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Process Batch

Find out how to access and use the Process Batch window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Process Batch window

  • Select one or more local files to process and then run batch processing simultaneously for those files, including: 
    • Searches of WorldCat and/or the Authority File
    • Record actions you selected for bibliographic and/or authority records in the selected files
  • Select options for processing order for record actions (set separate options for bibliographic and authority records).
  • Click a button that opens the Batch Search Options window to assign a My Status and/or apply default constant data to downloaded records.

Access the Process Batch window

  1. Navigate to Batch > Process Batch or press <Alt><B><P>.
  2. Select check boxes next to the files you want to process.
  3. Select check boxes for the kinds of processing you want to run (searches, record actions, exports, and/or label printing).
  4. Select the processing order from drop-down lists for record actions.
  5. Click Search Options to add a My Status or default constant data to downloaded records.
  6. Click OK. Processing occurs immediately.

See more about how to run batch processing.

Process Batch window: Features and buttons

Característica How to use
Local Files list and check boxes If you use multiple local files, click the check boxes next to all files that you want to process.

If you use only default local files, those are the only ones listed.

Default local bibliographic and authority files:
  • X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db\DefaultBib.bib.db
  • X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db\DefaultAuth.auth.db

Default settings: Check boxes are deselected.
Retain file selection check box Select or deselect the option to keep your file selections each time you open the window. Select if you use the same local files over and over to run batch processing.

Default: Check box is deselected.
Process check boxes Select one or more of the following to process in batch mode:
  • Online Searches - Search keys you entered in a local file.
  • Online Record Actions - Actions you marked on records in the local file while offline.
    • Batch actions available for authority records:
      • Add to Authority File (NACO-affiliated libraries only)
      • Replace Record (NACO-affiliated libraries only)
      • Submit for Review
    • Batch actions available for bibliographic records:
      • Delete Holdings
      • Produce
      • Replace
      • Submit
      • Update Holdings
  • Exports
  • Label Printing (bibliographic records only)
    • In order to batch-process exports and labels, you must set the option(s) in Tools > Options > Batch tab to perform them in batch.
    • If batch processing options are not set for export and labels, exporting and printing labels happens immediately when you are offline.

Default: Check boxes are deselected.
Check date in Replace check box (Optional) Select the check box to have the client check the Replaced date of the WorldCat record against the local file record before batch-processing the action you marked.
  • If the WorldCat record date is more recent, the action on the local file record fails, and the client downloads the newer record to the local file.
  • Whether you select the check box or not, the client always checks the WorldCat record Replaced date against the local record Replaced date when you process Replace.
  • If you do not select the check box, the client processes your local records as they are and does not check for a newer record.

Default: Check box is deselected.
Bibliographic Processing Order list (Optional) Select one of the following list entries to determine the order in which to process bibliographic records:
  • Date/Time Added (default)
  • Save File Number
  • OCLC Control Number
  • Name
  • Title

 Note: If you select Name, the client uses a secondary sort by title for records that have no name or the same name data.
Authority Processing Order list (Optional) Select one of the following list entries to determine the order in which to process authority records:
  • Date/Time Added (default)
  • Save File Number
  • Rúbrica


Button name Click the button to...
Enter Search Keys (Optional) Open the Enter Batch Search Keys window to check or enter searches for batch processing without having to go back to the menu commands.

The button is available only when you click to highlight the file you want to use. Otherwise, it is unavailable (grayed out).

  • When the Enter Batch Search Keys window opens, you can switch to another file of the same type (bibliographic or authority). 
  • When you are finished and close the search keys window, you are returned to the Process Batch window to complete processing.
Local File Manager (Optional) Open the Local File Manager window to manage your files (relocate, create, delete them, etc.).

The Process Batch window remains open. After you close the Local File Manager, any changes you made to local files are displayed immediately in the Local Files list.
Opciones de búsqueda (Optional) Open the Search Options window to enter a My Status and/or apply your default local constant data to downloaded bibliographic or authority records.
OK Run batch processing:

The client logs on and immediately processes searches and actions in the local file(s) you specified using any options you set in the Process Batch window.

 Caution: Batch processing requires that you pre-set a default logon authorization and password for automatic batch logon. Set either:
  • A general default authorization in Tools > Options > Authorizations.
  • A specific default authorization for a local file. Open the File Manager (File > Local File Manager); select a file and click Authorization.

    If set, a local file logon authorization overrides a general authorization for that file.

See more about how to set a default logon authorization and about how to set a separate default authorization for a local file.
Cancelar Cancel any changes you made and close the window.