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Uncontrollable fields

Find MARC uncontrollable fields in Connexion client.
Campo 1st indicator 2nd indicator Nota
240     Field 240 cannot be controlled
400     While series headings are access points, the primary function of the 4XX fields is to reflect the transcription of series statement on an item, and secondarily to provide access as a series added entry. Currently, if 440 fields were controlled, the 'correct' 440 heading text could be incorrectly changed to the new heading in the authority record. This would result in the loss of the field's primary function of transcribing the series statement as found on the item. Only series headings coded 8XX can be
6xx (where x = any number)

Excludes controllable

655/second indicator 0

genre fields, which can be controlled
  1 Children’s subject headings
  2 MeSH subject headings
  3 National Agricultural Library subject headings
  4 Source not specified
  5 Canadian subject headings
  6 RVM French Canadian subject headings
  7 Requires presence of subfield 2 and valid scheme
 Note: In some bibliographic records, headings tagged as 6xx with indicators other than 0 (zero) are incorrectly highlighted as controlled headings.