Export specifications

Find export characteristics for bibliographic and authority records converted to the OCLC-MARC format.

Cataloging export converts bibliographic and authority records to the OCLC-MARC format. It writes that record to a file or directs it to a communications port.

Export characteristics: Bibliographic records 

Exported bibliographic records have the same format and character set as OCLC- MARC records output to FTP.

The following applies to exported bibliographic records:

 Note: Since November 12, 2006, all transaction codes are stored in field 994. For historical details and a complete list of transaction codes, see the information on field 994 in Content Designators for Bibliographic Data.

The following table details what is and is not included in exported bibliographic records.

Exported bibliographic records characteristics - Table
Item Included in exported records Not included in exported records
User Option Data User option data input at the workstation in the 910 field User option data specified in the institution’s profile
Call Numbers All call numbers present in the bibliographic record when Produce or Update are performed For Replace (rep Update) transactions: 090 (if record contains 050), 092 (if record contains 082), 096 (if record contains 060), 098, and 099
Dates Date record was created and date institution performed a Produce and Send or Update and Send on the record Date of last use of record, before the institution’s use of record, and the date of the revision
Print Constants   Print constants supplied by card print
Local Fields
  • Por Produce or Update transactions other than Replace (rep Update): local fields present in the bibliographic record when Produce or Update are performed
  • For Replace (rep Update) transactions: local default 049, 69x, and 94x
For Replace (rep Update) transactions: any field not present in the WorldCat record: 009, 059, 098, 099, 590, 690, 691, 79x, 910, and 945-949

Export characteristics: Bibliographic format equivalents

The following table shows the field and position of each fixed-field element in the OCLC-MARC bibliographic record.

Bibliographic format equivalents - Table
Mnemonic Definición Field and position
AccM Accompanying Matter (VIS) 008/23-27
AccM Accompanying Matter (SCO and REC) 008/24-29
Alph Original Alphabet or Script of Title 008/33
Audn Target Audience 008/22
Biog Biography 008/34
BLvl Bibliographic Level Leader/07
Comp Form of Composition 008/18-19
Conf Conference Publication 008/29
Cont Nature of Contents (BKS) 008/24-27
Cont Nature of Contents (SER) 008/25-27
CrTp Type of Cartographic Material 008/25
Ctrl Type of Control Leader/08
Ctry Country of Publication, Production, or Execution 008/15-17
Dates Date 1 and Date 2 008/07-10 and 008/11-14
Desc Descriptive Cataloging Form Leader/18
DtSt Type of Date/Publication Status 008/06
Elvl Encoding Level Leader/17
Entered Date Entered 008/00-05
EntW Nature of Entire Work 008/24
Fest Festschrift 008/30
File Type of Computer File 008/26
Fmus Format of Music 008/20
Form Form of Item (BKS, SER, MIX, SCO, and REC) 008/23
Form Form of Item (VIS and MAP) 008/29
Freq Frequency 008/18
Gpub Government Publication 008/28
Ills Illustrations 008/18-21
Indx Índice 008/31
ISSN ISSN Center 008/20
Lang Language 008/35-37
LitF Literary Form 008/33
LTxt Literary Text for Sound Recordings 008/30-31
Mrec Modified Record Code 008/38
OCLC OCLC Control Number 001/03-10
Orig Form of Original Item 008/22
Prme Prime Meridian 008/24
Proj Projection 008/22-23
Rec stat Record Status Leader/05
Regl Regularity 008/19
Relf Relief 008/18-21
S/L Entry Convention 008/34
SpFm Special Format Characteristics 008/33-34
Srce Cataloging Source Code 008/39
SrTp Type of Continuing Resource 008/21
Tech Technique 008/34
Time Running Time 008/18-20
Tmat Type of Material 008/33
Type Type of Record Leader/06

Export characteristics: Authority records

Authority records are not validated before conversion. This section describes the characteristics of exported authority records.

Export characteristics: Authority format equivalents

The following table shows the field and position of each fixed-field element in the OCLC-MARC authority record.

Authority format equivalents - Table
Mnemonic Definición Field and position
Auth/Ref Kind of Record 008/09
Auth status Level of Establishment 008/33
Enc lvl Encoding Level Leader/17
Entered Date Entered on File 008/00-05
Geo subd Direct or Indirect Geographic Subdivision 008/06
Govt agn Type of Government Agency 008/28
Mod rec Modified Record 008/38
Name Undifferentiated Personal Name 008/32
Name use Heading Use—Main or Added Entry 008/14
Rec stat Record Status Leader/05
Ref status Reference Evaluation 008/29
Roman Romanization Scheme 008/07
Rules Descriptive Cataloging Rules 008/10
Ser num Numbered/Unnumbered Series 008/13
Ser use Heading Use—Series Added Entry 008/16
Serie Type of Series 008/12
Source Cataloging Source 008/39
Subj Subject Heading System/Thesaurus 008/11
Subj type Type of Subject Subdivision 008/17
Subj use Heading Use—Subject Added Entry 008/15
Type Type of Record Leader/06
Upd status  Record Update in Process 008/31