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Tags 300-399

Find the indicators, subfield codes, repeatability, and definitions for bibliographic record tags 300-399.

Ind = Indicator  |  SFC = Subfield code  |  R = Repeatable  |  NR = Nonrepeatable  |  En blanco = Blank


Tag 300

Tag 300
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
300       Physical Description (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Extent (R)
    ‡b Other physical details (NR)
    ‡c Dimensions (NR)/Dimensions SCO (R)

Accompanying material (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡e Accompanying material (NR)
    ‡f Type of unit (R)
    ‡g Size of unit (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 305

Tag 305
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Physical Description for Sound Recordings (Pre-AACR2) (NR)

  • Definitions for subfields ‡a, ‡b, and ‡c were dependent on the cataloging rules used
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Extent or Number of slides, albums, cylinders, reels, etc. (NR)
    ‡b Other physical details or Size (NR)
    ‡c Size or Speed (NR)
    ‡d Microgroove or Standard (NR)
    ‡e Stereophonic, monaural, or quadraphonic (NR)
    ‡f Number of tracks (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Tag 306

Tag 306
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
306       Playing Time (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Playing time (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 307

Tag 307
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
307       Hours, Etc. (R)
En blanco     No information provided
8     No display content generated
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Hours (NR)
    ‡b Additional information (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 310

Tag 310
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
310       Current Publication Frequency (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Current publication frequency (NR)
    ‡b Date of current publication frequency (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 315

Tag 315 (obsolete)
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
315 obsolete      

Frequency (NR)

 Note: Field obsolete

En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Frequency (NR)
    ‡b Dates (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Tag 321

Tag 321
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
321       Former Publication Frequency (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Former publication frequency (NR)
    ‡b Dates of former publication frequency (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 334

Tag 334
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
334       Mode of Issuance (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Mode of issuance term (NR)
    ‡b Mode of issuance code (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 335

Tag 335
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
335       Extension Plan (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Extension plan term (NR)
    ‡b Extention plan code (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 336

Tag 336
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
336       Content Type (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Content type term (R)
    ‡b Content type code (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 337

Tag 337
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
337       Media Type (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Media type term (R)
    ‡b Media type code (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 338

Tag 338
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
338       Carrier Type (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Carrier type term (R)
    ‡b Content type code (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 340

Tag 340
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
340       Physical Medium (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Material base and configuration (R)
    ‡b Dimensions (R)
    ‡c Material applied to surface (R)
    ‡d Information recording technique (R)
    ‡e Support (R)
    ‡f Production rate/ratio (R)
    ‡h Location within medium (R)
    ‡i Technical specifications of medium (R)
    ‡j Generation (R)
    ‡k Layout (R)
    ‡l Binding (R)
    ‡m Book format (R)
    ‡n Font size (R)
    ‡o Polarity (R)
    ‡p Illustrative Content (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 341

Tag 341
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
341       Accessibility Content (R)
En blanco     No information provided
0     Adaptive features to access primary content
1     Adaptive features to access secondary content
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Content access mode (NR)
    ‡b Textual assistive features (R)
    ‡c Visual assistive features (R)
    ‡d Auditory assistive features (R)
    ‡e Tactile assistive features (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 342

Tag 342
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
342       Geospatial Reference Data (R)
0     Horizontal coordinate system
1     Vertical coordinate system
  0   Geographic
  1   Map projection
  2   Grid coordinate system
  3   Local planar
  4   Local
  5   Geodetic model
  6   Altitude
  7   Method specified in subfield ‡2
  8   Depth
    ‡a Name (NR)
    ‡b Coordinate or distance units (NR)
    ‡c Latitude resolution (NR)
    ‡d Longitude resolution (NR)
    ‡e Standard parallel or oblique line latitude (R)
    ‡f Oblique line longitude (R)
    ‡g Longitude of central meridian or projection center (NR)
    ‡h Latitude of projection center or projection origin (NR)
    ‡i False easting (NR)
    ‡j False northing (NR)
    ‡k Scale factor (NR)
    ‡l Height of perspective point above surface (NR)
    ‡m Azimuthal angle (NR)
    ‡n Azimuth measure point longitude or straight vertical longitude from pole (NR)
    ‡o Landsat number and path number (NR)
    ‡p Zone identifier (NR)
    ‡q Ellipsoid name (NR)
    ‡r Semi-major axis (NR)
    ‡s Denominator of flattening ration (NR)
    ‡t Vertical resolution (NR)
    ‡u Vertical encoding method (NR)
    ‡v Local planar, local or other projection, or grid description (NR)
    ‡w Local planar or local georeference information (NR)
    ‡2 Reference method used (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 343

