change fulfillment type between document delivery and ILL request.

Access quiz

This quiz asks questions to reinforce your understanding of Tipasa’s document delivery functionality.


Automated Request Manager

Access tutorial

In this self-paced course, you will learn the benefits of using automations, and what information you should review and update before creating automations.  The course includes video demonstrations of creating borrowing and lending automations, and you will have opportunities to check your knowledge.

Creating constant data

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In this ten-minute video, you will learn how to create, edit and maintain constant data records in OCLC Service Configuration for accuracy and efficiency in ILL borrowing and lending.

Custom Holdings for interlibrary loan

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In this ten minute video, you will learn how to create and edit custom holdings groups and custom holdings paths then apply them to your interlibrary loan requests.

OCLC IFM - Interlibrary Loan Fee Management

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This eight-minute video provides an overview of IFM and how borrowing and lending libraries can configure IFM as payment method.

Establish ILL Policies in OCLC Policies Directory

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Libraries using OCLC interlibrary loan services will learn how to set up and/or edit policies in OCLC Policies Directory.

Basics of deflections

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This eleven-minute video provides an overview of the types of ILL deflections and how you can set up deflections for items your library does not lend through ILL, including supplier status.

Deflecting knowledge base collections

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This six-minute video reviews the steps necessary to deflect requests based on E-Licensing terms which restrict ILL.

Deflecting All Electronic items

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This six-minute video shows how to create deflection policies for all electronic items, reviews the impact it has on requests, and shows where to review statistics on requests deflected.

Curate and Care for your Constant Data: A workshop

View a recorded session - Requires access to the OCLC Community Center. See Sign in to the OCLC Community Center for more information.

This 53-minute workshop focuses on creating data records that can be saved and applied to both borrowing and lending requests.

Construct your Custom Holdings: A workshop

View a recorded session - Requires access to the OCLC Community Center. See Sign in to the OCLC Community Center for more information.

This 55-minute workshop discusses how to choose lendors to include in custom holdings, explains the auto-creation of lender strings and how lender strings are randomized, and discusses lending priorities and proven senders. 

Fine-tune your Policies and Deflections: A workshop

View a recorded session - Requires access to the OCLC Community Center. See Sign in to the OCLC Community Center for more information.

This 42-minute workshop focuses on setting and communicating your ILL policies, using automatic deflections to your advantage, and assessing the effectiveness of your deflection settings.

Request Process: A workshop

View a recorded session - Requires access to the OCLC Community Center. See Sign in to the OCLC Community Center for more information.

This 64-minute workshop discusses the Automated Request Manager in the OCLC Service Configuration to automate processing of new borrowing requests.