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OCLC Support

View Holdings

Find out how to access and use the View Holdings window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the View Holdings window

  • Display holding institutions for a record by OCLC symbol.
  • View the institution name for an OCLC symbol in the holdings list.
  • Print a list of holdings.

Access the View Holdings window

  1. With a bibliographic record open, on the View menu, click one of the following: 
    1. Holdings > Default or press <Ctrl><Shift><D> 
    2. Holdings > All or press <Ctrl><Shift><A> 
    3. Holdings > State or press <Ctrl><Shift><T> 
    4. Holdings > Regional or press <Ctrl><Shift><G>
      • You must be logged on to view holdings. 
      • Hover the mouse over the OCLC symbol of an institution to see its name. 
  2. (Optional) Click Print to print the list. 
  3. Haga clic en Cerrar.

View Holdings window: Features and buttons

Característica How to use
Local holdings statement/number of other holdings Shows whether your library (OCLC symbol) holds the item and the total number of other libraries holding the record (e.g., State locations - Held by OCL - 95 other holdings).
Record description Shows a brief description of the record.
Locations list View holding institutions by OCLC symbol.

To see the name of an institution, move the cursor over a symbol.
Type of location What you see
Por defecto Default holdings, based on the number of holding institutions and their geographic distribution.
All All holdings attached to the record.
State Holdings in your state.
Regional Holdings in your region.


Button name Click the button to...
Close Close the window.
Print Print the displayed list of holdings.