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Bibliographic record control field elements

Find details about the elements of the bibliographic record control fields.

Each control field contains alphanumeric data. Specific data elements are identified by position within the control field, not by subfield codes and delimiters. Each control field is followed by a field terminator.

In OCLC-MARC Records, any element, Value, field, subfield, etc., marked obsolete is no longer valid. Current records will not contain these invalid codes. However, records supplied from archives may contain obsolete MARC coding.

Ind = Indicator  |  SFC = Subfield code  |  R = Repeatable  |  NR = Nonrepeatable  |  En blanco = Blank

Tags 001

 Note: Mnemonics that appear on workforms and record displays follow the control field label.

Records containing OCLC numbers 1-99999999

The table below describes the 001 field in records containing OCLC numbers 1 through 99999999.

Etiqueta Byte Value Definición
001     Control Number (NR)
00-02 bip

Books-in-Print database record

 Note: Value obsolete


CatCD original record

 Note: Value obsolete


Harvard database record

 Note: Value obsolete

ocm OCLC designation

Record number

  • Right-justified with leading zeros
11   En blanco

Records containing OCLC numbers 100000000 through 999999999

The table below describes the 001 field in records containing 9-digit OCLC numbers.

Etiqueta Byte Value Definición
001     Control Number (NR)
00-02 ocn OCLC designation
03-11   Record number

Records containing OCLC numbers 1 billion and higher

Etiqueta Byte Value Definición
001     Control Number (NR)
00-01 on OCLC designation
02-11+ (unlimited)   Record number

Partnering data records

In cataloging partner collections in WorldShare Collection Manager, a partnering data record (PDR) is an optional brief placeholder record created by OCLC when no OCLC record is found or delivered. A PDR can be delivered if a title is already held by one or multiple institutions, or, if there is no matching item in WorldCat, if the option is enabled in the Cataloging Partner Options tab. Additionally, the OCLC number can be included in the PDR, if applicable, when enabled in the Cataloging Partner Options tab. The PDR contains title, ISBN, partner-provided data and either the ‘pct’ system generated number, or the OCLC control number in the 001 field if applicable. The OCLC control number will include the designated prefix.

Etiqueta Byte Value Definición
001 00-02 pct Partnering data record

Tags 003-006

 Note: Mnemonics that appear on workforms and record displays follow the control field label.

Tags 003-006 - Table
Etiqueta Byte Value Definición

Control Number Identifier (NR)

  • Except for original cataloging records from CatCD, all other records contain OCoLC

Date and Time of Latest Transaction (NR)

  • Record Manager: When a record is displayed in the Record Manager editor, the 005 (“Date of latest transaction”) is the date of the last replace, or, if it has never been replaced, the date it was added to WorldCat. When the record is exported from Record Manager, this same date is included in the 005.
  • Connexion: On export, the export action itself is treated as the “latest transaction” and so the export date is written to the 005.
  • Collection Manager: The 005 in Collection Manager output is the exact time the record is processed by the Collection Manager record editor process. (This typically happens 1-2 hours after the record is retrieved from WorldCat.) Collection Manager provides some standard edits to all records, plus any additional edits profiled by the user in Collection Manager.
00-03   Year
04-05   Month
06-07   Day
08-09   Hour
10-11   Minute
12-13   Second
14   Decimal point

Decimal second

  • Always = zero

Fixed-Length Data Elements—Additional Material Characteristics (R)

  • 18 characters and a field terminator
  • Positionally defined by the form of material as coded in Byte 00
  • Refer to field 008 positions 18—34 for the Definitions of field 006 positions 01—17
00 a Books format (BKS)
00 c Scores format (SCO)
00 d Manuscript notated music
00 e Maps format (MAP)
00 f Manuscript cartographic material
00 g Visual Materials format (VIS)
00 i Nonmusical sound recording
00 j Sound Recordings format (REC)
00 k Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
00 m Computer Files format (COM)
00 o Kit
00 p Mixed Materials format (MIX)
00 s Continuing Resources format (CNR)
00 t Manuscript language material

Tag 007: Byte 00

Tag 007: Byte 00 - Table
Etiqueta Byte Value Definición

Physical Description Fixed Field (R)

  • Values given in Byte 00 (Category of material (‡a)) are unique
  • Values in subsequent Bytes are unique only when taken in the context of Byte 00
  • Each element is identified by its position when field 007 is on tape or exported
  • In OCLC Cataloging service, however, the elements are displayed in subfields
  • If you are familiar with the online display, you know the element by the subfield code that follows the element name in this document
  • In OCLC-MARC records, prior to November 12, 2006, subfields that are not input are usually replaced by a hyphen (- = not coded); exceptions are noted in the detailed description of field 007
  • In OCLC-MARC records, after November 12, 2006, subfields not input are replaced by fill characters (■ = not coded). This change is present in all bibliographic records output from OCLC systems (except Connexion client 1.60).
00 a Map
00 c Electronic Resource
00 d Globe
00 f Tactile Material
00 g Projected Graphic
00 h Microfrom
00 k Nonprojected Graphic
00 m Motion Picture
00 o Kit
00 q Notated music
00 r Remote-sensing Image
00 s Grabación de sonido
00 t Text
00 v Videorecording
00 z Unspecified

Summary of field 007

Summary of field 007 - Table
Etiqueta Byte Valid byte 00 value Definición
007 00 a, c, d, f, g, h, k, m, o, q, r, s, t, v, z Category of material (‡a)
01 a, c, d, f, g, h, k, m, o, q, r, s, t, v, z Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)
02 a, c, d, f, g, h, k, m, r, s, v

Undefined (‡c) Obsolete

 Note: Prior to 1997, ‡c defined as Original versus reproduction aspect.

