Enter diacritics and special characters using macros
Discover how to enter diacritics and special characters using macros.
If data used with macro commands such as CS.GetField or CS.SetField contains diacritics or special characters, the data appears with diacritics following the letters to which they belong. They do not appear as Unicode characters.
The standard function Asc returns the ASCII code mapped to the character. See an example of inserting characters in the description of ControlHeadingsAll.
The following table gives the ASCII codes and the equivalent MARC-8 hexadecimal codes for diacritics and special characters available for use when you write macros that insert characters (the client inserts the correct information automatically when you record macros):
Character | ASCII decimal code | MARC-8 hexadecimal code |
Acute | 226 | E2 |
ae, lowercase | 181 | B5 |
AE, uppercase | 165 | A5 |
Alif | 174 | AE |
Ayn | 176 | B0 |
Breve | 230 | E6 |
British pound | 185 | B9 |
Candrabindu | 2329 | EF |
Cedilla | 240 | F0 |
Circle above letter | 234 | EA |
Circle below letter | 244 | F4 |
Circumflex, non-spacing | 227 | E3 |
Copyright symbol | 202 | C3 |
d with crossbar, lowercase | 179 | B3 |
D with crossbar, uppercase | 163 (same as eth, uppercase) |
A3 |
Degree sign | Insert the following value for the ALA font code: 158 | |
Delimiter (also listed under Subfield delimiter) |
223 | DF |
Dot below letter | 242 | F2 |
Dot in center of line | 168 | A8 |
Double acute | 238 | EE |
Double dot below letter | 243 | F3 |
Double tilde (left half) | 250 | FA |
Double tilde (right half) | 251 | FB |
Double underscore | 245 | F5 |
Eszett | Insert the following value for the ALA font code: 159 | |
Eth, lowercase | 186 | BA |
Eth, uppercase | 163 (same as D with crossbar, uppercase) |
A3 |
Euro | Insert the following value for the ALA font code: 160 | |
Fill character | 252 | FC |
Grave, non-spacing | 225 | E1 |
Grave, spacing | 96 | 60 |
Hacek | 233 | E9 |
High comma, centered | 254 | FE |
High comma, off center | 237 | ED |
Inverted cedilla | 248 | F8 |
Inverted exclamation point | 201 | C6 |
Inverted question mark | 200 | C5 |
l with slash, lowercase | 177 | B1 |
L with slash, uppercase | 161 | A1 |
Left hook | 247 | F7 |
Ligature (left half) | 235 | EB |
Ligature (right half) | 236 | EC |
Macron | 229 | E5 |
Miagkii znak | 167 | E7 |
Musical flat | 169 | A9 |
Musical sharp | 204 | C4 |
o with hook, lowercase | 188 | BC |
O with hook, uppercase | 172 | AC |
o with slash, lowercase | 178 | B2 |
O with slash, uppercase | 162 | A2 |
oe, lowercase | 182 | B6 |
OE, uppercase | 166 | A6 |
Phonogram copyright mark | 203 | C2 |
Plus/minus | 171 | AB |
Pseudo question mark | 224 | E0 |
Right hook | 241 | F1 |
Script lowercase L | 190 | C1 |
Subfield delimiter | 223 | DF |
Subscript 0 | 144 | 30 |
Subscript 1 | 145 | 31 |
Subscript 2 | 146 | 32 |
Subscript 3 | 147 | 33 |
Subscript 4 | 148 | 34 |
Subscript 5 | 149 | 35 |
Subscript 6 | 150 | 36 |
Subscript 7 | 151 | 37 |
Subscript 8 | 152 | 38 |
Subscript 9 | 153 | 39 |
Subscript left parenthesis | 154 | 28 |
Subscript minus | 156 | 2D |
Subscript plus | 157 | 2B |
Subscript patent mark | 170 | AA |
Subscript right parenthesis | 155 | 29 |
Superior dot | 231 | E7 |
Superscript 0 | 128 | 30 |
Superscript 1 | 129 | 31 |
Superscript 2 | 130 | 32 |
Superscript 3 | 131 | 33 |
Superscript 4 | 132 | 34 |
Superscript 5 | 133 | 35 |
Superscript 6 | 134 | 36 |
Superscript 7 | 135 | 37 |
Superscript 8 | 136 | 38 |
Superscript 9 | 137 | 39 |
Superscript left parenthesis | 138 | 28 |
Superscript minus | 141 | 2D |
Superscript plus | 140 | 2B |
Superscript right parenthesis | 139 | 29 |
Thorn, lowercase | 180 | B6 |
Thorn, uppercase | 164 | A4 |
Tilde, non-spacing | 228 | E4 |
Tilde, spacing (use in URLs) | 126 | 7E |
Turkish i without dot, lowercase | 184 | B8 |
Tverdyi znak | 183 | B7 |
u with hook, lowercase | 189 | BD |
U with hook, uppercase | 173 | AD |
Umlaut | 232 | EB |
Underscore, non-spacing | 246 | F6 |
Underscore, spacing (use in URLs) | 95 | 5F |
Upadhmaniya | 249 | F9 |