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OCLC Support

Contact Support

Find out how to access and use the Contact Support window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Contact Support window

  • Email a question, problem, or suggestion to support staff at your regional service provider, OCLC support, or staff at one or more e-mail addresses that you specify.

 Note: Please do not use the Contact Support form to report errors in records. Instead open the appropriate record change request form by navigating to Help > Useful Web Links > WorldCat [or Authority] Record Change Request. The Change Request form goes directly to OCLC database quality management staff.

Access the Contact Support window

  1. Navigate to Help > Contact Support or press <Alt><H><C>.
  2. Enter your nametelephone number, and email.
  3. Enter your message.
  4. Select other options (see details below).
  5. Click Send.

 Note: The client sends your message via Connexion. You must be logged on to send the Contact Support form.

See more about how to get support.

Contact Support window: Features and buttons

Característica How to use
Type of Message
Selection buttons Select the type of message you want to send:
  • Suggestion/Enhancement (default)
  • Problem/Question
Problems and Troubleshooting link Click to open the Connexion client known problems and troubleshooting page to check for known problems and solutions or workarounds
Choose a recipient for this message
OCLC Support button Select the button to sent the message to when you click Send.
Any E-Mail Address button and text field
  1. Select the button to send the message to one or more email addresses you enter.
  2. In the text box, enter one or more email addresses (if more than one, separate each address with a semicolon) 
Your Information area
Text fields Enter your name, telephone number, and email address in the boxes.
  • You must enter this information before the client can send the message.
  • Once you have entered the information, the client automatically supplies it the next time you open the window.
Message and options area
Large text box for message Enter your message.

You must enter text before the client can send the message.
Yes/No buttons Click Yes or No to indicate whether you:
  • Give permission for support staff to contact you
  • Want a copy of the message sent to your email address


Button name Click the button to...
Send Send the message.
Cancelar Close the window without sending the message.