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Tags 800-899

Find the indicators, subfield codes, repeatability, and definitions for bibliographic record tags 800-899.

Ind = Indicator  |  SFC = Subfield code  |  R = Repeatable  |  NR = Nonrepeatable  |  En blanco = Blank


Tag 800

Tag 800
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
800       Series Added Entry—Personal Name (R)
0     Forename
1     Surname

Multiple surname

 Note: Value obsolete

3     Family name
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Language material (NR)
    ‡b Numeration (NR)
    ‡c Notated music (R)
    ‡d Manuscript notated music (NR)
    ‡e Cartographic material (R)
    ‡f Manuscript cartographic material (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous Information (R)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡i Nonmusical sound recording
    ‡j Musical sound recording (R)
    ‡k Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡m Computer file (R)
    ‡n Number of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡o Kit (NR)
    ‡p Mixed material (R)
    ‡q Fuller form of name (NR)
    ‡r Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Manuscript language material (NR)
    ‡u Affiliation (NR)
    ‡v Volume/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)

Relator code (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Control subfield (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 810

Tag 810
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
810       Series Added Entry—Corporate Name (R)
0     Inverted name
1     Jurisdiction name
2     Name in direct order
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Language material (NR)
    ‡b Subordinate name (R)
    ‡c Notated music (R)
    ‡d Manuscript notated music (R)
    ‡e Cartographic material (R)
    ‡f Manuscript cartographic material (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous Information (R)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡i Nonmusical sound recording
    ‡j Musical sound recording (R)
    ‡k Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡m Computer file (R)
    ‡n Number of part/section/meeting (R)
    ‡o Kit (NR)
    ‡p Mixed material (R)
    ‡r Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Manuscript language material (NR)
    ‡u Affiliation (NR)
    ‡v Volume/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)

Relator code (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Control subfield (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 811

Tag 811
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
811       Series Added Entry—Meeting Name (R)
0     Inverted name
1     Jurisdiction name
2     Name in direct order
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
    ‡c Location of meeting (NR)
    ‡d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R)
    ‡e Subordinate unit (R)
    ‡f Date of a work (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous Information (NR)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡j Relator term (R)
    ‡k Form subheading (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡n Number of part/section/meeting (R)
    ‡p Name of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡q Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Title of work (NR)
    ‡u Affiliation (NR)
    ‡v Volume/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)

Relator code (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)

Tag 830

Tag 830
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
830       Series Added Entry—Uniform Title (R)
En blanco     Undefined
  0-9   Number of nonfiling characters
    ‡a Language material (NR)
    ‡c Notated music (R)
    ‡d Manuscript notated music (R)
    ‡e Cartographic material (R)
    ‡f Manuscript cartographic material (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous Information (R)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡i Nonmusical sound recording
    ‡j Musical sound recording (R)
    ‡k Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡m Computer file (R)
    ‡n Number of part/section/meeting (R)
    ‡o Kit (NR)
    ‡p Mixed material (R)
    ‡r Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Manuscript language material (NR)
    ‡v Volume number/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Control subfield (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 841

Tag 841
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Holdings Coded Data Values (NR)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Type of record (NR)
    ‡b Fixed-length data elements (NR)
    ‡e Encoding level (NR)

Tag 843

Tag 843
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Reproduction Note (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Type of reproduction (NR)
    ‡b Place of reproduction (R)
    ‡c Agency responsible of reproduction (R)
    ‡d Date of reproduction (NR)
    ‡e Physical description of reproduction (NR)
    ‡f Series statement for reproduction (R)
    ‡m Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced (R)
    ‡n Note about reproduction (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)

Fixed-length data elements of reproduction (NR)

  • Subfield ‡7 contains 15 character positions that pertain to the reproduction:
    • /0 Type of date/Publication status
    • /1-4 Date 1
    • /5-8 Date 2
    • /9-11 Place of publication, production, or execution
    • /12 Frequency
    • /13 Regularity
    • /14 Form of item
  • The coded data elements correspond to those in the 008 field

Tag 845

Tag 845
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Terms Governing Use and Reproduction (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Terms governing use and reproduction (NR)
    ‡b Jurisdiction (NR)
    ‡c Authorization (NR)
    ‡d Authorized users (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)

Tag 850

Tag 850
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
850       Holding Institution (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Holding institution (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 851