Tag 343
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
343       Planar Coordinate Data (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Planar coordinate encoding method (NR)
    ‡b Planar distance units (NR)
    ‡c Abscissa resolution (NR)
    ‡d Ordinate resolution (NR)
    ‡e Distance resolution (NR)
    ‡f Bearing resolution (NR)
    ‡g Bearing units (NR)
    ‡h Bearing reference direction (NR)
    ‡i Bearing reference meridian (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 344

Tag 344
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
344       Sound Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Type of recording (R)
    ‡b Recording medium (R)
    ‡c Playing speed (R)
    ‡d Groove characteristic (R)
    ‡e Track configuration (R)
    ‡f Tape configuration (R)
    ‡g Configuration of playback channels (R)
    ‡h Special playback characteristics (R)
    ‡i Sound content (R)
    ‡j Original capture and storage technique (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 345

Tag 345
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
345       Moving Image Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Presentation format (R)
    ‡b Projection speed (R)
    ‡c Aspect Ratio Value (R)
    ‡d Aspect Ratio Designation (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 346

Tag 346
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
346       Video Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Video format (R)
    ‡b Broadcast speed (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 347

Tag 347
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
347       Digital File Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a File type (R)
    ‡b Encoding format (R)
    ‡c File size (R)
    ‡d Resolution (R)
    ‡e Regional encoding (R)
    ‡f Encoded Bitrate (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 348

Tag 348
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
348       Notated Music Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Format of notated music term (R)
    ‡b Format of notated music code (R)
    ‡c Form of musical notation term (R)
    ‡d Form of musical notation code (R)
    ‡0 Authority Record Control Number or Standard Number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 350 (obsolete)

Tag 350 (obsolete)
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
350 obsolete      

Price (NR)

 Note: Field obsolete

En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Subscription price (R)
    ‡b Form of issue (R)

Tag 351

Tag 351
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
351       Organization and Arrangement of Materials (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Organization (R)
    ‡b Arrangement (R)
    ‡c Hierarchical level (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 352

Tag 352
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
352       Digital Graphic Representation (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Direct reference method (NR)
    ‡b Object type (R)
    ‡c Object count (R)
    ‡d Row count (NR)
    ‡e Column count (NR)
    ‡f Vertical count (NR)
    ‡g VPF topology level (NR)
    ‡i Indirect reference description (NR)
    ‡q Format of digital image (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 353

Tag 353
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
353       Supplementary Content Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Supplementary content term (R)
    ‡b Supplementary content code (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 355

Tag 355
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
355       Security Classification Control (R)
0     Document
1     Title
2     Abstract
3     Contents note
4     Author
5     Record
8     Other element
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Security classification (NR)
    ‡b Handling instructions (R)
    ‡c External dissemination information (R)
    ‡d Downgrading or declassification event (NR)
    ‡e Classification system (NR)
    ‡f Country of origin code (NR)
    ‡g Downgrading date (NR)
    ‡h Declassification date (NR)
    ‡j Authorization (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 357

Tag 357
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
357       Originator Dissemination Control (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Originator control term (NR)
    ‡b Originating agency (R)
    ‡c Authorized recipients of material (R)
    ‡g Other restrictions (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 359 (obsolete)

Tag 359 (obsolete)
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
359 obsolete      

Rental Price (NR)

 Note: Field obsolete

En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Rental price (NR)

Tag 362

Tag 362
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
362       Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation (R)
0     Formatted style
1     Unformatted note
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Dates of publication and/or sequential designation (NR)
    ‡z Source of information (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 363

