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Tags 010-050

Find the indicators, subfield codes, repeatability, and definitions for bibliographic record tags 010-050.

Ind = Indicator  |  SFC = Subfield code  |  R = Repeatable  |  NR = Nonrepeatable  |  En blanco = Blank


Tag 010

Tag 010
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
010       Library of Congress Control Number (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a LC control number (NR)
    ‡b NUCMC control number (R)
    ‡z Canceld/invalid LC control number (R)

Numbers assigned before January 1, 2001 have the following structure in subfields ‡a, ‡b, and ‡z:

Byte                                           Definición

00-02                                        Alphabetic prefix (left-justified, blank fill)

03-04                                        Year of cataloging

05-10                                         Serial number (right-justified, zero fill)

11                                                Blank

12-n                                            Suffix


Display                                                 Output

66-11                                          En blancoEn blancoEn blanco 660000011En blanco

a66-111                                      aEn blancoEn blanco66000111En blanco

sa66-11//r69                             saEn blanco66000011En blanco//r69


Numbers assigned after January 1, 2001 have the following structure in subfields ‡a, ‡b, and ‡z:

Byte                                           Definición

00-01                                         Alphabetic prefix (left-justified, blank fill)

02-05                                         Year of cataloging

06-11                                          Serial number (right-justified, zero fill)


Display                                                 Output

2001-1234                                En blancoEn blanco2001001234

a2001-1234                              aEn blanco2001001234

sn2001-1234                            sn2001001234

  • Hyphens are not carried in the OCLC-MARC record
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 011

Tag 011
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición




Linking Library of Congress Control Number (NR)

 Note: Field obsolete

  • Field 011 was valid for BKS, CNR, MIX, MAP, SCO, and REC formats
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Linking LC control number (R)

Tag 012

Tag 012
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Terminal Display (NR)

(formerly, CONSER Fixed Length Field (NR))

  • OCLC defined
En blanco En blanco    
    ‡a Priority byte (NR)
    ‡b Nonpermanent distribution code
    ‡c Major/minor change byte (NR)
    ‡d Permanent distribution code (NR)
    ‡e Special LC projects (NR)
    ‡f OCAT certification (NR)
    ‡g Type of cataloging code (NR)
    ‡h Nonestablished name indicator (NR)
    ‡i NST publication date code (NR)
    ‡j ISSN distribution (NR)
    ‡k ISSN on publication (NR)
    ‡l Communication with publisher (NR)
    ‡m Communication with USPS (NR)
    ‡z Record status overrider (NR)

Tag 013

Tag 013
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
013       Patient Control Information (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Number (NR)
    ‡b Country (NR)
    ‡c Type of number (NR)
    ‡d Date (R)
    ‡e Status information (R)
    ‡f Party to document (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 015

Tag 015
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
015       National Bibliography Number (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a National bibliography number (R)
    ‡q Qualifying information (R)
    ‡z Canceled/invalid bibliography number (R)
      Canceled/invalid national bibliography number (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 016

Tag 016
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
016       National Bibliographic Agency Control Number (R)
En blanco     Library and Archives Canada
7     Agency identified in subfield ‡2
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Record control number (NR)
    ‡z Canceled/invalid control number (R)

Source (NR)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Organizations
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 017

Tag 017
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
017       Copyright or Legal Deposit Number (R)
En blanco     Undefined
  En blanco   Display Constant Controller
  8   No display constant generated
    ‡a Copyright or legal deposit number (R)
    ‡b Assigning agency (R)
    ‡d Date (NR)
    ‡e Display text (NR)
    ‡z Canceled/invalid copyright or legal deposit number (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 018

Tag 018
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
018       Copyright Article-Fee Code (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Copyright article-fee code (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 019

Tag 019
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

OCLC Control Number Cross-Reference (NR)

  • OCLC defined
En blanco En blanco   Undefined

OCLC control number of deleted or merged records (R)

  • OCLC control number(s) of duplicate record(s) deleted from WorldCat and replaced by the present record
  • Compare the 001 and 019 control numbers of incoming records with the 001 control numbers of previously processed records
  • A later transaction on the same record may contain additional holdings, corrected or added bibliographic data, or an instruction to cancel holdings
  • Field 019 may contain multiple numbers of variable length without leading zeros
  • Each number in field 019 is in a separate subfield ‡a