Tag 851
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
851       Physical Location (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Name, custodian, or owner (NR)
    ‡b Institutional division (NR)
    ‡c Street address (NR)
    ‡d Country (NR)
    ‡e Location of units (NR)
    ‡f Item number (NR)
    ‡g Repository location code (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Tag 852

Tag 852
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
852       Location (R)
En blanco     No information provided
0     Library of Congress classification
1     Dewey Decimal classification
2     National Library of Medicine classification
3     Superintendent of Documents classification
4     Shelving control number
5     Title
6     Shelved separately
7     Source specified in subfield ‡2
8     Other scheme
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   Not enumeration
  1   Shelved by primary enumeration
  2   Shelved by alternative enumeration
    ‡a Location (NR)
    ‡b Sublocation or collection (R)
    ‡c Shelving location (R)
    ‡d Former shelving location (R)
    ‡e Address (R)
    ‡f Coded location qualifier (R)
    ‡g Noncoded location qualifier (R)
    ‡h Classification part (NR)
    ‡i Item part (R)
    ‡j Shelving control number (NR)
    ‡k Call number prefix (R)
    ‡l Shelving form of title (NR)
    ‡m Call number suffix (R)

Country code (NR)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Countries
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡q Piece physical condition (NR)
    ‡s Copyright article-fee code (R)
    ‡t Copy number (NR)
    ‡u Uniform resource identifier (R)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡2 Source of classification or shelving scheme (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Sequence number (NR)

Tag 853

Tag 853
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Captions and Pattern—Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
0     Cannot compress or expand
1     Can compress but not expand
2     Can compress or expand
3     Unknown
  0   Captions verified; all levels present
  1   Captions verified; all levels may not be present
  2   Captions unverified; all levels present
  3   Captions unverified; all levels may not be present
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡o Type of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡t Copy (NR)
    ‡u Bibliographic units per next higher level (NR)
    ‡v Numbering continuity (R)
    ‡w Frequency (NR)
    ‡x Calendar change (NR)
    ‡y Regularity pattern (NR)
    ‡z Numbering scheme (R)
    ‡2 Source of caption abbreviation (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 854

Tag 854
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Captions and Pattern—Supplementary Material (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
0     Cannot compress or expand
1     Can compress but not expand
2     Can compress or expand
3     Unknown
  0   Captions verified; all levels present
  1   Captions verified; all levels may not be present
  2   Captions unverified; all levels present
  3   Captions unverified; all levels may not be present
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡o Type of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡t Copy (NR)
    ‡u Bibliographic units per next higher level (NR)
    ‡v Numbering continuity (R)
    ‡w Frequency (NR)
    ‡x Calendar change (NR)
    ‡y Regularity pattern (NR)
    ‡z Numbering scheme (R)
    ‡2 Source of caption abbreviation (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 855

Tag 855
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Captions and Pattern—Indexes (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡o Type of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡t Copy (NR)
    ‡u Bibliographic units per next higher level (NR)
    ‡v Numbering continuity (R)
    ‡w Frequency (NR)
    ‡x Calendar change (NR)
    ‡y Regularity pattern (NR)
    ‡z Numbering scheme (R)
    ‡2 Source of caption abbreviation (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 856

Tag 856
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
856       Electronic Location and Access (R)
En blanco     No information provided
0     E-mail
1     FTP
2     Remote login (Telnet)
3     Dial-up
4     HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
7     Method specified in ‡2
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   Resource
  1   Version of resource
  2   Related resource
  8   No display constant provided
    ‡a Host name (R)
    ‡b Access number (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡c Compression information (R)
    ‡d Path (R)
    ‡f Electronic name (R)

Uniform Resource Name (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡h Processor of request (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡i Instruction (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡j Bits per second (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡k Password (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡l Logon (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡m Contact for access assistance (R)
    ‡n Name of location of host (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡o Operating system (NR)
    ‡p Port (NR)
    ‡q Electronic format type (NR)
    ‡r Settings (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡s File size (R)
    ‡t Terminal emulation (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡v Hours access method available (R)
    ‡w Record control number (R)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (R)
    ‡y Link text (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡2 Access method (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Access status (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 863

