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Statuses for saved bibliographic records

Find statuses for saved bibliographic records in Connexion client.
  • You or the system assigns record statuses only to assist you in managing and processing records you are using for cataloging.
  • Status values are stored only in the working copy of a record saved in the online or local bibliographic save file.
    Exception: The client does not save the status for Report Error with the record.
  • Statuses are displayed in a record's status bar and in a save file list.
  • If a saved record is locked, once you replace the WorldCat record with your edits or release the lock, the statuses are not retained in the WorldCat record.

The following table lists the types of statuses and how they are supplied, their purpose in helping you manage and process records, and the available categories or values you or the system can assign.

Type of Status
(supplied by)
Propósito Categories/Values
(The system supplies the status)
  • Show actions taken on a record immediately online
  • Show outcome of online actions (Completed or Failed)
  • Show local file records marked Ready for batch processing

For a complete list of actions you can take on records in the online and local save file, logged on or offline, see Use bibliographic save file search results.

  • Delete Holdings
  • Export
  • Etiqueta
  • Produce
  • Replace
  • Submit
  • Report Error (not saved with record)
  • Update Holdings
  • Validate

  • C (Completed)
  • F (Failed)
  • R (Ready)
  • Blank (not set)
(The system supplies the status)
Show the origin of a bibliographic save file record Derived
Extracted (assigned only to records saved in the local file)

See Source status categories defined for more information.
(You select from a system-supplied list)
  • Show a record's position in your cataloging workflow
  • Let you change the status when editing and re-saving a record
In Process (system-set default)
In Review
Lock status

 Note: Online save file only

(You lock or release a record; the system supplies the appropriate status)
Show when the WorldCat record is locked Locked
(Appears in the record information area if the record is locked)
My Status
(You assign)
  • Assign a customized status; for example, you assign your name or a priority (such as high or low) to records
  • Create categories of records in ways that help you easily retrieve them
Up to 40 characters of free text you entered (Action > Set Status) or Tools > Options > My Status [assign default]).

See Change or assign workflow status or My Status for more information.
Submitted for Review status

 Note: Online save file only

  • Retrieve records you submitted to other libraries for review
  • Especially useful if you need to Recall Submitted Record (Action menu) and when you need to revise or complete the record based on review comments
Retrieve when you search the online save file by selecting the Submitted for Review check box in the Search Online Bibliographic Save File dialog (leave other search criteria empty).
Retrieve using Authorities > Show > By Online Save File Status (select only the Submitted check box).
Review File status

 Note: Online save file only

Retrieve all records sent to your library for review
Retrieve records sent to your library for review by one specific library
Retrieve when you search the online save file by selecting one of the following check boxes in the Search Online Authority Save File dialog (leave other search criteria empty):
  • All Review File Records
  • Review File Records for Institution [enter institution symbol in adjacent text box]
Held status

 Note: Local save file only

Retrieve only records held or only records not held by your library Retrievable via check box in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File dialog

See Status bar for more about the status bar display and Use bibliographic save file search results for more about save file list display.