03 a, c, d, g, k, m, v Color (‡d)
03 h Positive/negative aspect (‡d)
03 r Altitude of sensor (‡d)
03 s Speed (‡d)
03-04 f Class of braille writing (‡d)
04 a, d Physical medium (‡e)
04 c, h Dimensions (‡e)
04 g Base of emulsion (‡e)
04 k Primary support material (‡e)
04 m Motion picture presentation format (‡e)
04 r Attitude of sensor (‡e)
04 s Configuration of playback channels (‡e)
04 v Videorecording format (‡e)
05 a, d Type of reproduction (‡f)
05 c Sound (‡f)
05 f Level of contraction (‡e)
05 g, m, v Sound on medium or separate (‡f)
05 k Secondary support material (‡f)
05 r Cloud cover (‡f)
05 s Groove width/groove pitch (‡f)
05-08 h Reduction ratio range/Reduction ratio (‡f)
06 a Production/reproduction details (‡g)
06 g, m, v Medium for sound (‡g)
06 r Platform construction type (‡g)
06 s Dimensions (‡g)
06-08 c Image bit depth (‡g)
06-08 f Braille music format (‡f)
07 a Positive/negative aspect (‡h)
07 g, m, v Dimensions (‡h)
07 r Platform use category (‡h)
07 s Tape width (‡h)
08 g Secondary support material (‡i)
08 m, v Configuration of playback channels (‡i)
08 r Sensor type (‡i)
08 s Tape configuration (‡i)
09 c File formats (‡h)
09 f Special physical characteristics (‡g)
09 h Color (‡g)
09 m Production elements (‡j)
09 s Kind of disc, cylinder, or tape (‡j)
09-10 r Data type (‡j)
10 c Quality assurance targets (‡i)
10 h Emulsion on film (‡h)
10 m Positive/negative aspect (‡k)
10 s Kind of material (‡k)
11 c Antecedent/source (‡j)
11 h Generation (‡i)
11 m Generation (‡l)
11 s Kind of cutting (‡l)
12 c Level of compression (‡k)
12 h Base of film (‡j)
12 m Base of film (‡m)
12 s Special playback characteristics (‡m)
13 c Reformatting quality (‡l)
13 m Refined categories of color (‡n)
13 s Original capture and storage technique (‡n)
14 m Kind of color stock or print (‡o)
15 m Deterioration stage (‡p)
16 m Completeness (‡q)
17-22 m Film inspection date (‡r)

Tag 007

Tag 007 - Table
Etiqueta Byte Value Definición
007 00  

Category of material (‡a)

  • This Value is the key to which subsequent Bytes in field 007 refer
  • The total length of field 007 depends on this Value
a Map (007/00 = 8 Bytes)
c Electronic Resource (007/00 = 6 or 14 Bytes)
d Globe (007/00 = 6 Bytes)
f Tactile Material (007/00 = 10 Bytes)
g Project Graphic (007/00 = 9 Bytes)
h Microform (007/00 = 13 Bytes)
k Nonprojected Graphic (007/00 = 6 Bytes)
m Motion Picture (007/00 = 8 or 23 Bytes)
r Remote-sensing Image (007/00 = 11 Bytes)
s Sound Recording (007/00 = 14 Bytes)
v Videorecording (007/00 = 9 Bytes)

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = a (Map)

d Atlas
g Diagram
j Map
k Perfil
q Model
r Remote-sensing Image
s Section
u Unspecified
y View
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a Tape cartridge
b Chip cartridge
c Computer optical disc cartridge
d Computer disc, type unspecified
e Computer disc cartridge, type unspecified
f Tape cassette
h Tape reel
j Magnetic disk
k Computer card
m Magneto-optical disc
o Optical disc
r Remote
s Standalone device
u Unspecified
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = d (Globe)

a Celestial globe
b Planetary or lunar globe
c Terrestrial globe
e Earth moon globe
u Unspecified
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = f (Tactile Material)

a Moon
b Braille
c Combination
d Tactile, with no writing system
u Unspecified
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = g (Projected Graphic)

c Filmstrip cartridge
d Filmslip
f Filmstrip, type unspecified
o Filmstrip roll
s Slide
t Transparency
u Unspecified
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = h (Microform)

a Aperture card
b Microfilm cartridge
c Microfilm cassette
d Microfilm reel
e Microfiche
f Microfiche cassette
g Microopaque
u Unspecified
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = k (Nonprojected Graphic)

a Activity card
c Collage
d Drawing
e Painting
f Photomechanical print
g Photonegative
h Photoprint
i Picture
j Print
k Poster
l Technical drawing
n Chart
o Flash card
p Postcard
q Icon
r Radiograph
s Study print
u Unspecified
v Photograph, type unspecified
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

c Film cartridge
f Film cassette
o Film roll
r Film reel
u Unspecified
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

u Unspecified

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

b Belt
d Sound disc
e Cylinder
g Sound cartridge
i Sound-track film
q Roll
s Sound cassette
t Sound-tape reel
u Unspecified
w Wire recording
z Other

Specific material designation (SMD) (‡b)

007/00 = v (Videorecording)

c Videocartridge
d Videodisc
f Videocassette
r Videoreel
u Unspecified
z Other

Color (‡d)

007/00 = a (Map) or d (Globe)

a One color
c Multicolored

Color (‡d)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a One color
b Black and white
c Multicolored
g Gray scale
m Mixed
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Color (‡d)

007/00 = g (Projected Graphic), k (Nonprojected Graphic), m (Motion Picture), or v (Videorecording)

a One color
b Black and white
c Multicolored
h Hand-colored
m Mixed
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Positive/Negative aspect (‡d)

007/00 = h (Microform)

a Positive
b Negative
m Mixed polarity
u Unknown

Altitude of sensor (‡d)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

a Surface
b Airborne
c Spaceborne
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Speed (‡d)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

a 16 rpm (analog disc)
b 33 1/3 rpm (analog disc)
c 45 rpm (analog disc)
d 78 rpm (analog disc)
e 8 rpm (analog disc)
f 1.4 m. per second (compact digital disc)
h 120 rpm (cylinder)
i 160 rpm (cylinder)
k 15/16 in. per second (tape)
l 1 7/8 in. per second (tape)
m 3 3/4 in. per second (tape)
o 7 1/2 in. per second (tape)
p 15 in. per second (tape)
r 30 in. per second (tape)
u Unknown
z Other

Class of braille writing (‡d)

007/00 = f (Tactile Material)

  • For MARC output, if one Value is input, a blank is supplied for the second Value
    • If no Values are input, hyphens are supplied for both
a Literary braille
b Format code braille
c Mathematics and scientific braille
d Computer braille
e Music braille
m Multiple braille types
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Physical medium (‡e)