Tag 863
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Enumeration and Chronology—Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco     No information provided
3     Holdings level 3
4     Holdings level 4
5     Holdings level 4 with piece designation
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   Compressed
  1   Uncompressed
  2   Compressed, use textual display
  3   Uncompressed, use textual display
  4   Item(s) not published
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡n Converted Gregorian year (NR)
    ‡o Title of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡q Piece physical condition (NR)
    ‡s Copyright article-fee code (R)
    ‡t Copy number (NR)
    ‡w Break indicator (NR)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 864

Tag 864
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Enumeration and Chronology—Supplementary Material (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco     No information provided
3     Holdings level 3
4     Holdings level 4
5     Holdings level 4 with piece designation
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   Compressed
  1   Uncompressed
  2   Compressed, use textual display
  3   Uncompressed, use textual display
  4   Item(s) not published
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡o Title of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡q Piece physical condition (NR)
    ‡s Copyright article-fee code (R)
    ‡t Copy number (NR)
    ‡w Break indicator (NR)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (NR)
    ‡2 Source of caption abbreviation (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 865

Tag 865
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Enumeration and Chronology—Indexes (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco     No information provided
4     Holdings level 4
5     Holdings level 4 with piece designation
  En blanco   No information provided
  1   Uncompressed
  3   Uncompressed, use textual display
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡n Converted Gregorian year (NR)
    ‡o Type of unit (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡q Piece physical condition (NR)
    ‡t Copy (NR)
    ‡v Issuing date (R)
    ‡w Break indicator (NR)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 866

Tag 866
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Textual Holdings—Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco     No information provided
3     Holdings level 3
4     Holdings level 4
5     Holdings level 4 with piece designation
  0   Non-standard
  1   ANSI Z39.44 or ANSI/NISO Z39.57
  2   ANSI Z39.42
    ‡a Textual holdings (NR)
    ‡p Metadata provenances
    ‡x Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 867

Tag 867
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Textual Holdings—Supplementary Material (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco     No information provided
3     Holdings level 3
4     Holdings level 4
5     Holdings level 4 with piece designation
  0   Non-standard
  1   ANSI Z39.44 or ANSI/NISO Z39.57
  2   ANSI Z39.42
    ‡a Textual holdings (NR)
    ‡p Metadata provenances
    ‡x Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 868

Tag 868
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Textual Holdings—Indexes (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco     No information provided
3     Holdings level 3
4     Holdings level 4
5     Holdings level 4 with piece designation
  0   Non-standard
  1   ANSI Z39.44 or ANSI/NISO Z39.57
  2   ANSI Z39.42
    ‡a Textual holdings (NR)
    ‡p Metadata provenances
    ‡x Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 871 (obsolete)

Tag 871 (obsolete)
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
871 obsolete      

Variant Form of Entry—Corporate Name (R)

 Note: Field obsolete

0     Inverted surname
1     Place or place plus name
2     Name in direct order
  0   ALA form authenticated by LC
  1   AACR1 form authenticated by LC
  2   ALA form not authenticated by LC
  3   AACR1 form not authenticated by LC
  9   Pre-AACR form
    ‡a Name of corporate body (NR)
    ‡b Subordinate unit (R)
    ‡c Place of conference (NR)
    ‡d Date of conference (NR)
    ‡e Relator (NR)
    ‡f Date of work (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous data (NR)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡j Tag and sequence number of object field (NR)
    ‡k Form subheading (R)
    ‡l Language (NR)
    ‡m Medium of performance (R)
    ‡n Number of part/section (R)
    ‡o Arrangement (NR)
    ‡p Name of part/section (R)
    ‡r Key for music (NR)
    ‡s Version (NR)
    ‡t Title (NR)
    ‡u Location of corporate body (NR)
    ‡v Volume or number (NR)
    ‡x General subdivision (R)
    ‡y Chronological subdivision (R)
    ‡z Geographical subdivision (R)
    ‡2 Source of heading (NR)
    ‡4 Relator code (R)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)

Tag 876

Tag 876
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Item Information—Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Internal item number (NR)
    ‡b Invalid or cancelled internal item number (R)
    ‡c Cost (R)
    ‡d Date acquired (R)
    ‡e Source of acquisition (R)
    ‡h Use restrictions (R)
    ‡j Item status (R)
    ‡l Temporary location (R)
    ‡p Metadata provenance
    ‡r Invalid or cancelled piece designation (R)
    ‡t Copy number (NR)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 877

