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Cataloging agent authorizations

Discover cataloging agent authorizations.
  • Purpose - Cataloging agents are authorized to process cataloging records for library members of a Cataloging Agent group or other cooperative program. Agents also process data sync records for group members when the records cannot be processed automatically.
  • Request authorization - Request a Cataloging Agent authorization from your OCLC regional service provider or distributor. For existing Union List groups, the Cataloging Agent authorization must be assigned to the Union List agent. If the group does not have an agent, one must be assigned.
  • Cataloging activities - Cataloging Agent authorization capabilities are the same as Full.
  • Agent-specific privileges in Connexion - Cataloging agents can:
    • Cataloging - Update Holdings, Produce and Update Holdings, Alternate Produce and Update, Delete Holdings, and Export (Export is available for both bibliographic and authority records) and Replace WorldCat records, except those that contain field 951.
    • LC authority file - Edit an authority record and export the edited record; create authority records.