007/00 = a (Map) or d (Globe)

a Paper
b Wood
c Stone
d Metal
e Synthetic
f Skin
g Textiles
i Plastic
j Glass
l Vinyl
n Vellum
p Plaster
q Flexible base photographic medium, positive
r Flexible base photographic medium, negative
s Non-flexible base photographic medium, positive
t Non-flexible base photographic medium, negative
u Unknown
v Leather
w Parchment
y Other photographic medium
z Other

Physical medium (‡e)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a 3 1/2 in.
e 12 in.
g 4 /34 in. or 12 cm.
i 1 1/8 x 2 3/8 in.
j 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in.
n No aplicable
o 5 1/4 in.
u Unknown
v 8 in.
z Other

Base of emulsion material/Primary support (‡e)

007/00 = g (Projected Graphic) or k (Nonprojected Graphic)

a Canvas
b Bristol board
c Cardboard/illustration board
d Glass
e Synthetic
f Skin
g Textile
h Metal
i Plastic
j Safety film
k Film base, other than safety film
l Vinyl
m Mixed collection
n Vellum
o Paper
p Plaster
q Hardboard
r Porcelain
s Stone
t Wood
u Unknown
v Leather
w Parchment
z Other

Dimensions (‡e)

007/00 = h (Microform)

a 8 mm. (microfilm)
d 16 mm. (microfilm)
f 35 mm. (microfilm)
g 70 mm. (microfilm)
h 105 mm. (microfilm)
l 3 x 5 in. or 8 x 13 cm. (microfiche, microopaque)
m 4 x 6 in. or 11 x 15 cm. (microfiche, microopaque)
o 6 x 9 in. or 16 x 23 cm. (microfiche, microopaque)
p 3 1/4 x 7 3/8 in. or 9 x 19 cm. (aperture card)
u Unknown
z Other

Motion picture presentation format (‡e)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

a Standard sound aperture (reduced frame)
b Non-anamorphic (wide-screen)
c 3D
d Anamorphic (wide-screen)
e Other wide-screen format
f Standard silent aperture (full frame)
u Unknown
z Other

Attitude of sensor (‡e)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

a Low oblique
b High oblique
c Vertical
n No aplicable
u Unknown

Configuration of playback channels (‡e)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

m Monaural
q Quadraphonic
s Stereophonic
u Unknown
z Other

Videorecording format (‡e)

007/00 = v (Videorecording)

a Beta (1/2-in. videocassette)
b VHS (1/2-in. videocassette)
c U-matic (3/4-in. videocassette)
d EIAJ (1/2-in. reel)
e Type C (1-in. reel)
f Quadruplex (1- or 2-in. reel)
g Laserdisc
h CED (Capacitance Electronic Disc) videodisc
i Betacam (1/2-in. videocassette)
j Betacam SP (1/2-in. videocassette)
k Super-VHS (1/2-in. videocassette)
m M-11 (1/2-in. videocassette)

No aplicable

 Note: Value obsolete

o D-2 (3/4-in. videocassette)
p 8 mm.
q Hi-8 mm.
u Unknown
z Other

Type of reproduction (‡f)

007/00 = a (Map) or d (Globe)

f Facsimile
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Sound (‡f)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a Sound
u Unknown

Level of contraction (‡e)

007/00 = f (Tactile Material)

a Uncontracted
b Contracted
m Combination
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Sound on medium or separate (‡f)

007/00 = g (Projected Graphic), m (Motion Picture), or v (Videorecording)

a Sound on medium
b Sound separate from medium
u Unknown

Secondary support material (‡f)

007/00 = k (Nonprojected Graphic)

a Canvas
b Bristol board
c Cardboard/illustration board
d Glass
e Synthetic
f Skin
g Textile
h Metal
i Plastic
l Vinyl
m Mixed collection
o Paper
p Plaster
q Hardboard
r Porcelain
s Stone
t Wood
u Unknown
v Leather
w Parchment
z Other

Cloud cover (‡f)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

0 0-09%
1 10-19%
2 20-29%
3 30-39%
4 40-49%
5 50-59%
6 60-69%
7 70-79%
8 80-89%
9 90-100%
n No aplicable
u Unknown

Groove width/groove pitch (‡f)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

m Microgroove/fine
n No aplicable
s Coarse/standard
u Unknown
z Other

Reduction ratio range/Reduction ratio (‡f)

007/00 = h (Microform)

  • 1-character code recorded in Byte 5 that specifies the ratio range
  • The specific reduction ratio is recorded in Bytes 6-8
  • The colon and 1 are omitted, i.e., the ratio 50:1 is recorded as c050
a Low reduction (less than 16X) (Iess than 16:1)
b Normal reduction (for 16X-30X) (16:1-30:1)
c High reduction (for 31X-60X) (31:1-60:1)
d Very high reduction (for 61X-90X) (61:1-90:1)
e Ultra high reduction (over 90X) (over 90:1)
u Unknown
v Reduction ratio varies

Production/reproduction details (‡g)

007/00 = a (Map)

a Photocopy, blue line print
b Photocopy
c Pre-production
d Película
u Unknown
z Other

Medium for sound (‡g)

007/00 = g (Projected Graphic), m (Motion Picture), or v (Videorecording)

a Optical sound track on motion picture film
b Magnetic sound track on motion picture film
c Magnetic audio tape in cartridge
d Sound disc
e Magnetic audio tape on reel
f Magnetic audio tape in cassette
g Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film
h Videotape
i Videodisc
u Unknown
z Other

Platform construction type (‡g)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

a Balloon
b Aircraft-low altitude
c Aircraft-medium altitude
d Aircraft-high altitude
e Manned spacecraft
f Unmanned spacecraft
g Land-based remote-sensing device
h Water surface-based remote-sensing device
i Submersible remote-sensing device
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Dimensions (‡g)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

a 3 in. (reel or disc)
b 5 in. (reel or disc)
c 7 in. (reel or disc)
d 10 in. (reel or disc)
e 12 in. (reel or disc)
f 16 in. (reel or disc)
g 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm. (compact digital disc)
j 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in. (cassette)
n No aplicable
o 5 1/4 x 3 7/8 in. (cartridge)
s 2 3/4 x 4 in. (cylinder)
u Unknown
z Other