Tag 877
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Item Information—Supplementary Material (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Internal item number (NR)
    ‡b Invalid or cancelled internal item number (R)
    ‡c Cost (R)
    ‡d Date acquired (R)
    ‡e Source of acquisition (R)
    ‡h Use restrictions (R)
    ‡j Item status (R)
    ‡l Temporary location (R)
    ‡p Piece designation (R)
    ‡r Invalid or cancelled piece designation (R)
    ‡t Copy number (NR)
    ‡x  Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 878

Tag 878
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Item Information—Indexes (R)

  • See LC's MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Internal item number (NR)
    ‡b Invalid or cancelled internal item number (R)
    ‡c Cost (R)
    ‡d Date acquired (R)
    ‡e Source of acquisition (R)
    ‡h Use restrictions (R)
    ‡j Item status (R)
    ‡l Temporary location (R)
    ‡p Piece designation (R)
    ‡ r Invalid or cancelled piece designation (R)
    ‡t Copy number (NR)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (NR)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag 880

Tag 880
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
880       Alternate Graphic Representation (R)
En blanco, 0-9     Same Definition as in associated field
  En blanco, 0-9   Same Definition as in associated field
    ‡a-z Same Definition/input standard as in associated field (R)
    ‡0-5 Same Definition/input standard as in associated field (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7-9 Same Definition/input standard as in associated field (R)

Tag 881

Tag 881
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
881       Manifestation Statements (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Manifestation statement, high-level/general (R)
    ‡b Manifestation identifier statement (R)
    ‡c Manifestation title and responsibility statement (R)
    ‡d Manifestation edition statement (R)
    ‡e Manifestation production statement (R)
    ‡f Manifestation publication statement (R)
    ‡g Manifestation distribution statement (R)
    ‡h Manifestation manufacture statement (R)
    ‡i Manifestation copyright statement (R)
    ‡j Manifestation frequency statement (R)
    ‡k Manifestation designation of sequence statement (R)
    ‡l Manifestation series statement (R)
    ‡m Manifestation dissertation statement (R)
    ‡n Manifestation regional encoding statement (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 882

Tag 882
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
882       Replacement Record Information (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Replacement title (R)
    ‡i Explanatory text (R)
    ‡w Replacement bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 883

Tag 883
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
883       Machine-Generated Metadata Provenance (R)
En blanco     No information provided/not applicable
0     Fully machine-generated
1     Partially machine-generated
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Generation process (NR)
    ‡c Confidence value (NR)
    ‡d Generation date (NR)
    ‡q Generation agency (NR)
    ‡x Validity end date (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡0 Authority control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 884

Tag 884
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
884       Description Conversion Information (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Generation process (NR)
    ‡g Confidence value (NR)
    ‡k Generation date (NR)
    ‡q Generation agency (NR)
    ‡u Validity end date (NR)

Tag 885

Tag 885
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
885       Matching Information (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Tag of the foreign MARC field (NR)
    ‡b Content of the foreign MARC field (NR)
    ‡c Confidence value (NR)
    ‡d Generation date (NR)
    ‡w Record control number (R)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)

Source of data (R)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)

Tag 886

Tag 886
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
886       Foreign MARC Information Field (R)
0     Leader
1     Variable control field (001-00z)
2     Variable data fields (010-999 or zzz)
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Tag of the foreign MARC field (NR)
    ‡b Content of the foreign MARC field (NR)

Source of data (R)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
    ‡c-z, ‡0-1, ‡3-9

Foreign MARC subfield (R)

  • These subfields and their content are those present in the original foreign MARC field, after being prefaced with subfields ‡a, ‡b and ‡2 as defined above
  • These subfields are only used when the 1st indicator value = 2
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 887

Tag 887
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
887       Non-MARC Information Field (R)
En blanco     Undefined
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Content of non-MARC field (NR)
    ‡2 Source of data (NR)

Tag 890 (obsolete)

Tag 890 (obsolete)
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
890 obsolete      

Local Library of Congress Holdings

 Note: Field obsolete

Tag 891

Tag 891
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
891       Publication Pattern Data (R)
En blanco, 0-5    

Definition dependent on value in subfield ‡9

  • All indicator values have meaning only within the MARC 21 Definition for the Tag recorded in subfield ‡9
  En blanco, 0-5  

