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Relais Portal updates

Find information about recent updates to the Relais Portal.

Portal 2.12 - November 13, 2019


Ability to configure and use the NCIP circ messages (CheckoutItem, AcceptItem and CheckinItem) with WMS

This feature will be turned off upon the update. Submit a ticket to OCLC Support in order to have your systems configured to utilize this feature.

Portal 2.11.1 - August 20, 2019

Característica Ability for staff to see the existing routing list for a request and modify the list if necessary.

Portal 2.11 - July 17, 2019


Ability to display the call number and volume fields as part of the constant request data in the staff web pages.


Ability to have the entire note field display in the audit history grid without having to select the row.


Support for the btitle and the jtitle OpenURL parameters passed from World Cat Discovery to D2D Discovery.


Ability to display a maintenance notification page to users during updates that require downtime.

 Note: The release of the Request Routing feature has been delayed and this feature is not include with the release of Portal 2.11  OCLC Relais anticipate this feature will be released at the end of July 2019.

Portal 2.10 - May 8, 2019


Ability to control whether any or all of the following fields: patron name, address, phone number and/or email are stored as part of the skeletal patron record in Relais for NCIP/SIP2 generated patron records.


Ability to allow patrons to initiate a scrub of their personal data from their ‘Completed’ requests.


Ability to limit the number of active requests a patron can have at any given time and/or over a rolling time period.


The Auto fill barcode using request number / Auto-process requests feature has been separated into two configurable settings. Auto-processing of requests, if enabled, occurs only when a single request is returned through Query Request. If a list of requests is returned from the Advanced Search OR from a queue in the Side Menu, the ability to auto-process is not enabled.

Portal 2.9 - January 17, 2019

Feature (Portal 2.8.1) Ability for staff to view, print and reprint bookbands, pickslips and/or cover pages from the staff portal eliminating the need to install/maintain the Print Request and Reprint Request applications on staff workstations

Ability to use the SIP2 protocol to retrieve patron information from an institution’s library system to validate the patron.


Enhanced Side Menu. The entry from the side menu that is currently selected will now be bolded in all user pages (patron, library and staff) to make it stand out visually.  In addition, a library can choose to have a green check mark display beside the highlighted selection to further enhance its display.

A subtle vertical line has been added to visually delineate the contents of the side menu and the main content of the page.

Característica Ability to display 'Complete Requests' option under the My Requests side menu entry on the patron and library pages to allow patrons and/or libraries to see Open vs Complete requests in distinct lists.

Ability for patrons, libraries and staff to export a list of requests to a CSV file. Patrons and libraries will be able to access this feature via the Open Requests and the new Complete Requests links under My Requests in their respective portal pages. Staff will be able to access this feature from a request list (grid) or from a single request.

After clicking on Export Request users will be prompted to indicate what fields from the requests to include in the exported file of requests.

For patron and library requests, libraries can configure a warning message to display prompting users to export their request history when a patron’s total requests are within the configured percentage of the total number of requests (Open or Completed) that can be displayed. The default configuration is 10%.

Note: The CSV file created is a comma delimited file. When opened in Microsoft Excel some fields of data (i.e. pages) may be displayed out of context. i.e. 8-10 may appear as 10-Aug due to MS Excel default formatting. The CSV file should be imported into Excel and the pages field formatting set to "Text" instead of "General" to avoid this issue.


Ability to configure a link to an institution’s privacy notice for display on the login page and/or within the footer sections of both the patron and library portal pages.

Portal 2.7 - September 12, 2018

Característica Side Menu for staff pages allowing staff to retrieve and display requests as well as look at current workloads.

Portal 2.6.2 - May 16, 2018

4961 Característica Multi-part requests where some but not all parts are undone during staff processing will no longer cause the request to appear as if it were completely undone.

Portal 2.6.1 - April 19, 2018

4732   Característica Play audible sound for both successful and unsuccessful updates when staff processing.
4590 36324 Bug

In Advanced Search, doing a title keyword search with more than 8 terms resulted in an 'Internal Service error'

Portal 2.6 - October 11, 2017

2541   Característica

A new Supply tab in the staff pages provides staff with the ability to attach an existing electronic document or file to a request, select a Supply As code, e.g., Photocopy No Scan and specify the number of pages in a document (for invoicing purposes)

4008   Característica

When passing an OpenURL into D2D Discovery and an ISBN or ISSN is included along with the title/author bib parameters, the ISBN or ISSN is combined using 'and' logic.  Previously these parameters were combined with 'or' logic.  