Tag 020

Tag 020
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
020       International Standard Book Number (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a International Standard Book Number (NR)

Binding information (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

  • Subfield ‡b was valid for BKS, MAP, and SCO formats only
    ‡c Terms of availability (NR)
    ‡q Qualifying information (R)
    ‡z Canceled/invalid ISBN (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 022

Tag 022
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
022       International Standard Serial Number (R)
En blanco     No level specified
0     Continuing or integrating resource of international interest
1     Continuing or integrating resource not of international interest
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a International Standard Serial Number (NR)
    ‡l ISSN-L (NR)
    ‡m Canceled ISSN-L (R)
    ‡y Incorrect ISSN (R)
    ‡z Canceled ISSN (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (NR)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 024

Tag 024
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
024       Other Standard Identifier (R)
0     International Standard Recording code (ISRC)
1     Universal Product Code (UPC)
2     International Standard Music Number (ISMN)
3     International Article Number (EAN)
4     Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (SICI)
7     Source specified in subfield ‡2
8     Unspecified type of standard number or code
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   No difference
  1   Difference
    ‡a Standard number or code (NR)
    ‡c Terms of availability (NR)
    ‡d Terms of availability (NR)
    ‡q Qualifying information (R)
    ‡z Canceled/invalid standard code (R)
    ‡2 Source of number or code (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 025

Tag 025
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
025       Overseas Acquisition Number (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Overseas acquisition number (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 026

Tag 026
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
026       Fingerprint Identifier (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a First and second groups of characters (NR)
    ‡b Third and fourth groups of characters (NR)
    ‡c Date (NR)
    ‡d Number of volume or part (R)
    ‡e Unparsed fingerprint (NR)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 027

Tag 027
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
027       Standard Technical Report Number (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Standard Technical Report Number (NR)
    ‡q Qualifying information (R)
    ‡z Canceled/invalid number (R)

Linkage (NR)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 028

Tag 028
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
028       Publisher Number (R)
0     Issue number
1     Matrix number
2     Plate number
3     Other music number
4     Videorecording number
5     Other publisher number
  0   No note, no added entry
  1   Note, added entry required
  2   Note, no added entry
  3   No note, added entry required
    ‡a Publisher number (NR)
    ‡b Source (NR)
    ‡q Qualifying information (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 029

Tag 029
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Other System Control Number (R)

  • OCLC defined
0     Primary control number
1     Secondary control number
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a OCLC library identifier (NR)
    ‡b System control number (NR)
    ‡c OAI set name (NR)
    ‡t Content type identifier (NR)

Tag 030

Tag 030
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
030       CODEN Designation (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a CODEN (NR)
    ‡z Canceled/invalid CODEN (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 031

Tag 031
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
031       Musical Incipits Information (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Number of work (NR)
    ‡b Number of movement (NR)
    ‡c Number of excerpt (NR)
    ‡d Caption or heading (R)
    ‡e Role (NR)
    ‡g Clef (NR)
    ‡m Voice/instrument (NR)
    ‡n Key signature (NR)
    ‡o Time signature (NR)
    ‡p Musical notation (NR)
    ‡q General note (R)
    ‡r Key or mode (NR)
    ‡s Coded validity note (R)
    ‡t Text incipit (R)
    ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
    ‡y Link text (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡2 System code (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 032

Tag 032
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
032       Postal Registration Number (R)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Postal registration number (NR)
    ‡b Source agency assigning the number (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 033

Tag 033
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
033       Date/Time and Place of an Event (R)
En blanco     No date information
0     Single date
1     Multiple single dates
2     Range of dates
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   Capture
  1   Broadcast
  2   Finding
    ‡a Formatted date/time (R)
    ‡b Geographic classification area code (R)
    ‡c Geographic classification subarea code (R)
    ‡p Place of event (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source of term (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 034

