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Where did WorldCat Item View go?

Applies to
  • Digital Collection Gateway
  • WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway decommissioned the WorldCat Item View capabilities on August 22, 2022.  WorldCat Search View and MARC View remain available for custom mapping.  
WorldCat Item View fields mapped to the MARC View tab fields
Refer to Best practices for creating sharable metadata, Core and recommended elements for additional information about each field.
WorldCat Item View fields MARC View tags
Title 245 
Contributors 720
Creador 720
Publisher 260 b
Date 260 c
Date-Issued 260 c
Descripción 520 8 
Description-Abstract 520 3
Asunto 653 
Type 655
Relation-Has Format Of 778 08 n
Relation-Is Format Of 776 08 n
Language 546
Coverage 500
Format 500
Audiencia 521
(?) 521
Format-Extent 300
Relation-Requires 538
Description-Table Of Contents 505 8
Title-Alternative 246
Información complementaria
Page ID