Proxy and Authentication

Find information about Proxy and Authentication settings in WorldShare Collection Manager.


Collection Manager helps you manage patron access to materials by directing off-campus patrons through your proxy server. Collection Manager will prepend your proxy information to catalog links. Both on-campus and off-campus patrons will be given proxy links. Consult the documentation for your proxy server to determine how to configure your proxy settings to ignore on-campus patrons so they do not have to sign in.

You can override proxy information for a single collection within a collection's collection-level settings. See Collection-level settings in knowledge base collections.

Proxy Type

  1. Navigate to Institution Settings > Proxy and authentication > Proxy.
  2. Select Proxy:
    • None (default)
    • EZproxy
    • III WAM Proxy

Base URL

  • EZproxy users:
    • Enter your Base URL. Example of a EZproxy base URL:
  • III WAM Proxy users:
    • Enter the Hostname. Example of a III WAM Proxy hostname:

 Caution: Do not include a space after the Base URL.

Username and Password

(Optional) Enter your Username and Password. Providing username and password information is used by OCLC for de-bugging purposes only.

Allow Proxy for Open Access Collections

Determine whether to allow for proxy use in open access collections.  Once this setting is set to Yes, open access collections will allow users to enable proxy settings at the collection level.  This gives libraries the option to surface open access content with proxy information in mixed collections.

The default setting is No.

 Note: It is possible to update the collection-level proxy settings before enabling this setting.  Once set to Yes, the settings will be recognized and applied.  The proxy settings will be visible, but not applied if the setting is No.  This can be verified in the Sample Title Link.

(Optional) Select to Temporarily disable for WorldCat Discovery and 

  • Staff members can use this setting to temporarily disable proxy information for WorldCat Discovery and link display without impacting MARC records.  If there is a problem with the library's proxy service, this will allow library users to continue to access library resources within the library network.

Google Scholar

Applies to: Knowledge base collections.

Libraries can increase the discoverability of their resources by surfacing holdings in Google Scholar search results.

 Note: You must have an OCLC cataloging subscription in order to surface your materials in Google Scholar.  If your library does not have an OCLC Cataloging Subscription, you can request more information by filling out the form on the OCLC Cataloging and Metadata subscription page.

Knowledge base collections in WorldShare Collection Manager make this possible via OCLC's OpenURL link resolver (included with WorldShare License Manager, WorldShare Management Services, and WorldCat Discovery).

 Note: If you are switching to using Collection Manager knowledge base collections after using a different product for Google Scholar linking, please contact your previous vendor and ask them to remove your old Google Scholar record and registration. Once your previous vendor makes changes on their end, Google Scholar's automatic update process will take at least two weeks to recognize the changes.

1. Enable Google Scholar

2. Enter or verify information for the following fields

3. Save

4. Edit the default setting per collection

Once you have enabled Google Scholar in Institution Settings > Proxy and Authentication > Google Scholar, default settings will be active within each collection's settings.

Enable or edit the collection-level settings as needed:

  1. Busca la colección y ábrela.
  2. Expand Holdings and MARC Records.
    By default:
    • Global collections will be enabled for Google Scholar; "Use institution setting" will be selected
    • Local collections will be disabled for Google Scholar; "Disable for this collection" will be selected 
  3. Edit the Export to Google Scholar setting.
    • Use institution setting: Google Scholar is enabled (If the institution setting is disabled, this will say Google Scholar is disabled)
    • Disable for this collection
  4. Click Save.

Verify your holdings in Google Scholar

After you have configured Google Scholar settings in WorldShare Collection Manager and 1-2 weeks have passed to allow for Google Scholar to harvest your holdings, you should be able to find your library and links to your items in Google Scholar.

Google Scholar is designed for the discovery of e-journal content. When verifying that your content appears in Google Scholar, look for e-journal content.

 Note: If the knowledge base collection contains both e-books and e-journals, both formats are sent to Google Scholar.

  • Verify on campus within your IP address range
    If you entered IP addresses in the Google Scholar settings and you are on campus, links will automatically appear when you search Google Scholar. Visit and search for an item you know was in the export to Google Scholar.
  • Verify off campus or outside your IP address
    If you allowed links to be available both on and off campus in your GS settings, people outside your IP range will need to add your library to their personal GS settings in order to see your links.
    1. Navigate to
    2. Click the Menu button (Menu button) and then click the Settings button (Settings button).
    3. Select Library links from the Settings menu.
    4. Search for your library using the Library Display Name or keywords you entered in Google Scholar's institution settings.
    5. Select your library and click Save.
    6. Search Google Scholar for an item you know was in the export to Google Scholar.
    7. Select the link for your institution to verify that you can access the article as expected.
      • If you do not see your link, you may need to select More button (More button) or All versions link to access the link for your library.
      • Off-campus users will not be authorized to access your content when they click on your library's links. When they click a link, they will be presented with whatever option to authenticate you have set up with your link resolver.

Remove links from Google Scholar

To remove links sent from knowledge base collections in WorldShare Collection Manager:

  • Disable the setting for a collection in the collection-level settings, or
  • Disable the institution setting to remove links from all of your collections

It can take up to 3 months for Google to remove your links.

Download Authentication

Applies to: Knowledge base collections.

IP Authentication for KBART Downloads is used primarily by libraries with an automated system for gathering their knowledge base holdings.

Use this setting to limit access to who can download your KBART file. This setting enables you to restrict the download of a text file of your library's holdings from a URL to a specific IP address or range of IP addresses. 

To restrict download by IP address:

  1. Select Limit to these IP addresses for Download Access.
  2. Identify a specific IP address or range of IP addresses from which you want people to be able to access the link to your KBART-formatted holdings file.
  3. Enter the IP address information.
  4. After saving the IP address(es), it can take up to two weeks for the file to become available from the provided URL.