Editing tools for bibliographic records
Discover the available bibliographic record editing tools for use in Connexion client.
The Connexion client provides the following tools for editing:
- Constant data
- Create (Cataloging > Create > Constant Data) and apply constant data records (Edit > Constant Data > Online > [Apply Default or Apply from List]) to avoid rekeying data you use frequently in records.
- See Apply constant data for more information.
- Text strings
- Create and enter text strings for data you use frequently (shorter form of constant data) (Tools > Text Strings or use the text strings quick tool on the toolbar:).
- See Create custom text strings for more information.
- Authority control
- Use automated authority control (Edit > Control Heading > [All, Single, or Uncontrol]) to keep headings in records consistent with Library of Congress headings.
- See Control headings in bibliographic records for more information.
- MARC field Help
- Look up a specific MARC field description for any field you are working on, via a command that links to Web-based MARC documentation (Help > MARC Field Help, , or press <Shift><F1>).
- RDA Toolkit field descriptions
- Set up and open RDA Toolkit field descriptions for variable fields (RDA = Resource Description and Access).
Note: You must be a subscriber. See the RDA Toolkit for more details.
- Set up and open RDA Toolkit field descriptions for variable fields (RDA = Resource Description and Access).
- Spell checker
- ALA diacritic and special character entry
- See Insert diacritics and special characters and Default keystroke shortcuts for diacritics and special characters.
Example: To enter a subfield delimiter, press <Ctrl><D>.
- See Insert diacritics and special characters and Default keystroke shortcuts for diacritics and special characters.