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Set WorldCat holdings on bibliographic records (Fundamentals)

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 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Record Manager, please see Set WorldCat holdings on bibliographic records.


When you set a WorldCat holding on a Text View WorldCat bibliographic record, you are adding your library's OCLC institution symbol to a WorldCat bibliographic record and specifying that you own an item that is represented by the record. After setting a WorldCat holding, other users can see on WorldCat that the item is in your collection.

Set WorldCat holdings for a Text View WorldCat bibliographic record so that you can:

  • Maintain your WorldCat holdings in WorldCat and archive records at OCLC    
  • Associate the record with your library; for example, because you have added the record to a local catalog

Set a WorldCat holding on a Text View bibliographic record

  1. En el editor de la vista de texto, haga clic en Grabar.
  2. En el menú desplegable Record, seleccione Set WorldCat Holding. El sistema establece una retención de WorldCat en el registro.
  3. (Opcional). Valida el registro. Una vez validado el registro, el símbolo de OCLC de su institución se asocia al registro y aparece en la parte superior del mismo.