Image bit depth (‡g)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

001-999 Exact bit depth
mmm Multiple
nnn No aplicable
--- Unknown

Braille music format (‡f)

007/00 = f (Tactile Material)

  • For MARC output, if one Value is input, a blank is supplied for the second Value
  • Do not use subfield ‡f when a braille music format is not specified
a Bar over bar
b Bar by bar
c Line over line
d Paragraph
e Single line
f Section by section
g Line by line
h Open score
i Spanner short form scoring
j Short form scoring
k Outline
l Vertical score
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Positive/negative aspect (‡h)

007/00 = a (Map)

a Positive
b Negative
m Mixed polarity
n No aplicable

Dimensions (‡h)

007/00 = g (Projected Graphic), m (Motion Picture), or v (Videorecording)

a Standard 8 mm. (flimstrip/filmslip, motion picture, and videotape)
b Super 8 mm./single 8 mm. (film)
c 9.5 mm. (film)
d 16 mm. (film)
e 28 mm. (film)
f 35 mm. (film)
g 70 mm. (film)
j 2 x 2 in. or 5 x 5 cm. (slide)
k 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in. or 6 x 6 cm. (slide)
m 1/4 in. (videotape)
o 1/2 in. (videotape)
p 1 in. (videotape)
q 2 in. (videotape)
r 3/4 in. (videotape)
s 4 x 5 in. or 10 x 13 cm. (transparency)
t 5 x 7 in. or 13 x 18 cm. (transparency)
u Unknown
v 8 x 10 in. or 21 x 26 cm. (transparency)
w 9 x 9 in. or 23 x 23 cm. (transparency)
x 10 x 0 in. or 26 x 26 cm. (transparency)
y 7 x 7 in. or 18 x 18 cm. (transparency)
z Other

Platform use category (‡h)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

a Meteorological 
b Surface observing
c Space observing
m Mixed uses
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Tape width (‡h)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

l 1/8 in.
m 1/4 in.
n No aplicable
o 1/2 in.
p 1 in.
u Unknown
z Other

Secondary support material (‡i)

007/00 = g (Projected Graphic)

c Cardboard
d Glass
e Synthetic
h Metal
j Metal and glass
k Synthetic and glass
m Mixed collection (containing more than one type of secondary support material)
u Unknown
z Other

Configuration of playback channels (‡i)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture) or v (Videorecording)

k Mixed
m Monaural
n Not applicable (item is silent)
q Quadraphonic, multi-channel, or surround
s Stereophonic
u Unknown
z Other

Sensor type (‡i)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

a Active
b Passive
u Unknown
z Other

Tape configuration (‡i)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

a Full (1) track
b Half (2) track
c Quarter (4) track
d 8 track
e 12 track
f 16 track
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

File formats (‡h)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a One file format
m Multiple file formats
u Unknown

Special physical characteristics (‡g)

007/00 = f (Tactile Material)

a Print/braille
b Jumbo or enlarged braille
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Color (‡g)

007/00 = h (Microform)

b Monochrome
c Multicolored
m Combination of monochrome and color
u Unknown
z Other

Production elements (‡j)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

a Workprint
b Trims
c Outtakes
d Rushes
e Mixed tracks
f Title bands/inter-title rolls
g Production rolls
n No aplicable
z Other

Data type (‡j)

007/00 = r (Remote-sensing Image)

aa Visible light
da Near infrared
db Middle infrared
dc Far infrared
dd Thermal infrared
de Shortwave infrared (SWIR)
df Reflective infrared
dv Combinations
dz Other infrared data
ga Side-looking airborne radar (SLAR)
gb Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)—single frequency
gc SAR-multi-frequency (multi-channel)
gd SAR-like polarization
ge SAR-cross polarization
gf Infometric SAR
gg Polarmetric SAR
gu Passive microwave mapping
gz Other microwave data
ja Far ultraviolet
jb Middle ultraviolet
jc Near ultraviolet
jv Ultraviolet combinations
jz Other ultraviolet data
ma Multi-spectral, multi-data
mb Multi-temporal
mm Combination of various data types
nn No aplicable
pa Sonar—water depth
pb Sonar—bottom topography images, sidescan
pc Sonar—bottom topography, near surface
pd Sonar—bottom topography, near bottom
pe Seismic surveys
pz Other acoustical data
ra Gravity anomalies (general)
rb Free-air
rc Bouger
rd Isostatic
sa Magnetic field
ta Radiometric surveys
uu Unknown
zz Other

Kind of disc, cylinder, or tape (‡j)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

a Master tape
b Tape duplication master
d Disc master (negative)
i Instantaneous (recorded on the spot)
m Mass produced
n No aplicable
r Mother (positive)
s Stamper (negative)
t Test pressing
u Unknown
z Other

Quality assurance targets (‡i)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a Absent
n No aplicable
p Present
u Unknown

Emulsion on film (‡h)

007/00 = h (Microform)

a Silver halide
b Diazo
c Vesicular
m Mixed emulsion
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Positive/negative aspect (‡k)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

a Positive
b Negative
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Kind of material (‡k)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

a Lacquer coating
b Cellulose nitrate
c Acetate tape with ferrous oxide
g Glass with lacquer
i Aluminum with lacquer
l Metal
m Plastic with metal

No aplicable

 Note: Value obsolete

p Plastic
r Paper with lacquer or ferrous oxide
s Shellac
w Wax
u Unknown
z Other

Antecedent/source (‡j)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a File reproduced from original
b File reproduced from microform
c File reproduced from an electronic resource
d File reproduced from an intermediate (not microform)
m Mixed
n No aplicable
u Unknown

Generation (‡i)

007/00 = h (Microform)

a First generation (master)
b Printing master
c Service copy
m Mixed generation
u Unknown

Generation (‡l)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

d Duplicate
e Master
o Original
r Reference print/viewing copy
u Unknown
z Other

Kind of cutting (‡l)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

h Hill-and-dale cutting
l Lateral or combined cutting
n No aplicable
u Unknown

Level of compression (‡k)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a Uncompressed
b Lossless
d Lossy
m Mixed
u Unknown

Base of film (‡j)