4125   Característica

When a request is displayed to staff, the Publication type and Service type display as part of the constant request information.

3634   Change

On the Loan tab, when using the 'autofill' barcode with request number feature, use the request number only when processing requests for a library's own patron.  Do not enable this when updating requests from other libraries.   

3940   Change

Pop-up window with Leave Page / Stay on Page message in IE 11 no longer occurs

4012 33885 Change

On the Loan tab, if the Due Date field is hidden and NCIP or eSIP is in use, then no due date is sent in any messages, i.e., CheckoutItem or AcceptItem, to the local library system.  

4036   Change

When using Advanced Query, if the user does not enter any search criteria an error message displays

4241   Change

When NCIP or eSIP is in use, additional logging has been added to track the time elapsed OCLC Relais hosted servers and a customer's NCIP/eSIP server.  This additional logging will assist with system monitoring and troubleshooting.  

Portal 2.5.1 - May 11, 2017

3759 32930 Bug When displaying a request to the requester and a link is configured for the status, e.g., to take the user to a My Account page elsewhere, the link was not displaying correctly in the line in the Request Grid while it does display correct in the details of the request.  
3745, 3751 32735, 32690 Bug

Issues with response time and batch processing.  In particular, when entering numbers using a barcode reader or wand, the end of the number was sometimes cut off, staff experienced timeout errors and when using the batch or retain option in the Unfilled tab some requests were not updated.  

3669 32526 Bug The "forgot my password' link on Portal 2.5 results in a black screen
3660   Bug In Query when using Date Submitted, it was possible to select a date in the future.
3670 32540 Change Add request pages - the mask for the Max Cost field is removed.
3912   Característica In D2D, if you have configured to auto-fill the barcode with the request number when updating requests as Receive Loan (LON) the update is now processed automatically.
3907   Característica In D2D, when updating a request as Complete (RET), the option to send a Returned message to the patron is now available.
3896   Característica When using the redirect option in Discovery it is now possible to send across an OpenURL.  Relais will reformat the OpenURL into a CCL query that can be passed into Discovery to trigger a search. 
3683 32565 Característica When working in a shared system, staff at the requesting library and at the current supplying library are the only ones that are allowed to update requests.  Staff from other libraries may view the request and have the option to add a note.

Portal 2.5 hotfix 3 - Feb 17, 2017

ILL Bug 3729 When logging using URL parameters an application error dialog window displays briefly. The login process is not hindered but the error is confusing to users.
ILL Bug 3728

In the Add Request pages when the delivery method and/or messaging method fields and the corresponding address fields are hidden an error is being displayed to the requester.  

Portal 2.5 hotfix 2 - Feb 6, 2017

ILL Bug 3716 32526 An error displays when patron records are added to or updated in Relais ‘on the fly’ using data provided via an OpenURL

Portal 2.5 hotfix - Jan 10, 2017





The "forgot my password' link on Portal 2.5 results in a blank screen

Portal 2.5 bug fixes and updates - Jan 4, 2017

The following is in addition to the introduction of Query, the Loan, Unfilled and Bib Info tabs. 

ILL Característica


When not using the login and password from the patron's Relais record, for example if using NCIP and using the patron's surname as one of the login credentials, it is now possible to configure an appropriate maximum length for the field.  Previously the maximum length for any login credentials was set at 20 characters. 



In the Add Request pages, if a Bibliography number is entered then a Bibliography must be selected from the drop down.  Previously it was possible to enter a number without selecting a corresponding bibliography.

ILL Change


In the Add Request pages only numbers can be used for the Max Cost.  Previously if other characters such as $ were entered via copy and paste an error displayed. 



When using the OpenURL non-standard language codes (ISO639_2) no longer generate an error.

ILL Change


The two ISSN and ISBN fields have been separated.   See the screen shots on the Add Requests page

It is now possible to display only the first ISSN (or ISBN) and hide the second.  Previously the display of the ISSN fields was causing problems for requesters and it was not possible to hide display only the first ISSN and hide the second ISSN. 