Definition dependent on value in subfield ‡9

  • All indicator values have meaning only within the MARC 21 Definition for the Tag recorded in subfield ‡9
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡n Pattern note [Fields 853—855] (NR) or Converted Gregorian year [Fields 863—865] (NR)
    ‡o Type of unit [Field 853] (R) or Type of unit [Field 854] (R) or Type of unit [Field 855] (R) or Title of unit [Field 863] (R) or Title of unit [Field 864] (R) or Title of unit [Field 865] (R)
    ‡p Number of pieces of issuance [Fields 853—855] (NR) or Piece designation [Fields 863—865] (NR)
    ‡u Bibliographic units per next higher level [Fields 853—855] (NR)
    ‡v Numbering continuity [Fields 853—855] (NR) Issuing date [Field 865] (R)
    ‡w Break indicator [Fields 863—865] (NR) or Frequency [Fields 853—855] (NR)
    ‡x Calendar change [Fields 853—855] (R)
    ‡y Regularity pattern [Fields 853—855] (R)
    ‡z Numbering scheme [Fields 853—855] (R) or Public note [Fields 863—865] (R)
    ‡2 Source of caption abbreviation [Fields 853—855] (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified [Fields 853—855] (NR)
    ‡8 Link and sequence number (NR)

Tag of the MARC holdings field (NR)

  • Valid contents are fields 853, 854, 855, 863, 864, and 865
  • Subfield ‡9 is always the first subfield in the field

Tag 896

Tag 896
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
896       Local Series Added Entry—Personal Name (R)
0     Forename
1     Surname
3     Family name
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Personal name (NR)
    ‡b Numeration (NR)
    ‡c Titles and other words associated with a name (R)
    ‡d Dates associated with a name (NR)
    ‡e Relator term (R)
    ‡f Date of a work (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous information (NR)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡j Attribution qualifier (R)
    ‡k Form subheading (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡m Medium of performance for music (R)
    ‡n Number of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡o Arranged statement for music (NR)
    ‡p Name of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡q Fuller form of name (NR)
    ‡r Key for music (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Title of a work (NR)
    ‡u Affiliation (NR)
    ‡v Volume/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡4 Relationship (R)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Control subfield (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)
    ‡9 Special entry (NR)

Tag 897

Tag 897
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
897       Local Series Added Entry—Corporate Name (R)
0     Inverted name
1     Jurisdiction name
2     Name in direct order
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
    ‡b Subordinate unit (R)
    ‡c Location of meeting (NR)
    ‡d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R)
    ‡e Relator term (R)
    ‡f Date of work (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous information (NR)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡k Form subheading (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡m Medium of performance for music (R)
    ‡n Number of part/section/meeting (R)
    ‡o Arranged statement for music (NR)
    ‡p Name of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡r Key for music (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Title of a work (NR)
    ‡u Affiliation (NR)
    ‡v Volume/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡4 Relationship (R)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Control subfield (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)
    ‡9 Special entry (NR)

Tag 898

Tag 898
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
898       Local Series Added Entry—Meeting Name (R)
0     Inverted name
1     Jurisdiction name
2     Name in direct order
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
    ‡c Location of meeting (NR)
    ‡d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R)
    ‡e Subordinate unit (R)
    ‡f Date of a work (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous information (NR)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡k Form subheading (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡n Number of part/section/meeting (R)
    ‡p Name of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡q Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Title of a work (NR)
    ‡u Affiliation (NR)
    ‡v Volume/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡4 Relationship (R)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Control subfield (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)
    ‡9 Special entry (NR)

Tag 899

Tag 899
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
899       Local Series Added Entry—Uniform Title (R)
En blanco     Undefined
  0   No nonfiling characters
  1-9   Number of nonfiling characters
    ‡a Uniform title (NR)
    ‡d Date of treaty signing (R)
    ‡f Date of a work (NR)
    ‡g Miscellaneous information (NR)
    ‡h Medium (NR)
    ‡k Form subheading (R)
    ‡l Language of a work (NR)
    ‡m Medium of performance for music (R)
    ‡n Number of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡o Arranged statement for music (NR)
    ‡p Name of part/section of a work (R)
    ‡r Key for music (NR)
    ‡s Version (R)
    ‡t Title of a work (NR)
    ‡v Volume number/sequential designation (NR)
    ‡w Bibliographic record control number (R)
    ‡x International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of Heading or Term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡7 Control subfield (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)
    ‡9 Special entry (NR)