007/00 = h (Microform)

a Safety base, undetermined
c Safety base, acetate undetermined
d Safety base, diacetate
i Nitrate base
m Mixed base (nitrate and safety)
n No aplicable
p Safety base, polyester
r Safety base, mixed
t Safety base, triacetate
u Unknown
z Other

Base of film (‡m)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

a Safety base, undetermined
c Safety base, acetate undetermined
d Safety base, diacetate
i Nitrate base
m Mixed base (nitrate and safety)
n No aplicable
p Safety base, polyester
r Safety base, mixed
t Safety base, triacetate
u Unknown
z Other

Special playback characteristics (‡m)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

a NAB standard
b CCIR standard
c Dolby-B encoded
d dbx encoded
e Digital recording
f Dolby-A encoded
g Dolby-C encoded
h CX encoded
n No aplicable
u Unknown
z Other

Reformatting quality (‡l)

007/00 = c (Electronic Resource)

a Access
n No aplicable
p Preservation
r Replacement
u Unknown

Refined categories of color (‡n)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

a 3 layer color
b 2 color, single strip
c Undetermined 2 color
d Undetermined 3 color
e 3 strip color
f 2 strip color
g Red strip
h Blue or green strip
i Cyan strip
j Magenta strip
k Yellow strip
l S E N 2 (Successive Exposure Negative, 2 color)
m S E N 3 (Successive Exposure Negative, 3 color)
n No aplicable
p Sepia tone
q Other tone
r Tint
s Tinted and toned
t Stencil color
u Unknown
v Hand colored
z Other

Capture and storage technique (‡n)

007/00 = s (Sound Recording)

a Acoustical capture, direct storage
b Direct storage, not acoustical
d Digital storage
e Analog electrical storage
u Unknown
z Other capture and storage technique

Kind of color stock or print (‡o)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

a Imbibition dye transfer prints
b Three layer stock
c Three layer stock, low fade
d Duplitized stock
n Not applicable
u Unknown
z Other

Deterioration sTage (‡p)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

a Non apparent
b Nitrate—suspicious odor
c Nitrate—pungent odor
d Nitrate—brownish, discoloration, fading, dusty
e Nitrate—sticky
f Nitrate—frothy, bubbles, blisters
g Nitrate—congealed
h Nitrate—powder
k Non-nitrate—detectable discoloration (diacetate odor)
l Non-nitrate—advanced deterioration
m Non-nitrate—disaster

Completeness (‡q)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

c Complete
i Incomplete
n No aplicable
u Unknown

Film inspection date (‡r)

007/00 = m (Motion Picture)

  • Record the film inspection date as a 4-digit year and 2-digit month: YYYYMM

Summary of field 008

 Note: Mnemonics that appear on workforms and record displays follow the fixed-field element label.

Summary of field 008 - Table

Fixed-Length Data Elements (NR)

  • 008 fields contain 40 data Bytes and a field terminator
00-05   Date Entered (Entered) X X X X X X X X
06   Type of Date/Publication Status (DtSt) X X X X X X X X
07-10   Date 1 (Dates) X X X X X X X X
11-14   Date 2 (Dates) X X X X X X X X
15-17   Country of Publication, Production, or Execution (Ctry) X X X X X X X X
18   Frequency (Freq)   X            
18-19   Form of Composition (Comp)           X X  
18-20   Running Time (Time)     X          
18-21   Illustrations (Ills) X              
18-21   Relief (Relf)         X      
18-21   Undefined               X
18-22   acccccom       X        
19   Regularity (Regl)   X            
20   Format of Music (FMus)           X X  
20   ISSN Center (ISSN)   X            
21   Music Parts (Part)           X X  
21   Undefined     X     X X  
21   Type of Continuing Resources (SrTp)   X            
22   Form of Original Item (Orig)   X            
22   Target Audience (Audn) X   X     X X X
22-23   Projection (Proj)         X      
23   Form of Item (Form) X X   X   X X  
23-25   Undefined               X

Accompanying Matter (AccM)

 Note: Fixed-field element obsolete


Prime Meridian (Prme)

 Note: Fixed-field element obsolete

24   Nature of Entire Work (EntW)   X            
24-27   Nature of Contents (Cont) X              
24-29   Accompanying Matter (AccM)           X X  
24-34   Undefined       X        
25   Type of Cartographic Material (CrTp)         X      
25-27   Nature of Contents (Cont)   X            
26   Type of Computer File (File)               X
26-27   Undefined         X      
27   Undefined               X
28   Government Publication (GPub) X X X   X     X
29   Conference Publication (Conf) X X            
29   Form of Item (Form)     X   X      
29-34   Undefined               X
30   Festschrift (Fest) X              
30   Undefined         X      
30-31   Literary Text for Sound Recordings (LTxt)           X X  
31   Index (Indx) X       X      
30-32   Undefined   X X          
32   Undefined X       X X X  
33   Transposition and Arrangement (TrAr)           X X  
33   Literary Form (LitF) X              
33   Original Alphabet or Script of Title (Alph)   X            
33   Type of Material (TMat)     X          
33-34   Undefined           X X  
33-34   Special Format Characteristics (SpFm)         X      
34   Biography (Biog) X              
34   Entry Convention (S/L)   X            
34   Technique (Tech)     X          
35-37   Language (Lang) X X X X X X X X
38   Modified Record Code (MRec) X X X X X X X X
39   Cataloging Source Code (Srce) X X X X X X X X

Tag 008

Tag 008 - Table
00-05   Date Entered (Entered) X X X X X X X X
06   Type of Date/Publication Status (DtSt) X X X X X X X X
b B.C. date X   X X X X X X
c Continuing resource currently published   X X X X X X X

Publication date and copyright date

 Note: Value obsolete

X   X X X X X X
d Continuing resource ceased publication   X X X X X X X

Detailed date

 Note: Value obsolete

X   X X X X X X
e Detailed single date X   X X X X X X
l Inclusive dates of collection X   X X X X X X
k Range of years of bulk of collection X   X X X X X X
m Multiple dates X   X X X X X X
n Dates unknown X   X X X X X X
p Date of distribution/release/issue and date of production/recording session when different X   X X X X X X
q Questionable date or dates X   X X X X X X
r Reprint/reissue date and original date X   X X X X X X
s Single known date/probable date X   X X X X X X
t Publication date and copyright date X   X X X X X X
u Continuing resource status unknown   X X X X X X X