Customers who had hidden the ISSN or ISBN previously and would now like to display these fields again please contact OCLC Support.

D2D/ILL Característica 3010

Configuration on the Portal pages can now be done based on the patron type.

D2D/ILL Característica


It is now possible to use OpenURL to create a patron record on the fly.  For example if using a 3rd party system for authentication and not using NCIP to retrieve patron information from you local library system, you can send patron information as part of the OpenURL - this information is used to create a skeletal patron record if one does not already exist in Relais. For more information see the OpenURL parameters page.

Portal 2.4.1 bug fixes and updates - Jan 18, 2016

ILL 2430 28985 Bug Fixed. In System & National Bib Num if a selection is made the field becomes mandatory however if I change the selection back to None the field remains mandatory 
D2D 2455 28996 Bug Fixed. In D2D when a library is set to inactive, new patrons from that library are not able to login to Discovery or My Account.
ILL 2193   Change In the email template for the confirmation message the label for the Author token is now Author/Editor
ILL 2190 28676 Change

The patron id / library symbol is displayed as part of the audit notes when a request is added via the Relais Portal. For example:

Received ILL Request from: PATRON1

Received ILL Request from:  OORII

ILL 2186   Change When duplicate checking is turned on in Add Request the default message displayed when a duplicate request is added has been updated to "This is a duplicate request. Duplicate requests cannot be submitted."
ILL 2393, 2400, 2402   Change A series of changes to various defaults have been made to simplify the configuration process. For example, hide the My Profile option in the side menu, hide the Help links
ILL 2460 28572 Change

In the Add Request web service do not update ID_DELIVERY.date_processed

For customers using RapidILL, the updating of date_processed was causing requests that had been sent to RapidILL to be updated incorrectly and sending "filled" emails to patrons in error.

ILL 2221 28506 Característica

It must be possible to allow the requester to NOT set a Need by Date

See Need by Date for configuration options

D2D/ILL 2194, 2187   Característica In the email template for the confirmation message add the Request Number token as an option in the body of the message and remove the library symbol as part of the default
D2D/ILL 2021   Característica In the Authentication service more detailed error messages are returned.
ILL 2329   Característica Add the option to support multiple acknowledgement statements on the Add Request page


Portal 2.4 bug fixes and updates - Oct 5, 2015 


New version of Add Request web service (used to create requests submitted via the Relais Portal page into the Relais database)

  • The Add Request web service has been migrated to the Relais Portal environment. For Relais ILL customers, all requests entered via the Relais Portal pages are using this new version of Add Request to add requests into the Relais database. This includes the logic that assigns the request number, request type and process for a new request. Patrons and libraries using the Relais Portal pages will not see any change in the way their requests are entered or in the way the request number is displayed once the request has been entered into the Relais database. Patrons and libraries will continue to receive a confirmation email as in the past.
1346    Característica

Option to hide Delivery Method on the Add Request pages

  • It is now possible to hide the Delivery Method drop down box on the Add Request pages (this was not possible in previous versions of the Relais Portal). For example if you want to force all requests for copies to be delivered via Post to Web it is now possible to set this as the default and hide this field on the Add Request pages therefore preventing your patrons from selecting any other delivery option.  
  • See Add Request configuration for more details for this option.
1221  26415 Característica

On the Add Request pages, add an option to set the earliest Need by Date a number of days in the future

  • In earlier version of the Portal if the Need by Date were displayed on the Add Request pages it was possible for the requester to select the current date as the Need by Date for a request. A new configuration option is now available that allows a number of days to be added to the current date, the resulting date is used as the earliest Need by Date the requester can select. For example if 3 days is configured as the offset for request for copies from libraries and today is October 5, then the earliest date the requesting library can select as the Need by Date is October 8. Different numbers of days can be configured for requests for copies and loans as well as for requests from patrons and libraries.
  • By default this value is set to 0 (zero). See Add Request - Need by Date for more configuration details and how to request this option be activated.

