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MARC 21 view (Fundamentals)

Discover procedures for tasks that you may perform (e.g., create, derive, reformat, etc.) as you work with MARC 21 records.

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Record Manager, please see MARC 21 view.

You can create a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record by:

  • Derivación de registros bibliográficos en MARC 21, que crea un nuevo registro bibliográfico a partir de un registro existente que es similar al nuevo registro que está creando.
  • Utilizando una plantilla de tipo de material, que crea un registro bibliográfico basado en un tipo de material.

Before creating a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record, search WorldCat to make sure that:

  • No existing bibliographic record matches the item exactly. By verifying that no one has previously added a record for the item, you can prevent duplicate records from being created.
  • No existing record matches the item closely enough to derive the new record from it.

 Learn more in a training video: Copy cataloging in Record Manager Fundamentals