Date 1 (Dates)

  • Either date in YYY format, 4 blanks for not applicable, or u for unknown

Date 2 (Dates)

  • Either date in YYY format, 4 blanks for not applicable, or u for unknown

Country of Publication, Production, or Execution (Ctry)

  • 2- or 3-character alphabetic codes left-justified with blank fill
  • See LC's MARC Code List for Countries
18   Frequency (Freq) X              
En blanco No determinable frequency, irregular X              
a Annual X              
b Bimonthly, every 2 months X              
c Semiweekly, twice a week X              
d Diario X              
e Biweekly, every 2 weeks X              
f Semiannual, twice a year X              
g Biennial, every 2 years X              
h Triennial, every 3 years X              
i Three times a week X              
j Three times a month X              
k Continuously updated X              
m Monthly X              
q Quarterly, every 3 months X              
s Semimonthly, twice a month X              
t Three times a year X              
u Unknown X              
w Weekly X              
z Other X              
18-19   Form of composition (Comp)           X X  
En blancoEn blanco Information not supplied           X X  
an Anthems           X X  
bd Ballads           X X  
bt Ballets           X X  
bg Bluegrass music           X X  
bl Blues           X X  
cn Canons and rounds           X X  
ct Cantatas           X X  
cz Canzonas           X X  
cr Carols           X X  
ca Chaconnes           X X  
cs Chance compositions           X X  
cp Chansons, polyphonic           X X  
cc Chants, Christian           X X  
cb Chants, other than Christian           X X  
cl Chorale preludes           X X  
ch Chorales           X X  
cg Concerti grossi           X X  
co Concertos           X X  
cy Country music           X X  
df Dance forms           X X  
dv Divertimentos, serenades, cassations, divertissements, and nottumi           X X  
fl Flamenco           X X  
ft Fantasias           X X  
fm Folk music           X X  
fg Fugues           X X  
gm Gospel music           X X  
hy Hymns           X X  
jz Jazz           X X  
md Madrigals           X X  
mr Marches           X X  
ms Masses           X X  
mz Mazurkas           X X  
mi Minuets           X X  
mo Motets           X X  
mp Moving picture music           X X  
mu Multiple forms or non-MARC codes present in field 047           X X  
mc Musical revues and comedies           X X  
nc Nocturnes           X X  
nn No aplicable           X X  
op Operas           X X  
or Oratorios           X X  
ov Overtures           X X  
pt Part-songs           X X  
ps Passacaglias           X X  
pm Passion music           X X  
pv Pavanes           X X  
po Polonaises           X X  
pp Popular music           X X  
pr Preludes           X X  
pg Program music           X X  
rg Ragtime music           X X  
rq Requiems           X X  
ri Ricercars           X X  
rc Rock music           X X  
rd Rondos           X X  
sn Sonatas           X X  
sg Songs           X X  
sd Square dance music           X X  
st Studies and exercises, etudes           X X  
su Suites           X X  
sp Symphonic poems           X X  
sy Symphonies           X X  
tc Toccatas           X X  
tl Teatro Lirico           X X  
ts Trio-sonatas           X X  
uu Uknown           X X  
vi Villancicos           X X  
vr Variations           X X  
wz Waltzes           X X  
za Zarzuelas           X X  
zz None of the other defined codes are appropriate (e.g., incidental music, electronic music, etc.) (formerly, Other)           X X  

Running Time (Time)

  • 3 numeric characters (001-999) that represent the length of the audio-visual material
  • Right-justified with leading zeros
    X     X X  
En blanco En blanco En blanco


 Note: Value obsolete

000 Length exceeds 3 digits     X          
nnn No aplicable     X          
--- Unknown     X          

Illustrations (Ills)

  • If fewer than 4, codes are left-justified with blank fill
En blanco No illustrations X              
a Illustrations X              
b Maps X              
c Portraits X              
d Charts X              
e Plans X              
f Plates X              
g Música X              
h Facsimiles X              
i Coats of arms X              
j Genealogical tables X              
k Forms X              
l Samples X              
m Phonodiscs, phonowires, etc X              
o Photographs X              
p Illuminations X              

Relief Code (Relf)

  • If fewer than 4, codes are left-justified with blank fill
En blanco No relief shown         X      
a Contours         X      
b Shading         X      
c Gradient and bathymetric tints         X      
d Hachures         X      
e Bathymetry/soundings         X      
f Form lines         X      
g Spot heights         X      


 Note: Value obsolete

i Pictorially         X      
j Land forms         X      
k Bathymetry/isolines         X      
m Rock drawings         X      
z Other         X      
18-21   Undefined               X
18-22   Undefined       X        
19   Regularity (Regl) X              
En blanco

No aplicable

 Note: Value obsolete

n Normalized irregular X              
r Regular X              
u Unknown X              
x Completely irregular X              
20   Format of Music (FMus)           X X  
En blanco Information not supplied           X    
a Full score           X    
b Full score, miniature or study size           X    
c Accompaniment reduced for keyboard           X    
d Voice score with accompaniment omitted (formerly, Voice score)           X    
e Condensed score or piano-conductor score           X    
g Close score           X    
h Chorus score           X    
i Condensed score           X    
j Performer-conductor part           X    
k Vocal score           X    
l Score           X    
m Multiple score formats           X    
n No aplicable             X  
u Unknown           X    
z Other           X    

ISSN Center (ISSN)