Tag 034
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
034       Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data (R)
0     Scale indeterminable/No scale required
1     Single scale
3     Range of scales
  En blanco   No aplicable
  0   Outer ring
  1   Exclusion ring
    ‡a Category of scale (NR)
    ‡b Constant ratio linear horizontal scale (R)
    ‡c Constant ratio linear vertical scale (R)
    ‡d Coordinates—westernmost longitude (NR)
    ‡e Coordinates—easternmost longitude (NR)
    ‡f Coordinates—northernmost latitude (NR)
    ‡g Coordinates—southernmost latitude (NR)
    ‡h Angular scale (R)
    ‡j Declination—northern limit (NR)
    ‡k Declination—southern limit (NR)
    ‡m Declination—eastern limit (NR)
    ‡n Declination—western limit (NR)
    ‡p Equinox (NR)
    ‡r Distance from earth (NR)
    ‡s G-ring latitude (R)
    ‡t G-ring longitude (R)
    ‡x Beginning date (NR)
    ‡y Ending date (NR)
    ‡z Name of extraterrestrial body (NR)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡2 Source (NR)
    ‡3 Materials Specified (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 035

Tag 035
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

System Control Number (R)

In addition to OCLC numbers input by users, after November 12, 2006, all bibliographic records output from OCLC systems include the OCLC number from field 001 in field 035.

En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a System control number (NR)
    ‡b Institution symbol (R)

Canceled/invalid system control number (R)

Subfield ‡z includes the OCLC number from field 019 for cross-reference records which have been deleted and merged with the present record. Subfield ‡z is repeatable and is not present in every record.

    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 036

Tag 036
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
036       Original Study Number for Computer Data Files (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Original study number (NR)
    ‡b Source (agency assigning the number) (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 037

Tag 037
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
037       Source of Acquisition (R)
En blanco     Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest
2     Intervening
3     Current/Latest
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Stock number (NR)
    ‡b Source of stock number/acquisition (NR)
    ‡c Terms of availability (R)
    ‡f Form of issue (R)
    ‡g Additional format characteristics (R)
    ‡n Note (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡5 Institution to which field applies (R)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 039 (obsolete)

Tag 039 (obsolete)
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
039 obsolete      

Core Record Designator (NR)

 Note: Field obsolete

  • Field 039 was valid for online input only
  • It was not output as 039
  • Field 039 was output as value 4 (Core-level) in Leader/17 (Encoding Level (ELvl))
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Core record designator (NR)

Tag 040

Tag 040
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
040       Cataloging Source (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Original cataloging agency (NR)
    ‡b Language of cataloging (NR)
    ‡c Transcribing agency (NR)
    ‡d Modifying agency (R)
    ‡e Description conventions (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 041

Tag 041
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Language Code (R)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Languages
En blanco    

No information provided. Formerly, Undefined.

 Note: Value obsolete

0     Item is not a translation/does not include a translation
1     Item is or includes a transition
  En blanco   MARC language code
  7   Source specified in subfield ‡2
    ‡a Language code of text/sound track or separate title (R)

Language code of summary or abstract (R)

Formerly, Language code of summary or abstract/overprinted title or subtitle (R)

    ‡d Language code of sung or spoken text (R)
    ‡e Language code of librettos (R)
    ‡f Language code of tables of contents (R)
    ‡g Language code of accompanying material other than librettos and transcripts (R)
    ‡h Language code of original (R)
    ‡i Language code of intertitles (R)
    ‡j Language code of subtitles (R)
    ‡k Language code of intermediate translations (R)
    ‡m Language code of original accompanying materials other than librettos (R)
    ‡n Language code of original libretto (R)
    ‡p Language code of captions (R)
    ‡q Language code of accessible audio (R)
    ‡r Language code of accessible visual language (non-textual) (R)
    ‡t Language code of accompanying transcripts for audiovisual materials (R)
    ‡2 Source of code (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 042

Tag 042
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
042       Authentication Code (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined

Authentication code (R)

Tag 043

Tag 043
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Geographic Area Codes (R)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Geographic Areas
En blanco En blanco   Undefined

Geographic area code (R)

  • Each geographic area code is 7 lowercase alphabetic characters
  • Left-justified with leading hyphens
  • The code provides a hierarchical breakdown of geographic and/or political entities, to the extent possible.