Option to identify duplicate requests submitted via the Add Request pages

  • Options to identify when patrons and libraries submit duplicate requests via the Add Request pages are now available this includes how to handle duplicate requests when they are identified. 
  • By default no duplication options are configured, therefore no checking for duplicate requests is done. See Add Requests - duplicate checking for more information, configuration options and how to request duplicate checking be turned on.

Enhanced security options for sending patron credentials to the Relais Portal pages

Portal 2.2.1 bug fixes and updates - April 24, 2015 

1102   Bug Audit History is not honouring string line breaks and tab
1137   Bug The order of the entries in the Department drop down box is not in alphabetical order (for the default language description, i.e., English)
1272   Change

The request templates used by other libraries have been updated to display the Supplying Library drop down. This will ensure that a default supplier is added to the request at the time it is added to the Relais database.

147   Característica In a multilingual system, display the appropriate language description for Stat Location, Stat Function and Exception
941   Característica Add the reject code description to the end of the Status: Unfilled field in Request Detail
954   Característica In the My Request grid make sure all the information in the right hand column is visible, sometimes the scroll bar hides it
1083 25573 Característica In the Contact Library Staff message include information about the requester
1147   Característica On the Login page allow the user to select their preferred language 

Portal 2.2 bug fixes and updates - Jan 30, 2015

202   Bug When adding a request and when entering a value for Max Cost greater than NNNN.NN an error displays. 
639 24971 Bug When using ESIP for circulation updates an error is being generated
797   Bug When a request is received via OpenURL and the user clicks Reset, the non-editable fields become editable
984   Bug In OpenURL - values from the rft_id=doi.... tag are not populating Additional Numbers / Letters
1009   Change On the request form make Local Location always hidden (by default)
1010   Change Make Date Submitted always hidden (by default)
206   Característica

In Request Detail add Status Date as one of the elements displayed. For example

217 23844 Característica Allow staff to retrieve requests using the partner library's barcode
334 24002 Característica Support for a way for a patron/library to request their password if forgotten
343   Característica When a request is received via OpenURL use the value in the genre tag, (e.g., bookitem, proceeding) to determine which request form to display
347   Característica In OpenURL if spage or epage is present but the other is not then use whatever value is available
380   Característica Support for more text/link options on the Login page
499   Característica Support for passing the routing list created in Discovery to the Relais request form 
572 24937 Característica Support for Kuali OLE CheckinItem NCIP message
573   Característica Support for Kuali OLE LookupUser NCIP message
574   Característica Support for Kuali OLE CheckOutItem NCIP message
575   Característica Support for Kuali OLE AcceptItem NCIP message
693 24914 Característica In OpenURL support for the rfr_id tag
743   Característica In OpenURL add support for the SID tag to indicate the request source, e.g., Relais Portal or Discovery
756   Característica In OpenURL support for pubdate for specific genres, e.g., book
800   Característica Add Locations field to the request template
952   Característica Realign the request form acknowledgement check box when the text is longer than 1 line and move the asterisk to the right of the acknowledgement check box
956   Característica Support configuration of multiple unit libraries when a library is using NCIP.
977 25802 Característica In Add Request - Need by Date, prevent the requester from entering a date in the past.  
978   Característica In OpenURL, when genre = dissertation, display the Thesis request template
1008   Característica Automatically update the year in the footer

Portal 2.1.2 update - released on Nov 28, 2014

863   Característica When a patron authenticates via NCIP and then submits a request, pass through the correct token(s) to the Add Request web service (the mechanism that adds the request to the Relais database)

Portal 2.1.1 updates and bug fixes - released on Nov 28, 2014

398   Bug In the French User Interface, on the Cancel popup box the cancel button is missing
474   Bug The "Date Submitted", "Need by Date" and "Expiry Date" fields are filled with the current date on the Add Request page.
274   Característica Add the option to specify where to go on expiry (the same as with Logout)
332   Característica For Post to Web delivery, support the option to require the patron to Login and display a Terms of Use Statement
408   Característica When requests are updated as Return/Complete Loan, generate the Returned/Checked-in ISO messages as appropriate.
497   Característica When a library or patron record specifies a default value for 'max days' use this to calculate and display the Need by Date on the request form
500   Característica When a library or patron record specifies a default value for 'max cost' use this to calculate and display the Max Cost on the request form