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View entity details

Discover the interface of the entity viewer in WorldCat Entities.

From the search results screen, click on the Entity Label of a desired entity to open it in the View screen. Sections of the viewer are explained in greater detail below. For more details about which properties you can expect to see for an entity, see the WorldCat Entity Data guidelines and standards.

 Note: It is not currently possible to edit WorldCat Entity Data.

The details screen for a WorldCat Person entity, Toni Morrison

1. Back to search

Return to the list of all entity results returned by the most recent search.

2. Section and property navigation

To navigate quickly between the available sections and properties of an entity, click on any of the linked headers in the left navigation bar. You can also scroll down the screen to see all of the sections and properties.

3. View entity references

Click on the References tab to view a list of citations that the entity references to provide evidence for specific pieces of information that have been added. You must be signed in to WorldCat Entities to see this tab. See Sign in to WorldCat Entities.

4. Download .JSON file

Click the download icon (An image of the download icon.) to save a .JSON file containing the entity's information and associated properties to your computer. For more information, see Download entity details.

5. Copy URI

Click the copy URI icon (WCEntities_copy_uri_icon.png) to automatically copy the entity's unique Universal Resource Identifier to your clipboard.

 Note: When linking to a WorldCat Entity, you should use the Copy URI feature instead of copying the URL in your web browser.

6. Entity details

This section displays the Entity Label, URIEntity Type, and Description.

7. Section title

Scroll down to view all information added to each section of an entity, beginning with Key Information. The sections and columns available will differ depending on the entity type and the individual section. 

8. Scroll entries

When a section or property has more than five entries, use the right and left arrow buttons (Left and right scroll arrows) to scroll through entries.

9. View entry details

Use the View icon (A blue button shaped like a piece of paper, with a white magnifying glass inside) next to an entry to see more information about it.