Correct or add a URL
Discover when and how to correct or add a URL in Connexion client.
When you can correct or add a URL
Authorization level required
- To correct URLs and replace records, you need at least a Full level or higher authorization.
- With a Full authorization, you can replace records created by any institution to correct URLs in the following fields: 505, 506, 520, 530, 583 and 856. In addition, you can replace records to correct any other fields if you contributed the records and they are held only by your library.
Authorization levels required for specific record types
- For CONSER records (serials that have field 042), you must have a CONSER level authorization to change the URL in field 856 or to add field 856 in the WorldCat record.
- For minimal-level records (also called less-than full level), any cataloging user with a Full authorization may edit and replace most of the data in the record. CONSER records are again an exception; you must have a CONSER authorization to replace a WorldCat record.
- An Enhance level authorization allows selected users to edit WorldCat records based on the format of the record (sound recording, computer file, etc.).
- Additional information is available chapter 5, Quality Assurance, of OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards.
Correct or add a URL: Basic steps
- Open the record for editing.
- Click Action > Lock WorldCat Record or press <Ctrl><F8>.
- Change the URL in one of the fields specified in the next section or add one of these fields.
- Take the appropriate action.
- Replace Record
- Replace and Update Holdings
- After completing the Replace action, edit the record for your own use.
Record fields that may contain URLs
The following fields and subfields may contain a URL:
- 505 $u
- 506 $u
- 514 $u
- 520 $u
- 530 $u
- 538 $u
- 540 $u
- 545 $u
- 552 $u
- 555 $u
- 563 $u
- 583 $u
- 856 $u