Tag 363
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
363       Normalized Date and Sequential Designation (R)
      Start/End designator
En blanco     No information provided
0     Starting information
1     Ending information
      State of issuance
  En blanco   Not specified


 Note: The sequence of the publication has terminated and is no longer being issued

  1   Abrir
      The sequence of the publication continues to be issued
    ‡a First level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡b Second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡c Third level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡d Fourth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡e Fifth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡f Sixth level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡g Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡h Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR)
    ‡i First level of chronology (NR)
    ‡j Second level of chronology (NR)
    ‡k Third level of chronology (NR)
    ‡l Fourth level of chronology (NR)
    ‡m Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR)
    ‡u First level textual designation (NR)
    ‡v First level of chronology, issuance (NR)
    ‡x Non-public note (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 365

Tag 365
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
365       Trade Price (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Price type code (NR)
    ‡b Price amount (NR)
    ‡c Currency code (NR)
    ‡d Unit of pricing (NR)
    ‡e Price note (NR)
    ‡f Price effective from (NR)
    ‡g Price effective until (NR)
    ‡h Tax rate 1 (NR)
    ‡i Tax rate 2 (NR)
    ‡j ISO country code (NR)
    ‡k MARC country code (NR)
    ‡m Identification of pricing entity (NR)
    ‡2 Source of price type code (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 366

Tag 366
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
366       Trade Availability Information (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Publishers' compressed title identification (NR)
    ‡b Detailed date of publication (NR)
    ‡c Availability status code (NR)
    ‡d Expected next availability date (NR)
    ‡e Note (NR)
    ‡f Publisher's discount category (NR)
    ‡g Date made out of print (NR)
    ‡j ISO country code (NR)
    ‡k MARC country code (NR)
    ‡m Identification of pricing entity (NR)
    ‡2 Source of availability status code (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 370

Tag 370
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
370       Associated Place (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡c Associated country (R)
    ‡f Other associated place (R)
    ‡g Place of origin of work (R)
    ‡s Start period (NR)
    ‡t End period (NR)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡v Source of information (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 377

Tag 377
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
377       Associated Language (R)
En blanco     Undefined
  En blanco   MARC language code
  7   Source specified in subfield ‡2
    ‡a Language code (R)
    ‡0 Language term (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 380

Tag 380
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
380       Form of Work (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Form of work (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 381

Tag 381
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
381       Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Other distinguishing characteristic (R)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡v Source of information (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 382

Tag 382
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
382       Medium of Performance (R)
En blanco     No information provided
0     Medium of performance
1     Partial medium of performance
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   Not intended for access
  1   Intended for access
    ‡b Soloist (R)
    ‡d Doubling instrument (R)
    ‡e Number of ensembles of the same type (R)
    ‡n Number of performers of the same medium (R)
    ‡p Alternative medium of performance (R)
    ‡r Total number of individuals performing alongside ensembles (NR)
    ‡s Total number of performers (NR)
    ‡t Total number of ensembles (NR)
    ‡v Note (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 383

Tag 383
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
383       Numeric Designation of Musical Work (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Serial number (R)
    ‡b Opus number (R)
    ‡c Thematic index number (R)
    ‡d Thematic index code (NR)
    ‡e Publisher associated with serial or opus number (NR)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 384

Tag 384
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
384       Key (R)
En blanco     Relationship to original unknown
0     Original key
1     Transposed key
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Key (NR)
    ‡0 Authority Record Control Number or Standard Number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 385

Tag 385
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
385       Audience Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Audience term (R)
    ‡b Audience code (R)
    ‡m Demographic group term (NR)
    ‡n Demographic group code (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 386

Tag 386
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
386       Creator/Contributor Characteristics (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Creator/contributor term (R)
    ‡b Creator/contributor code (R)
    ‡m Demographic group term (NR)
    ‡n Demographic group code (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 388

Tag 388
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
388       Time Period of Creation (R)
En blanco     No information provided
1     Creation of work
2     Creation of aggregate work
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Time period of creation term (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (NR)
    ‡3 Material specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)