Run batch processing

Discover how to run batch processing and the results of batch processing in Connexion client.

Run batch processing

After you prepare searches and/or record actions, run batch processing:

  1. Click Batch > Process Batch or press <Alt><B><P>.
  2. In the Local Files list, select check boxes to select as many local files as you want to process. You can batch process any or all local save files, whether they are bibliographic or authority, and whether they are set as default or not.
  3. Under Process, select one or more check boxes to select the types of processing you want to run:
    • Online Searches
    • Online Record Actions - When selected, the Check date in Replaced check box becomes available. Select it to have the system check the WorldCat record in WorldCat for a more recent date. If one is found, the Replace action fails and the client downloads the more recent version of the record to your local file.
    • Exports (must have the option for batch export selected in Tools > Options > Batch)
    • Label Printing (must have the option for batch export selected in Tools > Options > Batch)
  4. Select the processing order for actions on records and for returning search results. Under Process:
    • For bibliographic records, select one of the following:
      • Date/Time Added (default)
      • Save File Number
      • OCLC Control Number
      • Name
      • Title
    • For authority records, select one of the following:
      • Date/Time Added (default)
      • Save File Number
      • OCLC ARN
      • Rúbrica
  5. When finished, click OK to run batch processing for the selected local files. The client shows the progression of the batch in the Connexion Client Batch in Progress window.
    • To cancel processing during a batch run, click Cancel Batch in the Connexion Client Batch in Process window.
  6. For records marked for some actions, the client may ask if you want to save the records to the local file after the batch is finished.
    • Click Yes to save.
    • Click No to delete after the batch is completed.

Results of batch processing

Exception: The client retains your file selection if you clicked to select the Retain file selection check box in the Process Batch window. Searches are deleted from the local file unless you set options to keep searches that failed (Tools > Options > Batch).