 Note: Field obsolete

  No ISSN Center code assigned X              
0 International Center X              
1 Estados unidos X              
4 Canadá X              
z Other X              
21   Music Parts (Part)           X X  
metadata-blank.gif No parts in hand or not specified           X X  
d Instrumental and vocal parts           X X  
e Instrumental parts           X X  
f Vocal parts           X X  
n No aplicable           X X  
u Unknown           X X  
21   Type of Continuing Resource (SrTp) X              
En blanco None of the following X              
d Updating database X              
l Updating loose-leaf X              
m Monographic series X              
n Newspaper X              
p Periodical X              
w Updating Web site X              
21   Undefined   X            
22   Form of Original Item (Orig)   X            
En blanco None of the following   X            
a Microfilm   X            
b Microfiche   X            
c Microopaque   X            
d Large print   X            
e Newspaper format   X            
f Braille O X            
o Online   X            
q Direct electronic   X            
s Electronic   X            
22   Target Audience (Audn) X   X     X X X
En blanco Unknown or unspecified X   X     X X X
a Preschool X   X     X X X
b Primary X   X     X X X
c Pre-adolescent X   X     X X X
d Adolescent X   X     X X X
e Adult X   X     X X X
f Specialized X   X     X X X
g General X   X     X X X
j Juvenile X   X     X X X
22-23   Project (Proj)         X      
En blanco En blanco Not specified         X      
aa Aitoff         X      
ab Gnomic         X      
ac Lambert's azimuthal equal area         X      
ad Orthographic         X      
ae Azimuthal equidistant         X      
af Stereographic         X      
ag General vertical near-sided         X      
am Modified stereographic for Alaska         X      
an Chamberlin triametric         X      
ap Polar stereographic         X      
au Azimuthal, specific type unknown         X      
az Azimuthal, other         X      
ba Gall         X      
bb Goode's homolographic         X      
bc Lambert's cylindrical equal area         X      
bd Mercator         X      
be Miller         X      
bf Mollweide         X      
bg Sinusoidal         X      
bh Transverse Mercator         X      
bi Gauss-Kruger         X      
bj Equirectanglular         X      
bk Krovak         X      
bl Cassini-Soldner         X      
bo Oblique Mercator         X      
br Robinson         X      
bs Space oblique Mercator         X      
bu Cylindrical, specific type unknown         X      
bz Cylindrical, other         X      
ca Alber's equal area         X      
cb Bonne         X      
cc Lambert's conformal conic         X      
ce Equidistant conic         X      
cp Polyconic         X      
cu Conic, specific type         X      
cz Conic, other         X      
da Armadillo         X      
db Butterfly         X      
dc Eckert         X      
dd Goode's homolosine         X      
de Miller's bipolar oblique conformal conic         X      
df Van Der Grinten         X      
dg Dymaxion         X      
dh Cordiform         X      
dl Lambert conformal         X      
zz Other         X      
23   Form of Item (Form) X X   X   X X  
En blanco En blanco X X   X   X X  
a Microfilm X X   X   X X  
b Microfiche X X   X   X X  
c Microopaque X X   X   X X  
d Large print X X   X   X X  
f Braille X X   X   X X  
o Online X X   X   X X  
q Direct electronic X X   X   X X  
r Regular print production X X   X   X X  
s Electronic X X   X   X X  
23-25   Undefined               X

Accompany Matter (AccM)

 Note: Fixed-field element obsolete

  • Only Value En blanco is distributed
En blanco


 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete


Script material

 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete


Lobby cards

 Note: Value obsolete


Instructional materials

 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete


Other accompanying matter

 Note: Value obsolete


Prime Meridian (Prme)

 Note: Fixed-field element obsolete

  • Only Value En blanco is distributed
En blanco


 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete


Washington, D.C.

 Note: Value obsolete



 Note: Value obsolete


Nature of Entire Work (EntW)

  • If code present, Bytes 25-27 are blank
5 Calendars   X            
6 Comics/graphic novel   X            
En blanco Not specified   X            
a Abstracts/summaries   X            
b Bibliographies   X            
c Catalogs   X            
d Dictionaries   X            
e Encyclopedias   X            
f Handbooks   X            
g Legal articles   X            
h Biography   X            
i Indexes   X            
k Discographies   X            
l Legislation   X            
m Theses   X            
n Surveys of literature in a subject area   X            
o Reviews   X            
p Programmed texts   X            
q Filmographies   X            
r Directories   X            
s Statistics   X            
t Technical reports   X            
u Standards/specifications   X            
v Legal cases and case notes   X            
w Law reports and digests   X            



Other reports (research reports, technical reports, etc.)

 Note: Field obsolete

y Yearbook   X            
z Treaties   X            

Nature of Contnts (Cont)

  • If fewer than 4, codes are left-justified with blank fill
2 Offprints X              
5 Calendars X              
6 Comics/graphic novels X              
En blanco No specified nature of contents X              
a Abstracts/summaries X              
b Bibliographies X              
c Catalogs X              
d Dictionaries X              
e Encyclopedias X              
f Handbooks X              
g Legal articles X              
i Indexes X              
j Patent document X              
k Discographies X              
l Legislation X              
m Theses X              
n Surveys of literature in a subject area X              
o Reviews X              
p Programmed texts X              
q Filmographies X              
r Directories X              
s Statistics X              
t Technical reports X              
u Standards/specifications X              
v Legal cases and case notes X              
w Law reports and digests X              
y Yearbooks X              
z Treaties X              

Accompanying Matter (AccM)

  • If more than 6 items are present, the importance of items (in relation to work) will determine which are included
  • If fewer than 6, codes are left-justified with blank fill
          X X  
En blanco No accompanying matter           X X  
a Discography           X X  
b Bibliografía           X X  
c Thematic index           X X  
d Libretto or text           X X  
e Biography of composer or author           X X  
f Biography of performer or history of ensemble           X X  
g Technical and/or historical information on instruments           X X  
h Technical information on music           X X  
i Historical information           X X  
k Ethnological information           X X  
r Instructional materials           X X  
s Música           X X  
z Other           X X  
24-34   Undefined       X        
25   Type of Cartographic Material (CrTp)         X      
a Single map         X      
b Map series         X      
c Map serial         X      
d Globe         X      
e Atlas         X      
f Separate supplement to another work         X      
g Bound as part of another work         X      
u Unknown         X      
z Other         X      

Nature of Contents (Cont)

  • If fewer than 3, codes are left-justified with blank fill
5 Calendars   X            
6 Comics/graphic novels   X            
En blanco Not specified   X            
a Abstracts/summaries   X            
b Bibliographies   X            
c Catalogs   X            
d Dictionaries   X            
e Encyclopedias   X            
f Handbooks   X            
g Legal articles   X            
h Biography   X            
i Indexes   X            
k Discographies   X            
l Legislation   X            
m Theses   X            
n Surveys on literature in a subject area   X            
o Reviews   X            
p Programmed texts   X            
q Filmographies   X            
r Directories   X            
s Statistics   X            
t Technical reports   X            
u Standards/specifications   X            
v Legal cases and case notes   X            
w Law reports and digests                
x obsolete

