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View statistics for a local file

Find out how to view statistics for local bibliographic data and local authority files in Connexion client.

You can only view statistics using the following workflow. You cannot retrieve the records. To view statuses and retrieve records, you must use Cataloging > Show > By Local Save File Status or Authorities > Show > By Local Save File Status.

 Note: Batch processing is unavailable for local constant data files.

  1. Navigate to File > Local File Manager or press <Alt><F><F>.
  2. Under Choose File Type, select the type of file for which you want to view statistics.
    • Bibliographic
    • Authority
  3. In the Files list, click the name of the local save file for which you want to see the number of records with specific statuses.
  4. Click Statistics. The Status List for the specified file opens, showing statistics for local bibliographic files and local authority files.
    Available local bibliographic data file statistics - Table
    Statistic description
    The number of records with Completed, Failed, or Ready status for the following actions:
    • Delete Holdings
    • Export
    • Etiqueta
    • Produce
    • Replace
    • Submit
    • Update Holdings
    • Validate
    The number of records with the following source statuses:
    • Derivado
    • Extracted
    • Imported
    • OCLC
    • Workform
    The number of records with the following workflow statuses:
    • Completed
    • In Process
    • In Review
    • Nuevo
    The total number of records in the file.


    Available local authority file statistics - Table
    Statistic description
    The number of records with Completed, Failed, or Ready status for the following actions:
    • Add
    • Export
    • Replace
    • Submit
    • Validate
    The number of records with the following workflow statuses:
    • Complete
    • Imported
    • In Process
    • In Review
    • Nuevo
    The total number of records in the file.
  5. Click OK to close the Status List window.