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Search LC Names and Subjects

Find out how to access and use the Search LC Names and Subjects window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Search LC Names and Subjects window

  • Search the online LC names and subjects authority file.
  • Use the command line to enter any type of search, including a browse string, using full syntax.
    • For a browse string, precede each term with the Scan command (sca) and an index label and colon. For searches, type and, or, or not to combine terms.
  • Use the keyword/numeric search area to construct a guided search by selecting search components without having to type full search syntax.
     Note: To enter a guided browse (index scan), use Authorities > Browse > LC Names and Subjects.
  • Show or hide "See" and "See also" references.

Access the Search LC Names and Subjects window

  1. Navigate to Authorities > Search > LC Names and Subjects, or click Search LC Names and Subjects button, or press <Shift><F2>.
    • If you are logged on to OCLC Connexion, the Search Authority File window opens immediately.
    • If you are not already logged on, the Logon OCLC Connexion window opens. As soon as you complete the logon and close the Welcome window, the Search Authority File window opens automatically.
  2. Enter a command line search (full syntax search string).
    Enter a guided search (provide search term(s), select index(es), select Boolean operators to combine search terms in different indexes if needed, and let the system put the search together.
    See details in the table below. 
  3. (Optional) Select a check box to show "See" and/or "See also" references in records. 
  4. Click OK to send the search. 

See more about how to search the LC authority file.

Search LC Names and Subjects window: Features and buttons

Característica How to use
Command Line Search field For experienced searchers. Enter any kind of search.

Enter an entire search string in correct order. Include index labels, punctuation, operators, and qualifiers (if needed).
Enter an entire browse string preceded by the Scan command (sca).
Select a previous search or browse string from lists of up to ten previous search or browse strings.

  • pn:vivaldi
  • sca pn:vivaldi
Keyword/Numeric Search area
Search for ... in
text fields and index lists
For searchers who do not want to remember index labels, order of search components, etc.:
  1. In a text field, enter a search and select an index from the adjacent list. 
  2. (Optional) Enter up to four more searches in other text fields and select a different index for each.

    Combine multiple search terms by selecting Boolean operator(s) AND, OR, or NOT from the lists preceding text boxes.


Select a previous search term from the drop-down list of up to ten previous terms.

For a list and descriptions of indexes, see Authorities: Formats and indexes.

AND/OR/NOT lists Select Boolean operators to indicate how you want to combine multiple searches in different indexes:
  • AND - Finds records that contain both terms in the same record.
  • OR - Finds records that contain either term.
  • NOT - Finds records that contain the first term but not the second term.
Show See References in Results check box


Show See Also References in Results check box
Click to deselect or select the options to show or hide "See" and "See also" references in records. Check marks indicate that the options are selected.
Retain Search check box Select or deselect the option to keep the most recent search(es) in the Search for box between logon sessions.

If you retain the last search, the client keeps search terms, indexes, and Boolean operators.

A check mark indicates that the option is selected.

If the option is cleared, the client clears search terms but keeps the last indexes and Boolean operators you used.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Send the search (or press <Enter>).
Cancelar Cancel the search and close the window.
Enter Diacritics Open the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window to enter a diacritic or character in a search term.
Clear Search Clear search terms. The client keeps the last Boolean operators and indexes you used.