Other reports

 Note: Field obsolete

y Yearbooks   X            
z Treaties   X            
26   Type of Computer File (File)               X
a Numeric data               X
b Computer program               X
c Representational               X
d Document               X
e Bibliographic data               X
f Font               X
g Game               X
h Sound               X
i Interactive multimedia               X
j Online system or service               X
m Combination               X
u Unknown               X
z Other               X
26-27   Undefined         X      
27   Undefined               X
28   Government Publication (GPub) X X X   X     X
En blanco Not a government publication X X X   X     X
a Autonomous or semi-autonomous component X X X   X     X
c Multilocal X X X   X     X
f Federal/national X X X   X     X
i International intergovernmental X X X   X     X
l Local X X X   X     X
m Multistate X X X   X     X
o Government publication-level undetermined X X X   X     X
s State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc. X X X   X     X
u Unknown if item is government publication X X X   X     X
z Other X X X   X     X
29   Conference Publication (Conf) X X            
0 Not a conference publication X X            
1 Conference publication X X            
29   Form of Item (Form)     X   X      
En blanco None of the following     X   X      
a Microfilm     X   X      
b Microfiche     X   X      
c Microopaque     X   X      
d Large print     X   X      
f Braille     X   X      
o Online     X   X      
q Direct electronic     X   X      
r Regular print reproduction     X   X      
s Electronic     X   X      
29-34   Undefined               X
30   Festschrift (Fest) X              
0 Not a Festschrift X              
1 Festschrift X              
30   Undefined         X      

Literary Text for Sound Recordings (LTxt)

  • If only 1, code is left-justified with blank fill
          X X  
En blanco Item is a musical sound recording             X  
a Autobiography             X  
b Biography             X  
c Conference proceedings             X  
d Drama             X  
e Essays             X  
f Fiction             X  
g Reporting             X  
h History             X  
i Instruction             X  
j Language instruction             X  
k Comedy             X  
l Lectures, speeches             X  
m Memoirs             X  
n No aplicable           X    
o Folktales             X  
p Poetry             X  
r Rehearsals             X  
s Sounds             X  
t Interviews             X  
z Other             X  
30-32   Undefined   X X          
31   Index (Indx) X       X      
0 No index X       X      
1 Index present X       X      
32   Undefined X   X   X X X  
33   Literary Form (LitF) X              
0 Not fiction X              
1 Fiction X              
c obsolete

Comic strips

 Note: Code obsolete

d Dramas X              
e Essays X              
f Novels X              
h Humor, satires, etc. X              
i Letters X              
j Short stories X              
m Mixed forms X              
p Poetry X              
s Speeches X              
u Unknown X              
33   Original Alphabet or Script of Title (Alph)   X            
En blanco No alphabet or script given   X            
a Basic Roman   X            
b Extended Roman   X            
c Cyrillic   X            
d Japanese   X            
e Chinese   X            
f Arabic   X            
g Greek   X            
h Hebrew   X            
i Thai   X            
j Devanagari   X            
k Korean   X            
l Tamil   X            
u Unknown   X            
z Other   X            
33   Type of Visual Material (TMat)     X          
a Art original     X          
b Kit     X          
c Art reproduction     X          
d Diorama     X          
f Filmstrip     X          
g Game     X          
i Picture     X          
k Graphic     X          
l Technical drawing     X          
m Motion picture     X          
n Chart     X          
o Flash card     X          
p Microscope slide     X          
q Model     X          
r Realia     X          
s Slide     X          
t Transparency     X          
v Videorecording     X          
w Toy     X          
z Other     X          
33   Transposition and Arrangement (TrAr)           X X  
En blanco Not arrangement or transposition or not specified           X X  
a Transposition           X X  
b Arrangement           X X  
c Both transposed and arranged           X X  
n No aplicable           X X  
u Unknown           X X  

Special Format Characteristics (SpFm)

  • If only 1, code is left-justified with blank fill
En blanco No specified special format characteristics         X      
a Photocopy blue line print (blueprint)         X      
b Other photocopy         X      
c Negative photocopy         X      
d Film negative         X      
e Manuscript         X      
g Relief model         X      
h Rare (pre-1800)         X      
j Picture card, post card         X      
k Calendar         X      
l Puzzle         X      
m Braille, tactile         X      
n Game         X      
o Wall map         X      
p Playing cards         X      
q Large print         X      
r Loose-leaf         X      
z Other         X      
34   Biography (Biog) X              
En blanco No biographical material X              
a Autobiography X              
b Individual biography X              
c Collective biography X              
d Contains biographical information X              
34   Entry Convention (S/L)   X            
0 Successive entry   X            
1 Latest entry   X            
2 Integrated entry   X            
34   Technique (Tech)     X          
a Animation     X          
c Animation with live action     X          
l Live action     X          
n No aplicable     X          
u Unknown     X          
z Other     X          
34   Undefined           X X  

Language (Lang)

  • A 3-character alphabetic code
  • See LC's MARC Code List for Languages for list of languages and language codes
  • Note that code N/A is not listed; in OCLC records, the online code N/A is converted to blanks when a record is converted to OCLC-MARC
38   Modified Record (MRec) X X X X X X X X
En blanco Not modified X X X X X X X X
d Dashed-on information omitted X X X X X X X X
o Romanized record; corresponding LC manual record is also romanized X X X X X X X X
r Romanized record; corresponding LC manual record is in the original script X X X X X X X X
s Shortened record X X X X X X X X

Change in content of record because of missing characters

 Note: Value obsolete

39   Cataloging Source Code (Srce) X X X X X X X X
En blanco National bibliographic agency X X X X X X X X

LC shared cataloging for the National Agricultural Library (DNAL)

 Note: Value obsolete


LC shared cataloging for the National Library of Medicine (DNLM)

 Note: Value obsolete

c Cooperative cataloging program X X X X X X X X
d Other X X X X X X X X

Report to new serials titles

 Note: Value obsolete