Subfield ‡a contains 7 character positions that pertain to the geographic and/or political entities:

/1 Continent or comparable geographic entity such as ocean

/2 International region

/3-4 National states and internationally recognized dependencies

/5 Regions within a country

/6-7 States or provinces

    ‡b Local GAC code (R)
    ‡c ISO code (R)
    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number  (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)

Source of local code (R)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 044

Tag 044
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
044       Country of Publishing/Producing Entity Code (NR)
En blanco En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a MARC country code (R)
    ‡b Local subentity code (R)
    ‡c ISO country code (R)

Source of local subentity code (R)

  • See LC's MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 045

Tag 045
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
045       Time Period of Content (NR)
En blanco     Subfield ‡b or ‡c not present
0     Single date/time
1     Multiple single dates/times
2     Range of dates/times
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Time period code (R)
    ‡b Formatted 9999 B.C. through C.E. time period (R)
    ‡c Formatted pre-9999 B.C. time period (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 046

Tag 046
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
046       Special Coded Dates (R)
En blanco     No information provided
1     Work
2     Expression
3     Manifestation
  En blanco   Undefined
    ‡a Type of data code (NR)
    ‡b Date 1 (B.C. date) (NR)
    ‡c Date 1 (C.E. date) (NR)
    ‡d Date 2 (B.C. date) (NR)
    ‡e Date 2 (C.E. date) (NR)
    ‡j Date resource modified (NR)
    ‡k Beginning or single date created (NR)
    ‡l Ending date created (NR)
    ‡m Beginning of valid date (NR)
    ‡n End of date valid (NR)
    ‡o Single or starting date for aggregated content (NR)
    ‡p Ending date for aggregated content (NR)
    ‡x Nonpublic note (R)
    ‡z Public note (R)
    ‡2 Source of date (NR)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 047

Tag 047
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
047       Form of Musical Composition Code (R)
En blanco     Undefined
  En blanco   MARC Musical Composition Code
  7   Source specified in subfield ‡2

Form of musical composition code (R)

  • See field 008, bytes 18-19 (Form of Composition (Comp)) for code list
    ‡2 Source of code (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 048

Tag 048
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
048       Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Code (R)
En blanco     MARC code
  En blanco   MARC musical composition code
  7   Source specified in subfield ‡2
    ‡a Performer or ensemble (R)
    ‡b Soloist (R)
    ‡2 Source of code (R)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

Tag 049

Tag 049
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición

Local Holdings (NR)

  • OCLC defined
  • See History of field 049 for a history of this field, especially when processing tapes produced over a multi-year period
En blanco     Undefined
0     Print data from subfield ‡a only
1     Locally defined
  2     Locally defined
    En blanco   Undefined
    0   Holdings information complete
    1   Locally defined

Holding library (R)

  • Default Holding library is system-supplied
      ‡c Copy statement (R)
      ‡d Definition of bibliographic subdivisions (R)
      ‡l Local processing data (R)
      ‡m Missing elements (R)
      ‡n Notes about holdings (NR)
      ‡o Local processing data (R)
      ‡p Secondary bibliographic subdivision (R)
      ‡q Third bibliographic subdivision (R)
      ‡r Fourth bibliographic subdivision (R)
      ‡s Fifth bibliographic subdivision (R)
      ‡t Sixth bibliographic subdivision (R)
      ‡u Seventh bibliographic subdivision (R)
      ‡v Primary bibliographic subdivision (R)

Inclusive dates of publication or coverage (R)

  • Holding library codes may appear in either upper or lowercase or mixed
  • Multiple codes may appear in a single subfield ‡a or in separate subfields ‡a
  • For local database creation tapes and out-of-warranty tapes—transactions before July 1, 1975 (3-character holding codes separated by commas) are not converted to 4-character holding codes
  • Usually textual data entered to the left of the code prints above the call number and data to the right of the code prints below the call number
  • A separate set of brackets encloses each separate line of text
    049 [Spec. Coll.] XXXX
    049 [Rare][Books] XXXM
    049 XXM[c.1]‡a XXR[c.2]
    049 [Also Main] XXXB[c.4]
  • Any stamp that has been programmed to print automatically on cards does not appear in the 049 field on the tapes

Tag 050

Tag 050
Etiqueta Ind 1 Ind 2 SFC Definición
050       Library of Congress Call Number (R)
En blanco     No information provided
0     Item is in LC
1     Item is not in LC
  En blanco   No information provided
  0   Assigned by LC
  4   Assigned by agency other than LC
    ‡a Classification number (R)
    ‡b Item number (NR)

Supplementary class number (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete


Custodial location (R)

 Note: Subfield obsolete

    ‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)
    ‡1 Real World Object URI (R)
    ‡3 Materials specified (NR)
    ‡6 Linkage (NR)
    ‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)